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mardi, novembre 24, 2020

Possible Methods of UFO Propulsion Examined - Part XVI

Possible Methods of UFO Propulsion Examined - Part XVI

By Dr. Raymond A. Keller, author of the international awards-winning Venus Rising series of books:

Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet

Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus

Cosmic Ray's Excellent Venus Adventure

The Vast Venus Conspiracy

Lady Columba Venus Revelations

G. Harry Stine (26 March 1928-2 November 1997), former Chief of Navy Operations at White Sands Proving Grounds in New Mexico, believed that rockets would one day be replaced by electromagnetically powered, anti-gravity, interplanetary spaceships.

“The Make-Up of Outer Space”

It was Dr. W. R. G. Baker, the vice-president and general manager of the General Electric Company’s Electronics Division, who pointed out in late 1955 that scientists working in many fields were actually beginning to explore the deep mysteries of the universe.  Baker noted that everyday these scientists were “learning new things about the make-up of outer space and formulating new concepts.

“Today,” Baker continued, “we in electronics are deeply interested in what lies beyond the Earth’s atmosphere and its gravity field.  For there we may find the electronics world of tomorrow.  Such questions in the past usually have been reserved for the realm of physics and astronomy.  But through entirely new applications in radar, for example, science already is able to measure some of the properties of the world beyond.  Warm bodies radiate microwaves; and by recording noise signals, we are learning about invisible celestial forces we did not even know existed.”

“Power of the Future”

Concurrent with the corporate developments taking place insofar as anti-gravity research was concerned, leaks from government experts on this same topic were seeping into the press.  G. Harry Stine, the Chief of Navy Range Operations at the White Sands Proving Grounds in New Mexico, wrote the following in his article, “Anti-Gravity:  Power of the Future,” in the June 1957 issue of Mechanix Illustrated (New York City, New York):

“There is a good chance that the rocket will be obsolete for space travel within 50 years.  Some of us have been concentrating on the development of the rocket as the possible power plant for outer space propulsion.  We have fired a lot of them and we have proved that they will work in outer space.  We have also learned a lot about what is out there by using rockets. And probably we will take the first few faltering steps into space with rocket power plants.

“But recent discoveries indicate that the spaceship of the future may be powered by anti-gravity devices.  These, instead of using brute force to overcome gravity, will use the force of gravity itself much as an airplane uses the air to make it fly.”

Hints of Progress Made

In the mid-1950s, Sir William Cooke, the English scientist who developed the cathode-ray tube used in television sets, was already conducting extensive experiments into levitation phenomena, a field that once belonged exclusively to vaudeville magicians.  But reasoning scientists, admiring the work that Cooke accomplished with television research and development, thought that if their fellow English investigator felt there was something to levitation after all, that they, too, would take a serious look into it.  

Other noted scientists were investigating the fields of gravitic isotopes, jet electron streams and the mechanics of the electron shells surrounding atoms.  Townsend T. Brown, a prominent American inventor, had even gone further in his anti-gravity research.  In his article, Stine wrote that, “There are tumors that Brown has developed a real anti-gravity machine.”  He also pointed out that there were many firms working on the problems of anti-gravity, and particularly cited Bell Aircraft, General Electric, the Glenn L. Martin Company, Sperry-Rand Corporation, and others.  

What ufologists may find particularly interesting is the following quote from the chief of the Navy missile operations:  “Rumors have been circulating that scientists have built two disc airfoils two feet in diameter incorporating a variation of the simple two-plate electrical condenser which, charged to a potential of 50,000 volts, has achieved a speed of 17 feet per second with a total energy input of 50 watts.  A three-foot diameter disc airfoil charged to 150 kilovolts turned out such an amazing performance that the whole thing was immediately classified.  Flame-jet generators, making use of the electrostatic charge discovered in rocket exhausts, have been developed which will supply charges up to 15 million volts.”

The “Cosmic Ray” unveils many of secrets of the Venusians’ astounding science in the pages of his Final Countdown:  Rockets to Venus (Terra Alta, West Virginia:  Headline Books, 2017).

Fantastic Revelations in Final Countdown:  Rockets to Venus

Confirmation of these very principles were expounded upon years earlier by a Venusian saucer pilot to George Adamski out on the Colorado Desert in Riverside County, California, where her scout ship landed about 10.2 miles northeast of the small, truck stop community of Desert Center on 20 November 1952.  The highly detailed, scientific conversation regarding her flying saucer’s electromagnetic propulsion that took place between the Southern California contactee and the lovely Venusian, Lady Orda, is found on pages 41-42 of my second book in the Venus Rising Trilogy, The Final Countdown:  Rockets to Venus (Terra Alta, West Virginia:  Headline Books, 2017), pages 41-42.  Lady Orda’s words vindicate everything that the Navy missile operations chief was only speculating upon in his Mechanix Illustrated article.  Lady Orda was known on Earth at that time as Dolores Barrios, residing clandestinely in Venice, California, and working as a seamstress under contract with Helen Rose, the costume designer for the Metro Golwyn Mayer Studios epic science fiction adventure movie, Forbidden Planet, that was released on 3 March 1956 in Charlotte, North Carolina.  A never-before seen photograph of Dolores Barrios and this writer, taken at Chula Vista, California, in 1972, by Gabriel Green, President of the Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs of America, appears on page 39 of the book.  This is a different photo than the one which appears on the cover of Cosmic Ray’s Excellent Venus Adventure (Headline Books, 2017).  It was at that 1972 meeting that Lady Orda explained to the Cosmic Ray the gist of her conversation with Adamski in 1952 regarding the electromagnetic propulsion system onboard the Venusian scout ships (ventlas).  

Anti-gravity saucer capable of hyper-space travel as seen in the MGM 1956 science fiction epic movie, Forbidden Planet.  

Discoveries Made

Stine took note that several important discoveries with regard to gravity propulsion had been made in the year and a half since the Talbert series of articles appeared in the New York Herald Tribune’s European edition from 20-22 November 1955.  First, the propulsive force does not act on only one part of the ship that it is pushing.  It acts on all parts of the ship within the gravity field created by the gravitic drive.  Second, it probably is not limited by the speed of light.  And third, gravity-powered vehicles have apparently been able to change direction and accelerate rapidly at high g’s, even stopping abruptly without any heavy stresses being experienced by the measuring devices aboard the vehicle and within the gravity propulsion field because control is exercised by changing the direction, intensity and polarity of the charge on the condenser plates of the drive unit.  Even for scientists in 1955-1957, this was a fairly simple task.  


Stay tuned to this website for Part XVII of 'Possible Methods of UFO Propulsion Examined,' where Dr. Raymond A. Keller, a.k.a. “Cosmic Ray,” takes us aboard a real anti-gravity spaceship developed by a joint American corporate and government consortium in the late 1950s that actually flew to Venus and back in 30 minutes.  

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'The legend comes to life, centered on the 19th-century Bell family of Robertson County, Tennessee, near the town of Adams, along the Red River. From 1817-1820, the Bell family is tormented by an entity determined to exact fear and pain. This is a well-produced film by Small Town Monsters that details the folklore associated with this timeless Southern tale. I'm sure that you'll enjoy it.' - Lon Strickler