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jeudi, novembre 12, 2020

News & Notes: 2nd Recent Strange Encounter Reported Near Spruce Knob, West Virginia

A family is camping in the Spruce Knob area in West Virginia recently. An unknown 'figure' or 'silhouette' suddenly manifests outside the tent during the night.

I came across this recent post on social media:

"My husband, son and I went camping in rural West Virginia, kind of traveling around other parts of the state we don’t get to often enough.

We live in the Eastern Panhandle, but the places we camped were in Grant/Hardy Co., Pendleton County, Lost River area, and Spruce Knob, closer to the middle of the state. We camped Friday-Monday and had no cell service the while time.

Anyway, our second night, we set up at Spruce Knob (Monongahela National Forest). It’s not a ‘campsite,’ it’s a fire ring we found on a good hike from the long, quiet, sparsely populated country road. So not serious backpacking, but not populated by any means. People occasionally drive up to see the overlook, but after sunset, we generally hear no cars and could not see/hear evidence of others camping nearby, not even a distant fire.

We got in our tent around 9 or 10 PM. And about 30 minutes later, my husband describes this primal, overwhelming fear sense that something is off, so he’s wide awake, and so is our son. The tent flap/rain cover moved or made an odd but quiet rustle, then suddenly, he sees a human-like figure standing right next to our tent, like close, a silhouette. An imposing stance, and tall, like staring into the dark tent looking down at us inside. It just ..appeared. There were no sounds like a bear or person would make approaching the tent, except for possibly the wind moving our rain cover, which was a very quiet and odd sound, not someone walking up.

My husband yells HEY! HEY!, etc. And clapped/made noise, because maybe it is a bear, and his first thought was to scare it off.

It wasn’t moving around, it was very still, not swaying with the pretty non-existent/gentle wind, like a tree moving or how eye tricks would appear. It was just standing (hovering) there.

It hung around a few more seconds after my husband made noise, then it just kind of ‘evaporated’ or vanished; still no sound. Like a good horror movie. He got out and looked around with the flashlight, still yelling, clapping, looking around. He found no disturbance, no tracks, no rustling or any noise. Simply gone.

Now I know it’s very possible this is some trick of the eye. We always feel very safe in these woods/know them well, so him having that fear response immediately before seeing this or hearing the rain flap is unusual. He doesn’t just get creeped out for no reason. We’re built with instincts, so they should be trusted.

Also, based on where the moon was (waning crescent), offering very little light, not enough to create a silhouette) and our campfire was out (plus the ‘apparition?’ was close to the woods, on the back side of the tent; so even if our campfire was going, the angle would be wrong to create that illusion).

It’s bothering us because there’s not really a good explanation. I want to reiterate we never get bad vibes while camping like this. We’re experienced in the woods and I’m always armed.

I so wished we’d snapped a pic or something, but panicking about a bear/scary ax murderer/ghost whatever, taking a pic didn’t cross our minds. It was all too quick anyway - felt like forever but this was probably only a good 60-90 seconds.

So. Mothman? Anyone had anything similar happen? We may be going back next weekend because other than our visitor, we had so much fun and it was a lovely camp spot (or would that be pushing our luck?)

I wanted to write this out while the details were still pretty fresh." A

NOTE: This is another recent strange encounter in the Spruce Knob, West Virginia area. Lon

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Arcane Radio is LIVE w/ chat on the Beyond Explanation YouTube channel

Becky Cook | Respected Idaho Author Researcher - Bigfoot Lives | Arcane Radio 9PM EST 11.13.2020

Join me as I welcome paranormal / anomalous investigators Jack Cary and Butch Witkowski to Arcane Radio.

Join Lon as he welcomes Becky Cook, Bigfoot Researcher and Author, to Arcane Radio this Friday, Nov. 13th, 2020 at 9pm Eastern. Becky is an award winning author, columnist, and speaker from Idaho. Becky has been collecting true Bigfoot encounter stories since she was in her teens. Becky Cook has collected these stories from numerous people around the state of Idaho who have actually seen Bigfoot and shares these eyewitness accounts along with her own experience. From this background, Becky Cook has written now 3 books about Bigfoot sightings in Idaho. 'Bigfoot Lives in Idaho' is her first book. It was followed by 'Bigfoot Still Lives in Idaho' and finally by 'Bigfoot lives Forever in Idaho'. She grew up in eastern Idaho and now lives near Burley, ID with her family. She has published several hundred articles and stories in local, regional and national publications. Becky Cook is a great speaker and this will be a very informative  show focused on the very real Bigfoot phenomena in Idaho and the NW USA.

This will be a very informative and entertaining show! Join us this Friday, November 13th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT -  Watch LIVE w/ chat on the Beyond Explanation YouTube channel or at Beyond Explanation on Facebook

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