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lundi, novembre 30, 2020

'Ape Man' or 'Dogman' Encountered Near Traverse City, Michigan

A group of older teens encounter a bizarre 'ape man,' possibly more canine, quadruped that they chase into a tree near Traverse City, Michigan. 

I recently came across this bizarre account:

"It was the summer of 1973. My dad had just graduated from high school (Waterford Township High) and he and a bunch of friends had gone up north a ways outside of Traverse City, Michigan. His friend Susie's family had a cabin out on a lake up north. There was a group of about a dozen 17-19 year olds all hanging out and drinking beers and celebrating the summer.

The group of them were having a bonfire out on the beach when Susie got up to go to bathroom. My dad's friend, Mike offers to 'walk her there,' and as they are walking the 50 ft from the beach bonfire to the cabin, Susie notices a dark shadow much further up the road near the tree line. Susie points it out to Mike and he looks, then says they should hurry up because he thinks it might be a bear.

But Mike pauses for a moment as this creature continues to lope closer toward the cabin (but not in a way that indicated its destination was the cabin). He notices it isn't nearly big enough to be a bear and thinks it may be a wolf of some kind. Susie comments that it doesn't look furry enough and maybe it has mange or is rabid.

As they are walking closer to the cabin, the creature meets a break in the tree line and becomes considerably more visible in the moonlight. That's when Mike calls my dad and another guy over and they see what appears to be a (very) hairy naked man loping down the gravel road on all fours at a pretty decent clip. They send Susie back to the bonfire to be with the rest of the group and they decide to chase it. (drunk teenaged boys)

They start booking it toward this creature. When it sees them heading for it, the creature starts booking it back up the road and across the clearing. Now, my dad ran track and was at the best shape of his life, albeit drunk and he couldn't catch the damn thing as it barreled down a gravel road on all fours. It reaches the tree line and leaps up a clear 10-15 ft into a tree.

At this point, a bunch of the beach kids have run over to where the boys all were. There they all saw this weird ape man (as my dad always described him) sitting in the middle of a spruce tree that it somehow managed to jump up into and climb while butt naked.

They toss some beer cans and rocks at the thing and kind of just aggravate it for a few minutes in the darkness, when suddenly it emits this horrifying sound. My dad says it was the most blood curdling noise he'd ever heard and it sounds halfway between the bark of a dog and the bleat of a sheep. It was LOUD. After it makes this noise, it starts shaking and sort of jumping in the tree. Then it jumps out and books it into the woods.

My dad still swears to me the story is true and Mike has confirmed at least pieces of the story he can remember. As adults, my dad and I have discussed our theories and I have just assumed it was a burnt out hippie that had taken too much acid. I'd also like to stress that we had never heard about the dogman and we had always called him the 'ape man'." CW

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Please use the PayPal donation buttons on the blog site and newsletter. You can also go directly to Phantoms & Monsters donation. Thanks again for your loyalty and continued support. Lon


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Chicago Mothman Flying Humanoid - Fortean Research Team Case Updates | Arcane Radio 12.04.2020

Join Lon as he welcomes Phantoms and Monsters Fortean Research investigators Tobias Wayland and Manuel Navarette for an in-depth Chicago / Lake Michigan Mothman discussion on Arcane Radio. Tobias, Manuel and Lon have been investigating this phenomenon since the first accounts surfaced in the summer of 2011 and then when an influx of sightings began in early 2017. The encounters continue to occur, with new variations and descriptions that need to be documented, researched and investigated. To this date, there are well over 100 incidents that we deem as credible! This will be a truly outstanding, informative livestream conversation that details many actual events. With a live superchat that can answer many of your questions. Enjoy!

Tobias Wayland is a passionate fortean who has been actively investigating the unusual for over a decade; the first several years of his investigative career were spent as a MUFON field investigator, and following that he investigated independently prior to becoming the head writer and editor for the Singular Fortean Society. Tobias is a frequent guest on various podcasts and radio shows, has contributed to several books on the paranormal, and is often invited to speak at paranormal conferences and events. He was also featured in the Small Town Monsters documentary Terror in the Skies and the series premiere of Expedition X for his work investigating Mothman sightings around Lake Michigan. He and his wife Emily have been involved with the Lake Michigan Mothman investigation since its advent in the spring of 2017, and recently published a book chronicling the experience, The Lake Michigan Mothman: High Strangeness in the Midwest. For more information - The Singular Fortean Society

Manuel Navarette is the founder and curator of UFO Clearinghouse and an active paranormal investigator. He is currently one of the chief investigators of the Chicago / Lake Michigan Mothman phenomenon (along with Lon Strickler and Tobias Wayland) and a member of the Phantom and Monsters Fortean Research Team. Manuel has been interested in the paranormal since the age of 17 and has had multiple sightings of UFO’s and recently of a winged humanoid at Chicago O’Hare Airport. The website he founded, UFO Clearinghouse is a website dedicated and committed to providing the most up to date information on recent UFO sightings, reported alien abductions, and cryptid sightings. It is designed as a place where information can be freely exchanged and accessed by paranormal researchers and investigators for the reason of furthering the search for the truth. UFO Clearinghouse

This will be a very informative and entertaining show! Join us this Friday, November 13th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT -  Watch LIVE w/ chat on the Beyond Explanation YouTube channel or at Beyond Explanation on Facebook

Listen to our podcast at the 'Beyond Explanation' YouTube channel



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Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid / Flying Entity Sightings & Encounters

Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research Website

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Would your paranormal / cryptid group like to become an affiliate of Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research? By becoming an affiliate investigative group, we can forward reports to you from your area in which none of our team can physically investigate. If interested, send me an email at The member / affiliate list can be found at Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research Team / Affiliate Groups. Thanks. Lon

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