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dimanche, novembre 22, 2020

A Bizarre Night of Strange Creatures, Lost Time & Unexplained Events

A group of friends in New York state are moving one of the group to a new house. There are an unexplained series of events that occur during the move. Quite bizarre.

This account was recently forwarded to me for an assessment:

I have been stewing on this story for a while. This takes place in New York (Finger Lakes region) during the mid-summer.

It was my best friend's last day at his old house, which was filled with weird sh*t. I've experienced stuff there, and have a few experiences that can be boiled down to ghosts. All the way to feeling like my life was in danger, which is why I refused to spend the night there, as that was when the feeling came.

So this was their last day at the old house, getting all their stuff to their new house. I was helping them that day.

All I remember from that day is walking in the house and seeing the windows filled with dead flies; like more than I thought could be in a house, and then driving to their new house at night, which had to be at least 8 hours of missing time. I was confused, and I asked them, "where are we?" I was told, "we are in bumf*cknowhere town, on the way to the new house."

I said, "But we never got the rest of your stuff."

My friend's brother looked at me, concerned, and said "yeah, we did."

"What happened?" I said...and was just told, they would tell me later.

This is a story best to come from their mouth, as I cannot remember. It was just 8 hours - poof - gone, and only their word on what happened.

All they said was, I was very quiet the whole time when sh*t went down in the house.

We're driving, and noticed that there were no other cars on the road. Which is strange, as we are going through quite a few small towns, and it was still early in the night on a Friday.

The little brother mentions this; and as soon as he does, a bunch of cars come around the corner.

At this point, it's just circumstantial; but there will be a pattern. We keep driving, and we notice that all of the houses are completely empty; like, lights are on, but we see nothing in them. No furniture. Nothing. I mention this and 'boom' next house. we noticed people just standing in the window, staring at our car. We notice this in the next 3 or 4 houses. At this point, we are sh*tting bricks, and notice that this drive is taking way too long. They had only moved a few towns over, and this drive was taking well over an hour. It feels like we have been driving in a cornfield for a while.

My friend says, "What the f*ck is going on? We should almost be there by now."

Lo and behold, the cornfield ends, and we recognize where we are again.

Seeing a pattern yet? Because I didn't. And I said something that I regret to this day:

"Man, what other weird sh*t is gonna happen tonight?"

As soon as it came out of my mouth, I knew I f*cked up, and my friend and his brother started yelling at me, saying, why would I say that, and we get into a yelling match. We never argue.

My friend slams on the brakes. In front of us, is what I can only describe, as a BIG the size of a person with the head of an owl.

This 'whatever it was' struck so much damn fear into the three of us.

His little brother, a 20-year old dude who played football, just started crying, and I was on the edge, like I was going insane.

This sh*t wasn't making sense, and I was having a mental gymnastics show trying to figure this out.

My friend just stared at it; until he said, "someone grab their phone." His battery was dead from the time he was in the old house.

This woke me up and I went to grab my phone, and this "whatever" ran into the field, into the darkness as soon as I started pulling it out.

So, we finally get to the new house.

We pull in the driveway, and back into their parking space. When his brother says, "what the hell is that?"

We look up, and see, what I can say looked like a pure white bigfoot, crawling around like a spider. It has red eyes, and it just crawls away to the forest.

We sit in the car for 45 mins until their mother arrives.

No drugs or alcohol were taken that night; well, not until after we got into the new house.

The best logical conclusion I can come to is, there was a CO2 leak in the old house, and we were having a group hallucination. This is by far the weirdest day of my life.

I mention this now, because my friend said the new owners of the old house have a "for sale" sign on it. They were there for less than 2 years. I was told, they had a thriving daycare there for about a year and a half, and then suddenly closed it down." FH

NOTE: This is quite a bizarre series of events, but I doubt that it was CO2 induced or mass hysteria. There does seem to be some unknown supernatural reason for these events happening and realized by all involved. Lon

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Hey folks...I will be appearing on Coast to Coast AM on Tuesday night November 24th from mid-2am Pacific time, which is 3-5 am Eastern time on Wednesday morning November 25th. This will be my 7th guest appearance on Coast to Coast AM.



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The first BXP MEMBERS ONLY PREMIER is coming up later this month. Being a BXP Member Premier it will be a new video mini-documentary where Lon will be sharing his research and thoughts regarding the BIGFOOT PARADOX while participating in a live chat where Lon will take questions from members. 

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BXP Member Premieres lets members watch and experience a new video two weeks early and together with the author and creator. It's like a movie or TV show premiere just for our members and with the opportunity to ask questions and learn more in a live chat.

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