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samedi, octobre 03, 2020

Positive Bigfoot Contact Along Southern Indiana Creek

A young woman in southern Indiana was trapping wildlife in order to supplement her finances. Her positive experiences with a a presumed Bigfoot were the result her activity.

The following account was recently forwarded to me:

"About 20 years ago, after I graduated high school here in the southern bot-tip of Indiana, I used to run traps to make extra money in the winter. Since I was pregnant with my daughter any sort of extra income was necessary. My father had always told me about the creek I trapped in as being quite strange. We would always walk the creek to collect arrowheads and look for other Shawnee relics. So he would tell me stories about the Shawnee Native American tribe and their history and folklore. It was a very special spot to us. So when I began trapping my father would tell me to have respect for the wildlife. (Don’t litter, kill humanely and don’t kill what doesn’t need to be killed). So I built a great deal of appreciation to life, which led to my career in conservation. The only reason I state these things is to build context as to why I did what I did.

About once a week, while walking up the creek I would hear whistling, like a human but in random patterns. I would also recognize an odor that was sulphuric and similar to rotten eggs. My dad told me was most likely a Bigfoot. And sightings had occurred as long has he could remember in our area.

Then one time I was scanning down the tree line with my binoculars to check to see if I had any coyotes and foxes in my traps to save me the walking time. I saw a fairly medium-sized tree swaying dramatically a little past the tree line, so I headed over there with my .22 hoping to sneak up on a bobcat, or any animal that was medium-sized my .22 could kill with a headshot. About 3/4 of the way to the tree line the swaying stopped, and I didn’t see anything, but at least 2 of whatever it was began whistling and “whooping” further back in the forest. I continued to head up the creek and it always stayed somewhat behind me at a distance but never left. That was interesting.

Then one day, sadly, an oil fracking company purchased most of the land, but they still gave me permission to trap. They had a few accidents where the water got so damn nasty it killed just about everything. It broke my heart to see beavers, muskrats and some coons floating down the creek every time I went. But after they had installed their rigs and cleared some forest, things got a little hostile.

One day while running traps almost all of my traps had been ruined, bent, beaten and broken. And the remaining animals I had caught were either stolen, ripped from the trap with the foot or leg still attached. I even found a coyote that had been messed up bad. Fur torn, broken lower jaw and head beaten in. I felt like this was in retaliation to what the oil company had done.

For a few months afterwards I would go to the store twice a week and buy a variety of apples, pears and a mixture of meat from carcasses I had skinned. I'd put it in a basket and leave it in the forest hoping whatever it was would get it before anything else. Sometimes the basket would disappear, but always in 2 days everything was gone. One day I believe it left me a present in return. Next to where I dropped off the basket, there was about 100+ small sticks stacked very neatly, about 20 acorns and a deer antler. It made me feel happy.

I do hope that I did help this creature out in its very sad moment of life, because I never physically seen it, or any tracks in the creek bed. But all of my occurrences happened in the woods along of the creek, so I really don’t know. So still to this day, 20 years later, I think of it time to time, and I don’t see a reason people should be afraid of them. It was a sad but positive 2 winter seasons with it. Even if it was an animal I didn’t recognize, I hoped I helped." SB

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A review of 'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' by Linda Godfrey

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