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mercredi, octobre 14, 2020

Flying Reddish-White 'Manta Ray' Seen Over St. Petersburg, Florida 1957

The following interesting report comes from 1957 in St. Petersburg, Florida. A couple states that they observed a bright reddish white 'flying manta ray' in the early morning sky above the city.

“Flying Manta Ray Over Florida”

Dazzling White Lights, Moving Bodies, Things Soundless Seen Over City

A dazzling white light in the sky yesterday at around 5:20 AM brought reports of new heavenly mysteries. Mr and Mrs Tom Clark and Mr and Mrs C G Dillman, Times route carriers, were among those reporting it. Clark described it as a dazzling light with long orange tail. 

Flashing Oval: Dillman said it was oval, and reddish white, the kind of light that radiates from high temperatures. It flashed westward, and disappeared in 10 or 15 seconds. Dilman said he was certain it was not a rocket, or a jet or a meteor. The Clarks placed the time at 5:25 AM Dillman was not certain of the time but said it was near that hour. “It looked like a manta ray with curling orange tail,” said Clark. “It was an eerie sight.” Dillman said he had been discussing Wednesday morning Times stories of strange lights in the skies a half hour before he saw the flare.

Didn't Believe: “I didn't quite believe these things. I do now,” he said. Clark was seated in the rear of their car and Mrs Clark was driving, when the white light suddenly appeared. “I could see it through the windshield of our car, so it must have been close to earth,” said Clark. In four or five seconds it dipped earthward, and disappeared behind the tree tops. The Clarks were driving north on 51st Street, between Emerson and Fifth Avenues South. The Clarks said the object made no noise and was moving very fast. “The moon was setting in the est and this object, whatever it was, made so much light, it blotted out the moon,” said the Clarks.

Source: St. Petersburg Times, St. Petersburg, Florida, November 7, 1957


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