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jeudi, septembre 03, 2020

Possible Methods of UFO Propulsion Examined - Part I

Possible Methods of UFO Propulsion Examined - Part I

By Dr. Raymond A. Keller, author of the international awards-winning Venus Rising series of books

Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet

Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus

Cosmic Ray's Excellent Venus Adventure

Since the massive appearance of UFOs in our skies at the dawn of the atomic and space ages, the astounding power and maneuvering capabilities of these objects has long amazed engineers and scientists the world over.  To greater and lesser degrees, these dedicated ones have tried their hands at duplicating the qualities manifest in the UFOs in both the design and construction of unconventional and experimental aerospace vehicles.  In this series of articles, we look at some of the attempts by those on the cutting edge of anti-gravity and spacecraft propulsion research to build Earth-based versions of the legendary flying saucers.

The Nazis only got to test fly a prototype saucer one time, on 14 February 1945, outside Prague, Czechoslovakia, in the closing days of World War II.   Thank God that sabotage by the internal German Resistance and Allied air raids thwarted the various Nazis’ secret weapons projects from coming to full fruition and deployment.  Source of painting:  Daily Mail, London, United Kingdom, 18 November 2010.

Flying Saucers and High-Tech Weaponry in Nazi Germany

The Nottingham, United Kingdom, Guardian Journal newspaper of 18 February 1957, reports that the Nazis had a prototype flying saucer in their armory of secret weapons in 1945.  Allegedly, this circular aircraft could reach a speed of 1,250 miles per hour.  The saucer, which was 138 feet in diameter, was designed by four engineers, these being three Germans and one Italian.  Fortunately, because this aircraft was developed in the closing stages of World War II, an opportunity never presented itself for the Axis powers to deploy it against Allied forces.  The saucer was taken for one test flight, however, on 14 February 1945, at Prague, Czechoslovakia.  It supposedly reached a height of more than 40,000 feet and achieved the expected maximum speed of 1,250 miles per hour.  

Reports of the saucer’s existence first appeared in the pages of Rudolph Lusar’s book, German Weapons and Secret Weapons of World War II and their Development (London, United Kingdom:  Neville Spearman, English edition, 1959; original German, 1957).  The book is considered credible by weapons experts worldwide, at least insofar as Lusar was the head of the Technical Arms Department of the German War Ministry from 1940-1945.

One of the many secret Nazi weapons covered in Lusar’s book include a vertical takeoff plane called the Viper.  There were ten Vipers actually ready for action; but Lusar asserts that they were never used.  Also, there was a radio-controlled flying bomb that was equipped with a television camera to allow it to be guided more accurately and remotely to its target by the bombardier aboard the aircraft it was deployed from.  Lusar maintains that the United States military adapted the technology of this radio and television-directed bomb for the development of a similar device used against Chinese invading forces in Korea during the conflict that took place on that Asian peninsula (1950-1953).  

Also, in the field of aviation, Lusar maintains that the Germans towards the end of World War II were working on the Heinkel 343, a bomber that could reach the Eastern United States and return to Europe without refueling and the so-called “V-9 Super Rocket.”  This last mentioned weapon was an outgrowth of the V-1 and V-529 rockets which the Nazis fired at the British Isles.  Had it been completed, the V-9 would have been capable of carrying a one-ton warhead to New York City in 35 minutes.  

Other secret Nazi weapons included in Lusar’s book were various types of cannons:  acoustic, electric and wind.  The acoustic cannon was designed to kill enemy combatants with sound waves at a range of 70 yards.  Lusar, however, writes that the acoustic cannon never lived up to the touted expectations of the Nazi war planners.  The electric cannon, on the other hand, did make it so far as the experimental stage.  According to the Technical Arms Department chief, this cannon was soundless, even while expelling a conventional shell by means of electricity.  And then there was a wind cannon that could shatter boards at a distance of 200 yards with jets of compressed air, thus eliminating the need for expensive and manufactured ammunition.  

On top of all this, there was also an automatic rifle that could fire around corners in house-to-house fighting.  This type of advanced rifle was not duplicated until the early 2000s, when Lt. Col. Amos Golan of the Israeli Defense Forces came up with the “Corner Shot,” a weapon accessory now in common use by Special Weapons Attack Teams and special forces in hostile situations, usually involving the taking of hostages by terrorists. 

Nazi Rocket Scientist Opines on Extraterrestrial Origin of the Flying Saucers

In 1940, at the onset of World War II, we find the rocketry pioneer, Hermann Oberth (1894-1989), working as a physics professor in the Technische Hochschule, a technical college, in Dresden, Germany.  In the following year, Oberth moved to Peenemunde to work on Nazi Germany’s TOP SECRET Aggregate rocket program, where he achieved much success in the development of the V-series of rockets that were ultimately used to rain down massive destruction on lives and property in the British Isles.  During the course of the war, he also helped the Nazis develop solid propellant anti-aircraft rockets at a facility in Wittenberg.  

Despite his sordid past in the ranks of the Nazi scientific establishment, Oberth eventually came to the United States in the mid-1950s, at the behest of his former student Wernher von Braun, to work with him at a newly created space research facility in Huntsville, Alabama, run by the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics, on the development of a fleet of space rockets for the United States.  Oberth had published many technical papers on the possibilities of space-based reflecting telescopes, space stations, space suits and even electric-powered spaceships.  Wernher von Braun convinced his American superiors at Huntsville that Oberth’s help with various on-going projects would prove invaluable.  Of course, their research and rocket designs laid the groundwork for the establishment of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in 1958.

Hermann Oberth had some definite opinions about flying saucers, however, that are surely worth noting.  In the American Weekly magazine (New York City) of 24 October 1954, the space scientist opined that, “It is my thesis that the flying saucers are real; and that they are spaceships from another solar system.  I think that they possibly are manner by intelligent observers who are members of a race that may have been investigating our Earth for centuries.”  And in an article that appeared in the May-June 1955 issue of the prestigious Flying Saucer Review (London, United Kingdom), Vol. 1, No. 2, pages 12-14, “They Come From Outer Space,” Oberth details the history of “strange, luminous objects” seen in the skies of our planet since the time of Pliny the Elder in the first century A.D. Roman Empire, and then writes, “Having weighed all the pros and cons, I find the explanation of flying discs from outer space the most likely one.  I call this the ‘Uraniden’ hypothesis, because from our viewpoint, the hypothetical beings appear to come from the sky (Greek- ‘Uranos’).”  

Other former Nazi scientists that have made their way to the United States under the auspices of Project Paperclip to contribute their expertise to research and development in various high-tech fields have made similar comments about the extraterrestrial origin of the flying saucers.  Most notable among these was Oberth’s former student, Wernher von Braun, who made America’s Apollo Moon program the success that it was, stated to a reporter’s inquiries concerning UFOs on 3 June 1959, that, “We find ourselves faced by powers which are far stronger than we had assumed, and whose base is at present unknown to us. More I cannot say at present. We are now engaged in entering into closer contact with those powers, and in six, or nine-months-time, it may be possible to speak with some precision on the matter.”  He also purportedly went on to aver that, “It is as impossible to confirm UFOs in the present as it will be to deny them in the future.”  See UFO/UAP Alien News and Info Disclosure/UFO Scoop, (Accessed 2 September 2020), for direct quotes on UFOs from sundry authorities “in the know” on this subject.

From the comments made by the space research team of Hermann Oberth and Wernher von Braun, one can logically deduce that the Nazis may have gained some inkling of the advanced technology they were developing in the Third Reich from extraterrestrial sources.  Oberth believed that the flying saucers originated from another solar system, although he wasn’t sure if they were manned or remotely controlled; and his student von Braun felt that the objects were manned and have been operating out of nearby secret bases for hundreds of years, perhaps under the Earth, on the backside of the Moon, or perhaps the closer planets of Mars and Venus, conducting an ongoing surveillance of our world and keenly watching our scientific and spiritual progress.  Given the vast distances between the stars, it certainly makes sense that the extraterrestrials would conduct themselves in this manner. 

Editor’s Note:  Keep checking this website for Part II of Raymond Keller’s Possible Methods of UFO Propulsion Examined, where the doctor will examine the amazing theories put forth by the electrical engineering wizard J. R. R. Searl in 1949, that led to the development of an advanced generator conducive to explaining the nature and origin of the propulsion system onboard the enigmatic flying saucers.

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