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lundi, septembre 07, 2020

Lead Bullets Have No Effect On 'Evil Cat' (Lancaster, PA - 1902)

A cautionary tale from Lancaster, Pennsylvania in 1902 that concerns a bewitched 'evil cat' that cannot be killed by lead bullets. So I suppose silver bullets are the next choice. 

From the The 'Harrisburg Telegraph,' July 30, 1902:

Lancaster, July 30. Mrs. Augustus Stiffel, wife of an ironworker, says she is bewitched and lays the blame for her condition on a big black cat.

According to her story, the cat, which is as large as a good-sized dog, with eyes like balls of fire, visits her house nearly every night, and after it has gone a note in the handwriting of a woman is found, the writer starting she is jealous of Mrs. Stiffel and will have her husband at any cost.

Last Friday night Mrs. Stiffel threw a cushion at her visitor, and suddenly a ball of fire shot from the cat's hide and burned her in the arm. Mrs. Stiffel is prostrated over the affair and her friends say that unless the spell is removed it will kill her. 


From the August 28 'Leon Indicator':

Lancaster (Penn.) Cor. Phila. Times.--According to the story of Mrs. Augustus Stiffel, her husband and her neighbors saw a witch in the form of a great, black cat with huge, shining eyes, who had "put a spell upon her."

Until short time ago Mrs. Stiffel was in good health. Now she lies in her bed wasted with illness. For this unfortunate condition the witch is blamed.

Two weeks ago, Mrs. Stiffel declares, an immense black cat made its appearance by her bedside, with a note in its paw. This note contained dire threats against her. Almost nightly, thereafter, the feline returned, each time bringing a note. Once, she says she threw a cushion at the animal, when a ball of fire struck her, badly burning her dress and the flesh of her arm. The burned garment and scarred flesh are shown in proof of her story. The cushion, she explains, was entirely consumed.

The woman's husband, who is employed at night, stayed from his work to watch for the cat and he, too, declares, he has seen it.

Efforts have been made to shoot the cat with ordinary bullets, but they have had no effect. Silver bullets will now be tried, as they are said to insure a witch's undoing.

NOTE: No other information is available on this account. Lon

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Nomar Slevik & Mike Stevens - 'Granite Skies: A Disconcerted Journey Through the Unknown' - Arcane Radio
 Join me as I welcome 'Granite Skies: A Disconcerted Journey Through the Unknown' authors Nomar Slevik & Mike Stevens to Arcane Radio. Nomar Slevik is an independent creator, researcher and investigator in numerous aspects of the paranormal. He delights in sharing stories through different mediums such as books, documentaries and podcasts. He has shared his works with hundreds of thousands of enthusiasts and has maintained a steady output of material for over twenty years. Mike Stevens is a New Hampshire native, born and bred. When not helping others with their experiences, you can often find him in the forests and mountains of the state camping and hiking. Mike hopes to combine his simple New England values with his own experiences to give people a positive new outlook on the UFO phenomenon. - This will be a very informative and entertaining show! Join us this Friday, September 11th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on -  Direct links can be found at or at LiveRadio/Paranormal King Radio Network - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to Paranormal King Chat

Listen to our podcast at the 'Beyond Explanation' YouTube channel or at Arcane Radio on Podbean. Thanks...Lon

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Ghosts and an Ancient Lost Treasure in England

Stonehenge enhanced sounds like voices or music for people inside the monument

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There’s Something About Mount Shasta

Chicago & Regional Winged Humanoid / Flying Entity Sightings & Encounters

'Beyond Explanation' is a collection of first-person encounters, directly from the pages of Phantoms & Monsters. Please subscribe & feel free to distribute to your friends and other paranormal enthusiasts. The Facebook page can be found at Beyond Explanation on Facebook - Thanks for your help. I hope you enjoy! Your comments are welcomed. Lon

PLEASE NOTE: The Arcane Radio YouTube uploads are being moved to the 'Beyond Explanation' channel. You may want to subscribe to 'Beyond Explanation' so that you don't miss an episode. Thanks.

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'Ask Lon Anything' - Beyond Explanation

Coming in September are "Ask Lon Anything" YouTube Chats! These will be LIVE with Lon where you can ask your questions or just watch and learn.

We have scheduled our first Super Chat on YouTube for Weds. Sept. 9th at 9 PM ET on Beyond Explanation. Stay tuned. And Like and Subscribe to the channel for details as we update this opportunity to be live with Lon!
Beyond Explanation

'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available on and from our new publisher Singular Fortean Publishing

A review of 'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' by Linda Godfrey

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