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vendredi, septembre 04, 2020

Furry Humanoid Encountered in Northern Wisconsin Woods

A teen in northern Wisconsin encounters a furry humanoid in the woods near their house. They had never been afraid of the outdoors until this shocking incident.

The following account was recently forwarded to me:

"I saw a humanoid or something in the woods outside my childhood home. This was rural northern Wisconsin and I was 14. Up until that day I had zero fear of the woods. I spent most of my time out there exploring and feared nothing.

My parents had a bad marriage and fought a lot. I felt more at home outside than in the house. On hot nights, I'd take a sleeping bag out onto the roof of an old shack on our property.

I saw bears, I saw wolves. They were always more afraid of me than me them. I didn't believe in ghosts, Bigfoot, demons, or even God. I only got lost out there once when dark fell sooner than I expected. I stayed calm, found the North Star, and knew that if I continued south I'd eventually come across the old railroad tracks near my house. Even the thought of spending the night out there didn't bother me.The thought of my mom's rage when I didn't come home did.

So it was summer, I had just turned 14. By that time, my mom had left my father. He worked all the time and my sister was living on her own. Once school was out, it was me and my cat. This is before the internet or smartphones.

We lived on a dead-end dirt road and around noon I took my usual stroll down the long driveway to check the mail. My cat followed me everywhere and I actually kind of relied on him to give me a heads up if there was a bear or something close by.

A noticed bit of movement behind me as I stood at the mailbox made me aware there was something across the road in the trees but there were pesky deer everywhere. I heard a loud crash, as if something making its way through the brush loudly. I simply tucked the mail under my arm and headed into the woods to investigate. My cat followed close behind.

I got about 10 yards in when I noticed what I hadn't noticed before, that there was no noise. Nothing. It was a beautiful June day and there wasn't a single bird singing, no insects, no leaves rustling. It was absolutely silent.

At the same time I registered the silence, I got that eerie feeling that something was watching me. I stopped immediately and started scanning the woods for deer. Hunters know what I'm talking about when I say you look for the shape of a deer instead of trying to pinpoint them by color.

That's when I spotted it. Two brown furry legs, the top of it concealed by tree branches. Then my cat hissed. I looked down and he was completely poofed out with his back arched. Looking at the same thing I was.

I looked back up and the legs moved. Not like a deer. Like a human. Everything happened at once after that. I dropped the mail, picked up my cat by the scruff and ran for it. Whatever was out there with me was running after me. I have never run so fast in my life. I tore up the driveway, into the house, locked the door and grabbed the phone.

I called my next door neighbor who was the ex-chief of police and he came over immediately with his pistol. He checked out the spot I was in and found nothing. I was so hysterical I was in tears. He stayed with me until I was able to reach my mom and have her come get me.

Of course they thought I was completely high or delusional. I know exactly what I saw and felt. It was broad daylight. I never felt safe in those woods again and stopped sleeping outside.

Please note. I should probably add that I thought I was looking at a deer's forelegs, but once it took a step I realized the legs were far too thick and human (but with fur) for that. And there were only two legs, not four. Plus I realized it was way too tall for a deer to be concealed by the tree branches. It all happened within seconds.

I was (and still am) the calm, rational middle child and my parents trusted me (they let me sleep outside. Sometimes we all did to catch a meteor shower). I'd casually mention running into a wild animal and my dad would just as casually say "You made a lot of noise? Good."

I was quiet and sensible and had never freaked out about anything before then. I had my neighbor's number for emergencies and had never called him prior to that. This is how shaken I was. I was embarrassed when he and my mom looked at me like a fool and later, when my dad also didn't believe me.

Not once did my instincts set me off in those woods until that very moment when I absolutely beyond a doubt realized I was prey and ran for my life." TN

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'Beyond Explanation' is a collection of first-person encounters, directly from the pages of Phantoms & Monsters. Please subscribe & feel free to distribute to your friends and other paranormal enthusiasts. The Facebook page can be found at Beyond Explanation on Facebook - Thanks for your help. I hope you enjoy! Your comments are welcomed. Lon

PLEASE NOTE: The Arcane Radio YouTube uploads are being moved to the 'Beyond Explanation' channel. You may want to subscribe to 'Beyond Explanation' so that you don't miss an episode. Thanks.

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Beyond Explanation

'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available on and from our new publisher Singular Fortean Publishing

A review of 'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' by Linda Godfrey

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