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vendredi, août 07, 2020

Small Hairy Hominids Observed by Fossil Hunters in West Texas Flatlands (Follow-Up Report)


by Sharon Cornet

Lon Strickler’s initial report: Small Hairy Hominids Observed by Fossil Hunters in West Texas Flatlands

2nd WITNESS: RG2 (age 14)
LOCATION: 4 miles south of Fort Stockton, TX in the Davis mountains while fossil hunting
DATE OF THIS REPORT: 7/30/2020 (initial interview 7/14)
INVESTIGATOR: Sharon Cornet, Affiliate with Phantom & Monsters Fortean Research


RG and his daughter saw the 2-3’ high creatures as close as 50 yards away. He said they “Didn't look like a monkey… but I’ve never seen a bigfoot.” The four creatures had 5 fingers, were hairy head to toe except for their fingers, knuckles, and face. Their hair was not long but one was more bushy-headed than rest. Whether they were male or female is unknown. The diminutive beings stayed a safe distance away from them, but RG and his daughter both felt like they were being followed. They first saw them a couple miles or so out, and the little hominid-like creatures followed them out to the 3-4 mile mark, and then back towards their vehicle again. This happened one weekend after the Covid-19 lockdown started, around April of 2020.

The area is flat and open. There had been rain so green shrubs and sage bushes were present but no trees. The creatures were hiding behind the sage when he said, “I swear to God I saw something move!” His daughter said to "walk backwards" when they saw the creatures. The little guys rose up, looked like they were communicating somehow with hand gestures, but it was unknown if they talked. They took off suddenly, scattering. RG exclaimed, “Oh my Jesus! I’ve never seen anything close to that.” He wondered if what he saw was even real. RG2, his daughter replied, “Dad, it's real." He wondered, where could these things come from? Later, the creatures would come back together, following them once more.

They saw the creatures several times. “There was one,” RG explained, “then here comes the other one, then the other one, then the fourth one. I slipped and stumbled, but then they realized we were facing them, so they dropped down, scurried together, and then I chased them.” RG said he is 5'-7" and 300 lbs so he went after one to see it (not to capture it, just to see). He said, “The closer I got the further away they would scurry away. I couldn’t catch up… they moved as fast as a teenager in its prime." He chased them a total of three times.

After about 4-5 hrs he realized it was getting late and they had to get back to their motel. The creatures followed them back on their hike toward their vehicle. They had gone hiking out approximately 4-5 miles total. Ricky said the area has nothing out there but scrub, but the tiny hairy beings followed them almost all the way back, up to 1/2 mile toward the road. He and his daughter turned to see them and wave at them, but the creatures were gone.


NOISE: They heard a chipping sound similar to a ground squirrel. He thought they were like ground squirrels like back in Sweetwater (Texas, like prairie dogs, etc.) but he had never seen them out there.

HAIR: Reddish brown, one was lighter (fawn color)

HEIGHT: All four of them ranged between 2’-3' high

FACES: They had a wide mouth but they couldn't see any teeth (he has an astigmatism but did not have his glasses), broad nose, normal human-looking eyes, dirt-colored skin (whitish-sandy) like the dirt they were standing on (perhaps good camouflage).

ARMS: Normal size for their bodies, not longer or bulkier

EVIDENCE: Saw some footprints but looked like human footprints as if a kid ran through sand, just small… like a 10-12-year old age human child (they didn't count toes), bare feet. The feet appeared out of proportion for their bodies, possibly bigger feet (his daughter is size 5 yet theirs were close to same size—she is around 4’-10”). The footprints were a little bit wider than a human’s but appeared “well used”.

ADDITIONAL NOTES: He said he wished he had his dog with him, or a camera, but they did not even have their cell phones along. No other unusual events.

RG did relay this story, which also happened in the Davis mountains to his uncle (ex-army, deceased now) since he had once had a similar experience: His uncle said he saw pebbles bounce back, and then saw a little creature. This alarmed him so he took his knife out and it ran off. He was unsure if it was hairy or not, but his uncle had told him it was a little humanoid creature. When asked where his uncle had seen this little person, RG said they had gone up the side of mountain, maybe mid-way at the time of the sighting. RG said, “We may have been in the same area” when he and his daughter had the “little foot” sighting of the four hairy hominoid creatures.

RG’s teenage daughter RG2 said she was not comfortable talking about the incident because it had given her bad dreams.

MAP IMAGES: (see below)

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Growing Up With Sasquatch and two more new, true, first person Bigfoot reports. BXP A063

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