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dimanche, août 02, 2020

Skinwalker Accounts From The Navajo Rez

3 separate accounts of encounters with Skinwalkers on the Dine Navajo reservation in New Mexico and Arizona. One account of running alongside a car, a shapeshifting coyote and an old 'witch' who cursed the jail.

I recently came across the following accounts:

"I dated a Navajo guy for 3.5 years when I was in college. We would go back to the rez pretty frequently to visit his family or for holidays. It is taboo for them to talk about it, but I was able to get the ex-boyfriend to tell me A LOT of stories and lore about skinwalkers, because I was really fascinated by them, and I guess he wasn’t too scared to tell me.

Every person in his family had their own skinwalker experiences, and they were normal, honest people. It’s not something they would make up. So I 100% believe skinwalkers exist.

I possibly had experiences, like hearing footsteps on the roof, and thinking I heard chanting coming from outside the window, but I guess so much time has passed there’s room for doubt in my mind now. The one definite experience I had, which still - I’m the only person who didn’t definitively see the skinwalker, my ex-boyfriend and his family were driving on the road between their houses and the city in a kind of convoy, pretty late at night. Car 1: boyfriend and me. Car 2: boyfriend’s sister and her kids. Car 3: boyfriend’s younger brother. Car 2, the sister calls and says to pull over because there’s something running alongside her car. All 3 vehicles pull over on the side of the road, she’s frightened because she looked outside her window and there was a skinwalker running beside her, but the kids didn’t see it. The younger brother saw it too because he was behind them. We’re all standing overlooking a small valley with very little coverage. Boyfriend and younger brother pull out their guns and decide to shoot to see if they can scare whatever it was. When they shoot, something in the valley does take off running, but it’s too far for me to tell what it is.

That’s as close as I ever was to seeing one. I always kept my eyes peeled when we were driving on the back roads. And it’s been so long (7-9 years) since I’ve heard everyone else’s stories that I feel like I wouldn’t do them justice." AR


"This happened to my big brother when he was 15. We grew up on the Navajo reservation in Arizona.

He was coming home from hanging out with a friend and it was probably around 2 am because his curfew was 11 and my guardian had been up a while. I know this because she was talking to my mom in the kitchen and super angry/loud and I stayed up listening to them argue.

When he came in my guardian started to tell him off but stopped because he was crying and talking in a hysterically frightened tone. Apparently he came in the back gate and saw a coyote standing propped up on its hind legs against the back door looking in the window. This wasn’t so odd because it was Arizona, but when he came closer the coyote turned its head to look at him and as it did, it turned its whole body and started walking toward him on two legs like a man. My brother swears it looked too big for a coyote as it came at him. He ran back out the gate and came around to the front door.

To this day he still cries talking about it. He’s convinced he encountered a skinwalker watching our family.

I also remember a wicked looking eagle following me everywhere I went up there, so much so that as a kid I talked to it and considered it one of my closest friends. And I know it sounds crazy but as a kid I remember telling it a really crappy joke I’d loved and ‘hearing’ laughter in my head." FA


"I live near the Navajo reservation in New Mexico and good friends with quite a few natives and you are absolutely right. Its taboo to speak of the skinwalker. More often than not you will just hear them being referred to as witches.

One of my friend's dad was tribal police and he told me a story about an old jail on the old rez of Santa Ana. In the early 1900s that there was kids getting sick and elderly dying and that the tribe knew it was a witch so they went looking for him and found him in the woods. They actually caught it an old dirty man who was surprisingly strong. They brought him to the jail. They had and put him in his own section and over the years he was forgotten about, until the 80s when they were moving everything to a new jail and they found his bones, and curses carved into the walls.

Now to the part my friend's dad had personal experience with. As a tribal police officer he would often deal with unruly people and they would take these guys to the old jail and lock them in the witches cell. He told me they would be in there for 20 minutes at the maximum before begging to talk and get out of the cell." FW

Arcane Radio is LIVE on the Paranormal King Radio Network. Direct links can be found at Mixlr - Paranormal King or at LiveRadio/Paranormal King Radio Network

Facebook event announcement: DeAnna Simpson - 'Hanover Haunting: The DeAnna Simpson Story' - Arcane Radio

Join me as I welcome spirit infestation experiencer DeAnna Simpson to Arcane Radio. The book that was written about her life in the house on Maple Avenue is titled 'Hanover Haunting: The DeAnna Simpson Story.' The author is Joni Mayhan. Her story was presented on 'The Dead Files.' The haunting was so extreme, Amy Allan warned DeAnna, “There are five men here and they all want you dead!” The book also includes other accounts from several paranormal and spiritual investigators, including our friends John Zaffis & Bill Bean. In fact, John Zaffis urged DeAnna to flee the house before it was too late. “You need to get out of here, Dee. It’s ancient. You have to leave. This thing has been here on this land for millions of years, and it’s known about your existence before you were born,” he told her. I've known of this haunting personally, since DeAnna and her husband lived within a mile of me. It's a neighborhood in the town of Hanover, PA where I have investigated 5 other hauntings during the past 4 years. This will be a very informative and entertaining show! Join us this Friday, August 7th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on Direct links can be found at or at LiveRadio/Paranormal King Radio Network - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to

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Click Here For Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available on and from our new publisher Singular Fortean Publishing

A review of 'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' by Linda Godfrey


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When Aliens and Strange Creatures Materialize and Dematerialize

The Truly Bizarre Tale of the Hunter and the Alien

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