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dimanche, août 23, 2020

Pale Crawler Humanoid Encounter in Dewitt County, Texas

A Dewitt County, Texas resident is walking around his town at night, when he suddenly encounters a bizarre pale white crawling humanoid. He believes that the being is stalking him and causing a string of bad luck.

The following account was recently forwarded to me:

"This encounter took place on January 12th, 2019 in Dewitt County, Texas. To be honest, I chose to go out on this particular night because my town was having a little ghost tour at the local haunted hospital. I was lonely and wanted to at least see others having fun.

It was 8 pm when I left the house and planned to be back within an hour. I have a routine of circling my town in the evening because I just like patrolling and there’s always things creeping about after nightfall. I made my way to the haunted hospital and once I got there I saw flashlights inside the windows and heard laughter. Seeing others have fun made me smile and got rid of some of the loneliness I was feeling. This was the halfway point of my walk and I started my second half heading home now.

There were some woods on the opposite side of town now but nothing impressive until I got to the last quarter of my walk. Now I was passing the baseball field on my left with a large wheat field on my right. This wheat field use to be a large extension of the woods but was cleared out for growing wheat. I continued again and crossed the small bridge that went over a creek and passed another section of woods. I was now headed towards a old metal building that has recently been turned into a place for making gates and fences. It was about 9 pm now.

This building had two small white houses beside it and a stretch of dirt road wrapping around the backside of it before returning to normal asphalt road. Now at night this place seems pretty scary but this was one of my favorite places to hang out at night and is a normal path I take my walks through.

As I was coming up to the dirt road I saw a very tall 8-10 foot pale figure, with lanky arms almost dragging the ground, about 40 feet ahead of me briskly walk from the white houses to the woods. I stopped walking. After a few minutes of standing there I convinced myself to continue walking forward. I mean I was an adventurous person and there’s no way I was just going to turn tail and go home when I just saw something so odd and out of place. Not even 15 seconds into walking forward this sudden heavy sense of dread overcame me like a giant weight crashing down on my shoulders. My instincts were telling me something was really REALLY wrong.

I turned my iPhone light on and shined it at the woods. Nothing. I kept walking while keeping my head on a swivel looking in all directions to keep my surroundings in check. About the fifth or sixth time I looked at the woods I saw it. A huge bleached white humanoid figure crouched on all fours. It was easily still 5-6 feet tall even though it was bent over. It’s black eyes paralyzed me. It had a big round bald head and a extremely emaciated body, void of all hair, with very long almost dislocated looking arms and legs. It’s legs were like a flamingo birds at the knee as it bent backwards instead of forward. I took all this in in a matter of seconds. 

Suddenly it reminded me of a praying mantis when it swayed back and forth while staring as if deciding whether to attack or not. This broke me out of my trance and I ran as fast as I could. I didn’t look back until I had ran a block. Out of breath and scared as heck I finally took a glance back. I didn’t see anything in sight. I didn’t hear it chase me either. Maybe it was just stalking those people in those two little white houses and was waiting for me to go away to go back to it’s business. Maybe it didn’t want anything to do with me. But that wasn’t the end.

I got home, took a shower, and turned out the lights before I hopped in bed when suddenly there was something tapping on my window. “Tap tap tap”. Three taps and nothing else. I laid in my bed that night wondering whether it had followed me home or not.

A string of bad luck ensued afterwards the following weeks. I was constantly burning stuff on the stove that was relatively easy to make and I was a excellent cook on top of that. My dog started going nuts at night growling and barking at night in the living room and at the front door (which she has never ever done as she is the quietest sweetest dog you’ll ever meet). And finally I got deathly sick for three weeks straight with no sure sign of what I had gotten. 103 fever, vomiting with blood, diarrhea with blood, sneezing, coughing, sore throat, migraines, nerve spasms, stuffy and dry nose (it changed constantly), aching all over really especially in my bones, etc. I’ve had smaller strings of bad luck before, after hearing it’s mimicry trying to lure me into the forest or seeing it one other time but I didn’t see any details, but nothing ever this extreme. I don’t go into the woods alone anymore." KN

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Two real first person Bigfoot encounters in Keystone, Colorado ski country! BXP A080

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Beyond Explanation

'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available on and from our new publisher Singular Fortean Publishing

A review of 'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' by Linda Godfrey

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