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lundi, juillet 06, 2020

Vicious 'Winged Humanoid' Attacks Chicago Couple (Update)

A Native American couple are viciously attacked by an unknown winged humanoid while driving in Chicago in 2005. Because of their culture, they believed that this may have been a Skinwalker.

The following account was originally reported as a comment to a YouTube video that described the early Chicago winged humanoid sightings. The text was poorly written, and needed to be corrected and edited. The witnesses were Navajo descent who had moved to Chicago. I don't know the nationality of the writer. I was eventually able to find a contact phone number and talked to the individual. This incident took place in 2005:

"I live in Chicago, and my friend's mom told him about this creature. Well, he told me that in 2005 his mom and dad were driving in the city and they noticed a giant bat-like creature following them at high speed. Obviously they didn't believe their eyes at what they saw, but luckily they sped up the car and got far away from the creature. His father was so shocked, that he just about smashed the car into a tree. They later stopped the car and discussed about what that thing was. While they were talking they once again noticed the creature flying towards them. His father started the car, but the creature was speeding towards them. Then without any hesitation, it smashed itself into the windshield. It was like it didn't see the window. Then it breaks the glass on the front passenger side door. My friend's mom was sitting there while it tried to put its claws into her arm. His dad had a glass bottle which he cracked into the creature's head. It falls on the ground and they drive away as fast as they can.

They assumed that they had gotten rid of the creature. When they got home, it was apparent that my friend's mom was injured. After helping his wife out of the car, he went back to close the car door. Then suddenly, the creature again appeared at a tremendous speed and attacked his mom. It attempted to grab her and fly away. But quickly, his dad beat the creature with a huge stone. It eventually took off and disappeared into the dark sky.

When the creature tried to take his mom away, she got a closer look at it. After all this happened and her being injured, she told her husband that "it's a kind of extinct creature. It had long sharp nails, a very scary face, glowing eyes and sharp teeth." His mother looked on internet to see what the creature was. At that time, they were new to Chicago. They had never heard about a Mothman. They were only thinking about one creature...a Skinwalker, because they were familiar with that creature because of their culture. It can transform into a half animal / half human.

After a lot of research, they eventually discovered that the creature closely resembled only one being. The Mothman. Since then, they always avoid dark places and those areas where other people don't frequent. They still believe that the creature will return and attack them.

After I heard about the incident from my friend, I thought he was lying. But when I heard this story from his mom, I now believe it occurred. Even if this thing exist, I will not truly believe it until I see it with my own eyes. Now it may have returned to Chicago" Name Withheld

NOTE: Over the past 9 years, while researching the Chicago winged humanoid phenomenon, this is the only account that I have been made aware of that involved physical contact with the creature(s). I'm not sure that this is one of the same beings recently reported to our team, but it closely resembles some of the sighting reports we have received since early 2017. When I talked to the writer by phone, he mentioned that the woman received a deep laceration on her right shoulder that needed medical treatment.

In the late Summer of 2011, reports of Mothman-like flying humanoids began to surface in the city of Chicago. After three brief sightings, there were no further accounts. Then unexpectedly in early 2017, a smattering of encounters emerged from different locations throughout the Chicago metro area; until the number reached near fifty sightings before the end of the Summer. The currently number of viable sightings reported has reached 105+...and it continues. We are determined to find the truth.

Since October 2019, the majority of sightings / encounters have been reported at O'Hare International Airport and the surrounding communities. We need your help.

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area and/or the Lake Michigan region? Please feel free to contact me at or at 410-241-5974 - your anonymity and confidentiality is guaranteed. Lon

The launch of our newest project has begun! 'Beyond Explanation' is a collection of first-person encounters, directly from the pages of Phantoms & Monsters. Please subscribe & feel free to distribute to your friends and other paranormal enthusiasts. The Facebook page can be found at Beyond Explanation on Facebook - Thanks for your help. I hope you enjoy! Your comments are welcomed. Lon

PLEASE NOTE: TheArcane Radio YouTube archive has been moved over to the 'Beyond Explanation' channel. All future Arcane Radio productions will be posted at 'Beyond Explanation' henceforth. You may want to subscribe to 'Beyond Explanation' so that you don't miss an episode. Thanks.

'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available in paperback & on Kindle

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