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mardi, juillet 07, 2020

Unknown Humanoid (Skinwalker?) Runs Parallel to Vehicle at High Speed

A Mexican man was driving, along with his wife, late at night on a desert road when he encounters an unknown humanoid that literally runs parallel to his vehicle at high speed.

The following account was recent forwarded to me:

"About 15 years ago I heard about a weird account from a friend. This was in a small town in Oklahoma with a decent sized Native population. Anyway, this guy is actually Mexican. Nicest dude you would ever want to meet. Was about 35 at the time. Had a family. Honest good-natured guy that I could never see making something up for no reason.

It was late one night and we were talking about an abandoned building at the campus of a small community college that used to be housing. Supposedly it was haunted. A friend and I wanted to sneak in and check it out. He advised us not to and mentioned that he once lived in an apartment on campus there and some strange stuff happened. Stuff like hearing footsteps upstairs in a different apartment and a fridge opening and closing. Then someone mentioned the upstairs was empty. He figured someone was squatting there. So at around 1:00 am he heard it and grabbed a bat. There was a staircase that led up there, so no way someone could have gotten out by the time he started up. He opened the door, but there was nothing other than an old non-working fridge on the opposite end. He didn't stay long after his doors began to open and shut on their own.

But he claimed that wasn't nearly as freaky as the last time he was in Mexico. He was driving back to the US after visiting family. His wife was in the passenger seat asleep. He wasn't too far from the border, so he decided to keep driving a little after midnight instead of stopping somewhere for the night. It was sort of a desert type road. He says he was going about 65 mph when he noticed something in his peripheral vision in the darkness out the passenger window. Something was out there, and it was keeping up with him.

Obviously this shook him up. He hit the gas, 70 mph, 75, 80, 85. It was still keeping up! At this point, it was almost too absurd that he thought it was just his tiredness playing tricks on his eyes. Until it changed directions. Instead of moving parallel with his car, it began to angle back toward the road, in a manner to intercept the vehicle. As it got closer, more light hit it and he said in no uncertain terms, it looked like a human. It was still slightly shadowed from the darkness, but he was certain it was a humanoid form. He accelerated to 90 mph and a few seconds later, it angled back into the darkness and was gone.

As he finished the story, I could tell his eyes were welled up and his hands were trembling. And this was a tough, no BS dude. It physically struck him to the core just to recall it. Not surprisingly, he said he is never going back to Mexico.

This is very similar to skinwalker accounts I have heard from friends and family on the reservation." S

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Join me as I welcome UFO researcher and author Dr. Raymond Keller to Arcane Radio. 'Cosmic Ray' is a retired history professor, who has lived and worked in 44 different countries and has been writing about UFOs and paranormal activity since 1967. He was the founder and director of the Outer Space International Research and Investigations Society (OSIRIS). He has written several books, including his Venus Rising Trilogy with the titles 'Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet', 'Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus' and 'Cosmic Ray's Excellent Venus Adventure.' Ray is a popular guest on Arcane Radio. - This will be a very informative and entertaining show! Join us this Friday, July 10th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on Direct links can be found at or at LiveRadio/Paranormal King Radio Network - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to

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'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available on and from our new publisher Singular Fortean Publishing

A review of 'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' by Linda Godfrey


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