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vendredi, juillet 17, 2020

Stan Gordon: Recent UFO Reports From Westmoreland & Fayette Counties, PA

Graphic depiction of the object observed near Irwin PA used with permission of the witness

The following reports were forwarded to me by Pennsylvania UFO & anomalies investigator Stan Gordon:

Large Spherical Object Moves Low Over Witness Near Irwin, PA-July 11, 2020

The evening of July 11, 2020 was nice and comfortable and the sky was clear so a man decided to take his dog for a walk. The man lived in the Irwin area only a few miles from the Turnpike. Suddenly the witness heard the sound of multiple dogs barking loudly and running down the street where he lived. This was unusual. The situation was odd enough that the man took his dog back home, grabbed a flashlight and walked out to the backyard then moved toward the front of the house.

He could still hear numerous dogs barking from around the area. He stood on the street for about a minute trying to figure out where the dogs were located. He walked up the street a short distance and happened to look up into the sky in the northwest. That is when he noticed a circular object that seemed quite large, that appeared to be rising from the ground about a mile away. The object was glowing red and bright enough to make out the spherical shape.

The object traveled toward the east then turned southeast in his direction and moved steadily while maintaining the same altitude. The object was now only about 5-6 houses away from where he was standing and only about 200 feet off the ground. The object whatever it was remained completely silent while under observation. The witness didn’t have his phone with him to take a picture.

The witness described the object as circular or egg shape. It was about 20-30 feet in diameter the size of a small house. There was a pulsating red glow emitting from the object with a rhythm similar to that of a heartbeat. While the object had a definite shape it appeared to be semi-transparent. One section of the object appeared to be a darker color than the others. There were, also what appeared to be circuit board lines going through some sections of the object as well.

The object was just about to move over the head of the man when he was distracted by the loud barking of more dogs running near him on the street. He was concerned that they might bite him and he was focusing on them. He was about 40 feet from his home and could hear his dogs barking as well. Seconds later the barking suddenly stopped and there was the sound of silence. Seconds later he looked back to the object which now was positioned directly above him but it was now about 1,000 feet in altitude.

The object moved from his property and over his neighbor’s moving toward the east. He ran behind his house to see where the object was going but his vision was blocked by the trees in that area.


There have been numerous UFO encounters reported for years throughout the Irwin and North Huntingdon areas.

This sighting is among a number of other UFO sightings that have been reported in recent weeks from this area of the state and elsewhere. Stan Gordon


UFOs That Enter Clouds But Don’t Exit

In late June 2020, a man taking photographs of the beautiful sunset observed something odd in the sky that still has him baffled. The sighting took place in a rural location not far from Murrysville, Pennsylvania. The witness was looking north when he noticed what seemed to be a jet airliner that suddenly appeared. The man grabbed his camera thinking that the jet with the sunset would make a nice picture.

As the man continued to watch, he realized that the shape of the jet looked unusual. He then realized that he was looking at two separate dark objects that were flying very close, but not at a level altitude. The object in front appeared to be slightly higher than the second object. The objects looked like two cylinders, similar to a fuselage with no wings that were dark, offset and silent.

Sketch of the objects used with permission of the witness.

The second object had what looked like a vertical tower or tail section on it. There were no navigational lights on either object and no sound was heard while the objects were being observed. The objects were only seen for several seconds before the objects entered the tip of a slender long cloud.

The photographer grabbed his 35mm camera to have it ready to take a picture of the objects when they exited the cloud. He stood there watching for 20 minutes but the objects were never seen again. The cloud eventually faded away.

While the man continued to watch the sky he called a friend who searched the FlightAware App to locate what aircraft were in the area. He found no indication of any aircraft having been in that area during the past hour.


In more recent years, I have received information concerning several other detailed observations of UFOs that entered clouds but never came back out. The following are some interesting cases.

Huge Flying Box Observed in Butler County Over The Allegheny River-April 21, 2015

Two people traveling in their vehicle observed something very strange on the morning of April 21, 2015. The couple was traveling between Parker and East Brady around 10:30 or 11 AM, when they saw a flash of light in the sky. The viewing conditions were partly cloudy, with some dark thick clouds scattered about in many parts of the sky. The flash was apparently the sun reflecting for a moment off the surface of a very large solid object. The couple pulled their car over to take a better look. The strange flying thing appeared to be in the distance over the Allegheny River.

The object was positioned near a large dark cloud and was described as similar to a” flying box”. The rectangular object looked solid black and seemed to have 4 rows of windows or indentations on its surface. One witness said the object was huge and he estimated that it was 7500-10,000 feet in altitude.

As the couple watched, the small building sized craft slowly moved inside a large dark cloud. The man in the car grabbed a camera and had it focused to take a picture of the object when it exited the cloud that it had entered. They waited 45 minutes but the object was never seen again. They couldn’t understand how something that large could have been lost from sight.

Four Black Spheres Enter Cloud in Fayette County-August 15, 2019

A witness told researcher Jim Brown what he had observed near Markleysburg at around 4:30 PM. What caught his attention was what he described as a large black ball that came out of the northwest and flew into a puffy white cloud. He noticed that was the only cloud in the sky at the time. He called his wife to come out so he could tell her what he saw. Both were on the porch looking at the cloud.

About 5 minutes later they saw two more black balls appear that came from different directions and flew into the same cloud and also never came out. His wife went into the house to get a camera and while she was gone a fourth object came out of the west and entered the cloud. This one was larger than the other ones. It had four spikes sticking out of each side. Almost as soon as it entered, the cloud turned a slightly yellow color then seemed to just “wash itself out of the sky”. The objects were never seen again. Stan Gordon

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A review of 'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' by Linda Godfrey


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