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samedi, juillet 11, 2020

Grinning, Black Eyed Man Encountered at Kitsilano Beach, BC

A young woman has a terrifying encounter with a grinning black eyed man on Kitsilano Beach in Vancouver, British Columbia. She was so frightened that she called her boyfriend to come get her.

I recently came across the following account:

"It was the summer of 1986, and I had just graduated from high school. I was living in Vancouver BC, and a girlfriend and I spent the afternoon at Kitsilano Beach, suntanning. She had to leave early for work, so I stayed on at the beach alone. It was around 4:00 pm, and I was hungry. I walked up the beach over to an area called 'Spanish Banks.' There is a concession stand there. It had a long line up (it was Expo86, so we had a ton of tourists that summer, and the beach was packed). I placed my order, but was told that it would be a 15 or 20 minute wait for my food.

I perched myself on a bench and proceeded to wait. For some reason, I looked across the street (the concession stand is adjacent to the road - a narrow two lane road, not the best for beach traffic, and the other side of the road is forest-called 'the UBC Endowment lands, attached to the University). There was a guy walking down through the forest - which was also a steep hill. There is no sidewalk below, and it was a really dangerous place to try to cross the street. Not only that, it was an odd place to come out of - imagine a steep hill with lots of bushes and trees going straight down to a curb, and then a busy street!). The second that I saw this guy (and I was far away at the concession stand), I had that gut wrenching fear that everyone describes when encountering something bizarre. Even though he was far away, I could tell that he was grinning maliciously, and that he was fixated on me!

He crossed the street, grinning. At that moment, there were no cars, so he got across easily. He made a beeline straight to where I was, and went and sat on a bench across from me (I am not good at distances, but let's say 10 or 15 feet away). He was First Nations. A little bit older than I was-maybe 19 or 20. He had medium length hair, and was wearing a white t-shirt and a red flannel shirt over it, unbuttoned. He was wearing jeans, I can't remember his shoes - runners of some kind. He was fairly attractive, but utterly evil. Malicious was the word that kept going through my mind.

Now, his eyes. They were black. No whites could be seen. But they were not shiny. His were dull. The way that I described it to my boyfriend later, was that they looked like 'scratched black plastic.' They also gave me that feeling of when you look into a microscope or binoculars and you can kind of see your own eyelashes squished against the lens, and it's almost spider like. His eyes, and his everything frightened me like nothing else ever has.

He sat there grinning at me. He knew that I was terrified, and I knew that I had to pretend that I wasn't. I felt totally alone, even though there were tons of people around. No one else seemed to notice anything amiss. I felt as though knowing that this person existed made me hate being alive. This world would never be safe if things like him existed. I sat there acting totally normal on the outside, trying to keep it together because it seemed instrumental to my survival (I had no idea what this thing would do, but I felt as if my life was in danger).

My food was ready for pick up. I got it, and then proceeded to go over to a pay phone, and I kept my back to him and phoned my boyfriend. I told him to get the f*ck over to Spanish Banks because there was a really scary guy here and I didn't know how to get away. After my boyfriend hung up, I stayed in the phone booth, pretending to talk to someone. At some point, I had to get off - maybe someone wanted the phone. I then sat back on my bench, and he stayed, grinning. A minute or two before my boyfriend got there, he got up and sauntered away, down the beach. When my boyfriend got there, he wanted to go after him. I grabbed his arm hard and told him that we had to get out of there NOW!! I could not explain properly to my boyfriend just how terrifying that experience was. I still can never explain it properly. It was scarier than a murderer. It felt as though if this thing could do something to you, it wouldn't just end your life. It would do something that would destroy or torment your soul forever." FH

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Click Here For Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available on and from our new publisher Singular Fortean Publishing

A review of 'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' by Linda Godfrey


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