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mercredi, juillet 08, 2020

Black-Eyed Kids Encounters in the American Southwest

3 creepy black-eyed kids (BEK) accounts from different eyewitnesses. It seems that these incidents have waned in recent years, but they do still occur.

Here are a few BEK accounts that I've been gathering, as well as a few older incidents:

"When my dad and his girlfriend told me this story, they had a look of pure terror. They said it happened one late night. They often stay up and watch television shows that they record during the day. So they were watching television when they heard a stern knocking at the door. It is nearly 1:30 a.m., so they were a little apprehensive.

They opened the door to find a Latina girl who looked pretty normal, and considering that we live in a predominantly Hispanic city, they weren't taken aback by her. They were a bit surprised by her eyes. They were black. This part of the story did not strike me as odd until a week or two later when I saw these stories of BEKs. Now I am not saying this because is a fabricated story (I assure you, it is real) but the dialogue is not 100% what happened because my Dad was a bit dodgy when I asked him about the subject. It went a lot like this.

"Hello" (my dad) "Hello." (creepy BEK Girl) "Umm, what do you want?" (my dad) "I have nowhere to stay, can I please stay the night?" (creepy girl) "Um, no. We don't even know you and we have a baby daughter in our house." (my dad who obviously was being cautious for my sister's sake) At this time my Dad's girlfriend said that girl appeared agitated by this statement. "I'm not going to hurt your child just please let me in." (creepy girl) My Dad's girlfriend said that she felt very fearful because she thought that someone could jump out from the corner and invade their home. "Sorry, no" My dad said this and then closed the door. We live on the second floor of an apartment building. Our front door opens up to the outside world and a staircase. Our apartment shares this building with only one other apartment room (the neighbors). My dad would have heard if she asked the neighbors for a place to sleep and he did not hear it. Out of fright my dad moved the couch in front of the door. They checked and they saw her standing in the parking lot next to the dentist office right across from their apartment. This story was eerie enough, but when I heard of BEKs I was really scared for my dad and his girlfriend." IO


"It was an October evening, not too far off from Halloween. In live in Santa Fe, NM. The evening was slowly creeping by so I decided to go to the corner store. It was only 3 blocks, shouldn’t be much trouble, right?

During my walk I see the occasional person putting up Halloween decorations and kids playing in their yards, but this story is about something far more sinister. I remember seeing two teens about age 14, knocking on a door asking to use the phone, which of course I thought was weird because most teens these days have phones. As I kept walking, they stopped and stared at me for a short moment. I felt the blood in veins chill. I felt so creeped out I hurried to the next block. The next block seemed fine, until I looked behind me and saw the two teens were following me. I took off sprinting to the store at this point.

I saw the sign for the store, and relief washed over me. I opened the door, and I told the cashier about what happened on the way here. He looked at me slightly creeped out, and told me a story about this happening to him in his hometown and how they found him the day he left, and asked for his help, in an emotionless voice, and he told me to never agree to help.

He told me another story, but at that point I was no longer paying attention because they were standing at the door asking to be let in. The cashier freaked out, and locked the door.

The teens never seem to waver or leave. They wouldn’t step away from the door. It had been an hour. The cashier and I were ready to fight our way out, but instead he took me out the back. The one teen came around the back just as the door shut behind us.

He said 'Can you help me?' He was closing in on us, and his eyes. They were black as a starless night. They were peering right into my soul. I couldn’t help but gaze into his eyes. The terror, I can’t remember too much of what happened next, but I do recall the sounds of struggle.

When I came too, the cashier was struggling with both teens. He was calling out to me for help. I ran towards them, grabbed him by his collar and pulled him between the two, and knocking them over in the process. I didn’t look back until I was near my house, the cashier was gone but the teens were still following behind. I ran into my house, closed all the blinds, and turned the music up.

I tried to find and thank the cashier for saving my life that day, but he didn’t show up to work after that. I asked his boss, and he told me he called over the phone and quit. He said he was moving.

To this very day I sometimes feel the fear of those eyes watching me as I drive to work. I sometimes will look out my window and swear I see them watching my house from a couple blocks away. Waiting for their next chance." BB


"This incident took place about 22 years ago. I had just moved to a new city with my wife. We were small town newlyweds from the Midwest. We moved cross country to Phoenix, AZ so I could attend graduate school. Being naive and new to city living, I habitually answered the door without a second thought. Never again after this.

The first thing that should have tipped me off to the peculiarity of this situation was the fact that someone was knocking at 6:00 in the morning. The second thing that should have dawned on me is this kid had to reach over a rather tall patio gate to unlatch and open it.

The knock at the door was startling. My wife and I were getting ready for work, a pretty normal routine. The moment I opened the door, I was overtaken with an inexplicable sense of fear. To this day, I can picture him. Teenager, average height, average build, knee length black leather coat, short black hair and sunglasses. The sunglasses at 6:00 a.m. struck me as odd and even more odd, he was eating an apple. He was very polite and asked if he could come in and warm up. I said, "No", closed the door and slid the security chain in to place. A moment later, another knock. I opened the now chained door, and before I could speak he asked again if he could come in and warm up. "NO!" I reply and attempted to close the door. Before the door could shut, he put his hand out stopping the door on its hinges. He looked directly into my eyes, still wearing his sunglasses, and said, "Can I at least get some ketchup for my apple?". "F*ck that!" I reply, albeit a little confused. "Get the hell outta here! My wife is calling the police!". He takes a moment to let this information sink in, lowers his glasses, revealing eyes as black as obsidian and says, "No. You won't be calling anybody." At that moment I force the door closed, lock it, and call out to my wife.

By this time, she is scared sh*tless hiding in the bedroom. All jacked up on adrenalin, I rip the curtains back to look out the window next to the door. He's gone. Absolutely no trace of him. I go out on the patio and check the gate, it's still latched from the inside. I turn to enter the house I notice a half eaten apple lying on the ground." HH

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Facebook event announcement: 'Cosmic Ray' Keller - Ufologist / Researcher & Author - Arcane Radio

Join me as I welcome UFO researcher and author Dr. Raymond Keller to Arcane Radio. 'Cosmic Ray' is a retired history professor, who has lived and worked in 44 different countries and has been writing about UFOs and paranormal activity since 1967. He was the founder and director of the Outer Space International Research and Investigations Society (OSIRIS). He has written several books, including his Venus Rising Trilogy with the titles 'Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet', 'Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus' and 'Cosmic Ray's Excellent Venus Adventure.' Ray is a popular guest on Arcane Radio. - This will be a very informative and entertaining show! Join us this Friday, July 10th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on Direct links can be found at or at LiveRadio/Paranormal King Radio Network - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to

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'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available on and from our new publisher Singular Fortean Publishing

A review of 'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' by Linda Godfrey


I Went Missing From Our Bed

Menacing Bigfoot in Kentucky

Screams on the Mountain

An Interview on the Mysterious “British Bigfoot”

Aliens, Insects and Arachnids: A Menagerie of Strange Creatures

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