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lundi, juillet 06, 2020

'Angel-Winged Gargoyle' Encountered by Babcock, Wisconsin Teen

A Babcock, Wisconsin teen girl encounters an 'angel-winged gargoyle' that was crouched on the roof outside her bedroom window during the summer of 2002.

I recently talked to a witness 'JB' who described her encounter with an 'angel-winged gargoyle' in Babcock, Wood County, Wisconsin during the summer of 2002.

JB was in her mid-teens at the time of the incident. It left an indelible impression on her in the 18 years since the encounter, because the uniqueness of the winged being and the peaceful feeling she had while watching it. She has told only a few people about the incident.

On that particular summer night in 2002, JB was lying on her bed watching television. As she adjusted herself, she caught movement from outside her window which was on the same wall as the bed. The window was wide open in order to allow the cool fresh air to enter her room. As she looked out the window, she focused on a winged being crouched down on the edge of the roof, not more than 10 ft from her window.

JB felt no fear. In fact, she felt 'peaceful' and 'not threatened' by the presence of the entity. She described it as a 'gargoyle-like' body and head, with the thin arms hanging down between it's thin legs. The body was somewhat thin as well. The facial features were mostly hidden by the wings that extended over and halfway around the crouching body. She was amazed at the large 'perfectly feathered' wings on this humanoid, which she referred to 'angel wings.' The body was hairless and bald with a pale grey coloring. The wings were also pale grey in color. JB said that she believes that it would have been 5-5 1/2 ft tall if standing.

JB literally watched this winged being for almost a 1/2 hour, during which it never moved or made a sound. It seemed to be focused on the yard below even though she could not see its eyes. JB made an attempt to get its attention, softly speaking to it, but the being never responded. The security lights below illuminated the being, so JB was able to get an excellent view of it.

After watching this winged humanoid for about a 1/2 hour, she became very sleepy and decided to go to bed. She never felt threatened and left the window open.

In the morning, about 6 am, JB was awaken by a loud 'radio frequency-like' sound that came from outside her window. When she looked out the window, the winged humanoid was gone. She believes that the sound was so loud, that others in the neighborhood could have easily heard it, but she never heard anyone ever reference it. Her parents never heard anything. JB has never heard anything like it since.

JB was very lucid and precise in the description. It was obvious that she witnessed something quite remarkable. Lon

NOTE: The loud 'radio frequency-like' sound could have been that of a portal or gateway opening or closing. In the past, myself and others have described a 'buzzing' sound associated with portals opening or closing; very similar to a loud swarm of bees. I don't remember anything similar described by other winged humanoid witnesses. JB did mention that Babcock, WI has a history of strange phenomenon, especially UFO activity.

In the late Summer of 2011, reports of Mothman-like flying humanoids began to surface in the city of Chicago. After three brief sightings, there were no further accounts. Then unexpectedly in early 2017, a smattering of encounters emerged from different locations throughout the Chicago metro area; until the number reached near fifty sightings before the end of the Summer. The currently number of viable sightings reported has reached 105+...and it continues. We are determined to find the truth.

Since October 2019, the majority of sightings / encounters have been reported at O'Hare International Airport and the surrounding communities. We need your help.

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area and/or the Lake Michigan region? Please feel free to contact me at or at 410-241-5974 - your anonymity and confidentiality is guaranteed. Lon

Arcane Radio is LIVE on the Paranormal King Radio Network. Direct links can be found at Mixlr - Paranormal King or at LiveRadio/Paranormal King Radio Network

Facebook event announcement: 'Cosmic Ray' Keller - Ufologist / Researcher & Author - Arcane Radio

Join me as I welcome UFO researcher and author Dr. Raymond Keller to Arcane Radio. 'Cosmic Ray' is a retired history professor, who has lived and worked in 44 different countries and has been writing about UFOs and paranormal activity since 1967. He was the founder and director of the Outer Space International Research and Investigations Society (OSIRIS). He has written several books, including his Venus Rising Trilogy with the titles 'Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet', 'Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus' and 'Cosmic Ray's Excellent Venus Adventure.' Ray is a popular guest on Arcane Radio. - This will be a very informative and entertaining show! Join us this Friday, July 10th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on Direct links can be found at or at LiveRadio/Paranormal King Radio Network - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to

Listen to our podcast at Arcane Radio on Podbean or on my YouTube channel. You can also listen to the podcast at Arcane Radio on Stitcher - iOS, Android and the Webplayer. Please consider becoming an Arcane Radio patron. Thanks...Lon

I sincerely ask that you consider supporting Phantoms & Monsters through a donation. Yes, I do receive some funds through books and advertising. But it is far from enough to cover expenses, especially since and other affiliates have lowered royalties and CPM because of the Covid-19 lockdown.

If you are interested in helping out, you can use the PayPal donation buttons on the blog and newsletter or go directly to and use my email as the recipient. You can also make a donation through Facebook Messenger. Thanks for your continued support. Lon

The launch of our newest project has begun! 'Beyond Explanation' is a collection of first-person encounters, directly from the pages of Phantoms & Monsters. Please subscribe & feel free to distribute to your friends and other paranormal enthusiasts. The Facebook page can be found at Beyond Explanation on Facebook - Thanks for your help. I hope you enjoy! Your comments are welcomed. Lon

PLEASE NOTE: The Arcane Radio YouTube uploads are being moved to the 'Beyond Explanation' channel. You may want to subscribe to 'Beyond Explanation' so that you don't miss an episode. Thanks.

Would your paranormal / cryptids group like to become an affiliate of Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research? By becoming an affiliate investigative group, we can forward reports to you from your area in which none of our team can physically investigate. If interested, send me an email at The member / affiliate list can be found at Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research Team / Affiliate Groups. Thanks. Lon

Click Here For Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available on and from our new publisher Singular Fortean Publishing

A review of 'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' by Linda Godfrey


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