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vendredi, juin 19, 2020

Scary 'Human-Like Being' Encounters: Arkansas, New York & Illinois

3 separate frightening encounters with human-like beings on Sugarloaf Mountain, Arkansas, New York's Adirondacks and in Rossville, Illinois.

"Years ago, while hiking with my girlfriend in a very isolated area on Sugarloaf Mountain, Arkansas, we discovered we were being stalked. It was late in the day, not dark yet, but getting there. We were on a path, with heavy woods on each side. We could hear movement in the woods - sounds of leaves rustling, branches snapping, etc. that seemed to parallel our path, and matched our movements. However, we couldn't see anything. We tested it...stopped walking to listen, and the noise would stop. Start and stop again, and it would match our movements. Finally, I left my girlfriend on the path and walked toward the noise.

I did see something that, to this day, I can't explain, and it scared me very badly. When I saw it, it had been behind a tree, and quickly ran away. It was probably 30 feet from me when it took off. Humanoid shape, extremely tall and thin. I have always described it as being almost skeletal. It was pale white. I'd estimate it was 7 feet tall or more. It ran away very quickly, which is a good thing because I was paralyzed with fear after seeing it. After a minute, I got my wits back a little, and went back to my girlfriend, and we got out of there. Luckily, we didn't have far to go. True story, and it made me realize that there are unexplainable things in this world." JS


"My father and his best friend had been hunting in some rugged terrain in the Adirondacks, but very wild and remote. They always parked at one of the power line clearings, where they could drive about halfway up a ridge and then start hunting from there.

On this late afternoon they were returning to the vehicle. The sun was below the mountain, but the sky was still light. It was deep twilight in the woods all around them. They both swore they heard something on the left side of the woods--they were just leaning against the car, talking--and then all of a sudden, they heard something huge crashing toward them, then past them, and incredibly quickly straight up to the ridge. It happened so quickly they couldn't even react. They knew the largest critter they would encounter would be a black bear and this sounded much larger and was running and bounding in an odd way.

They jumped in the car and as my father started it, they looked up at the ridge top and there, in silhouette between two large trees, was something that definitely had a human outline, not an animal's. It was much too large to be human. They were in a kind of shock because they said they were both thinking "Let's go! Let's get out of here!" but they just kept staring.

When the thing finally moved, it scared them into action because they were afraid it was going to come bounding back down the hill.

They never went back to their old hunting ground again. As they said, "That's what happened, that's what we heard and that's what we saw. No person or animal we know could bound quite like that so quickly through heavy woods and certainly none have that outline."

Sometimes that's all you can say!" MF


"This happened in the late summer of 2011 in Rossville, Illinois. Clear sky with a full moon if I remember right. It wasn't too long after sunset. My friend and I were walking through a cemetery on the edge of town. As we were walking down the main lane through the cemetery, something came running from the gate and past us on our left. My friend had laughed and asked if I had heard that, and I stopped walking and responded that no, but I had seen it. As the thing had passed between headstones I caught a look. Looked like a pale, emaciated humanoid that was running on all fours. It had no hair at all that I could see, and I did not get a look at the face. It was moving far faster than any person running on hands/feet should have been able to. My friend and I just stayed frozen there and waited for another friend to come and get us because we were too scared to move.

It continued to circle us, as we could hear it moving around. It never seemed threatening. If anything it seemed curious/scared of us. But who knows. I do know that it was not a coyote or a stray dog. I never saw the face but I did see the head; it did not have a muzzle. There was no tail, either. It definitely didn't have fur; it had pale, almost bluish skin and I remember I could make out the ribs from where I was standing. I was up all night researching this thing and when I did fall asleep I didn't sleep well." NL

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The launch of our newest project has begun! 'Beyond Explanation' is a collection of first-person encounters, directly from the pages of Phantoms & Monsters. Please subscribe & feel free to distribute to your friends and other paranormal enthusiasts. The Facebook page can be found at Beyond Explanation on Facebook - Thanks for your help. I hope you enjoy! Your comments are welcomed. Lon

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Click Here For Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available on and from our new publisher Singular Fortean Publishing

A review of 'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' by Linda Godfrey


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