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vendredi, juin 05, 2020

'Crawling' Humanoid Sightings in Southern Missouri

A Missouri man describes a recent encounter he had with a pale humanoid that moved on all fours. This was not the only local incident with these beings.

I recently came across the following account:

"I live in southern Missouri and I had a unexplained experience with my brother last year. My brother got a pistol and asked me if I wanted to go shoot it in the woods with him and ride his four-wheeler around. I was like hell yeah. We get into the woods, though it felt 'off.' There was no sound other than the wind. I didn't pay much attention to it. There was an old fridge someone put out there as a target, littered with bullet holes. So we shoot at that, and we hear something move to our right. We think it was probably some deer and ignore it. He wants to ride the 4-wheeler around so he gets it out of his truck, gives me the gun just in case. We were in a little clearing in the woods with trails going out. When he's about to leave I see something looking at us, but as soon as I look at the bush it was hiding in it turns away. It was slate-gray with no fur or hair, and looked humanoid. Then it donned on me. The smell in the air, that metallic/rotten blood smell. He checks it out when he drives off, sees nothing.

About 5 minutes after he left, I was standing in the bed of his truck because it seemed like the safest place to be if some animal decided to attack. I hear it circling about 20 ft around the truck in the woods. Then it stopped in front of the truck in the woods, made this low gutteral noise, nothing like any animal I know of. After this noise I make sure there's a round in the chamber and have the pistol drawn. Then it snaps a thin tree behind me (I wasn't facing in the direction it stopped, in front of the truck) and I just stood there not turning around so I wouldn't provoke it.

My brother gets back and I tell him what happened and he said that's funny because the first time he was out there with my cousin they saw this 15+ ft teepee in the woods next to the clearing. Also, my friend's grandpa is scared of that place because he and his friends went camping there, and woke up with a guy missing. He had heard the same gutteral noise coming from the woods. He's the mountain man type, not scared of anything, but he has never went back.

Cut forward around 2 weeks, my friend just left my house and was walking home. He came back not 5 minutes later saying he saw some eyes down at the end of the road (refraction or whatever off his flashlight). So I got ready, put my shoes on, and went to the garage to get my tire iron and we proceeded to walk down the road. We didn't get half way down the road when I sensed something in the field to our left, and shone my flashlight directly on it. It was a really pale humanoid, sunken eyes, and almost a white glowing pupil. It was standing next to a tree looking at us, trying not to be noticed. My friend then told me to point the flashlight in the field a little bit, and sure enough there were 2 more all deformed looking and on all fours. We noped out of there back to my house, where we could feel them watching us from the field next to my house.

I don't know what these things are, but I'm sure they are still around." EX

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Click Here For Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available on and from our new publisher Singular Fortean Publishing

A review of 'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' by Linda Godfrey


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