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dimanche, mai 10, 2020

Screaming Bigfoot Shot by Hunter in Central Indiana Forest

While hunting for squirrel in an old growth woods in central Indiana, a man has a scary encounter with a large female Bigfoot

I recently received a telephone call from 'CC' in reference to a Bigfoot encounter in 1985 in an old growth forest area just south of the Meyer Nature Preserve near Martinsville, Indiana. CC and his brother HC had been squirrel hunting during an Autumn afternoon.

It was beginning to get late and CC needed to get home before he went into work that evening. His brother remained in the woods in order to continue hunting. Each of them had driven to the location in separate vehicles.

As CC was walking back towards his truck, approximately a quarter mile from his brother, he heard several gunshots coming from the direction he had left. He also heard faint screaming and yelling. Fearing that his brother was in danger, he rushed back to the location.

When CC reached his brother, he found him sitting on the ground near a large boulder. CC said that HC was staring at the ground and had a shocked look on his face, as if he had seen a ghost. He appeared to be uninjured, but his state of mind was a concern. For several minutes, CC attempted to communicate with his brother, but to no avail.

Eventually, HC began to snap out of his stupor as he raised his arm and pointed towards the large oak tree near them. He mumbled 'big ape' a few times and started to tremble. CC opened his thermos and poured HC a cup of lukewarm coffee. As he drank, he became more lucid. During that time CC walked over to the oak tree and noticed a few freshly broken limbs laying on the ground. The leaves all around the base of the tree had been noticeably disturbed.

As HC regained his senses, he quickly stood and began to frantically look in all directions. He began to mutter, "it may come back!" "It may come back!" CC asked him what the hell was he talking about? HC sat back down on the boulder and explained what had occurred.

HC said that about 10 minutes after CC had left, he heard a loud cracking of a limb breaking. As he looked up into the thick oak tree, he saw a large dark mass descending from the upper branches. Whatever it was, it seemed to be scaling down the tree trunk as it deeply grunted. HC said that he was "frozen" and "couldn't move." He feared that if he somehow was able to run, this beast would easily chase him down. HC had no idea what this figure was, but he readied his 12 gauge shotgun and clicked off the safety.

As he watched, he couldn't believe his eyes. He told his brother that it was a "large ape" that was looking down at him. It began to scream at HC as it continued to descend from the tree. It then reached a heavy bough about 15 foot from the ground and literally hung from it, grunting and screaming as it pulled itself up and down. The size of this beast was incredible. HC estimated that while it hung from the bough it reached a length of 12 feet or so. He then noticed breasts swaying on its dark haired chest. So he assumed whatever this was, that it was female.

By this time, HC was scared out of his wits. He said that "he knew that he was going to die!" Even though his gun was loaded with 6 shot shells, he unloaded 2 shots into the beast. It suddenly dropped to the ground, but firmly landed on its feet. HC shot at the unknown beast once again, but its reaction was somewhat subdued. It was not grunting, but stood about 50 foot or so from HC and quietly looked back at him. It then turned and ran in the opposite direction. CC again searched below the tree, but there was no blood.

CC had a difficult time believing what he brother just told him, but he knew HC would not lie to him. They both agreed to never discuss the incident to anyone. In fact, they rarely discussed the subject among themselves. Neither has ever gone back into those woods since that day.

HC passed away a few months ago, so CC figured it was time to tell his story. He found my contact information and called me. Lon

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Facebook event announcement: Lyle Blackburn - Cryptozoologist, Author, Narrator & Musician - Arcane Radio

Join me as I welcome cryptozoologist, author, narrator & musician Lyle Blackburn to Arcane Radio. Lyle has written several acclaimed books, including “The Beast of Boggy Creek,” “Lizard Man” & "Momo: The Strange Case of the Missouri Monster," subject matter that reflects his life-long fascination with legends and sighting reports of unknown creatures. Lyle is also the founder of the rock band, 'Ghoultown' and narrator/producer of documentary films such as “The Mothman of Point Pleasant”, “Boggy Creek Monster” and "The Bray Road Beast." Lyle is a frequent guest on radio programs such as Coast To Coast AM, and has been featured on numerous television shows airing on Animal Planet, Destination America, Discovery Science, and A&E. When Lyle isn’t writing books, hunting monsters, or performing with his band, he can be found speaking at various cryptozoology conferences and appearing at horror conventions around the United States. His book "Sinister Swamps: Monsters & Mysteries From The Mire" is due to be released soon. This should be a very informative and entertaining show! Join us this Friday, May 15th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on or the direct link at or at LiveRadio/Paranormal King Radio Network - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to

Listen to our podcast at Arcane Radio on Podbean or on my YouTube channel. You can also listen to the podcast at Arcane Radio on Stitcher - iOS, Android and the Webplayer. Please consider becoming an Arcane Radio patron. Thanks...Lon

Hey folks. I do understand that everyone is tightening their belts during the Covid-19 situation. But I ask that you may consider supporting Phantoms & Monsters through a donation. Yes, I do receive some funds through books and advertising. But it is far from enough to cover expenses, especially since and other affiliates have lowered royalties and CPM because of the Covid-19 lockdown.

If you are interested in helping out, you can use the PayPal donation buttons on the blog and newsletter or go directly to and use my email as the recipient. You can also make a donation through Facebook Messenger. Thanks for your continued support. Lon

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Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available on and from our new publisher Singular Fortean Publishing

A review of 'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' by Linda Godfrey



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