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samedi, mai 02, 2020

Possible 'Rake' Humanoid Encounters: South Dakota, California & Indiana

3 possible pale 'Rake or Crawler' humanoid encounters described by witnesses in South Dakota, California and Indiana

"My dog typically sleeps right around my arm. His head rests on my shoulder so he is facing the window. When I sleep, the back of my head faces the window.

Anyway, it was just nearing 5:30 AM. The dog wakes me up with extremely aggressive growling at the window. This growling I’ve only heard when he fights with other dogs. I was roused and I tried to coo him back to sleep. Within a couple seconds the growling turned into howls and barks.

I looked outside the window and my heart rate shot through the roof. The property line from my house to my neighbors is 60-70 yards. I competed at South Dakota state trials for track for the 100 open, 400, and two relays so I can confirm this creatures speed was shocking. It covered the yard in no less than 3 seconds. Gray skin, long arms almost down to its knees, an elongated face, and anorexic looking legs. It ran by swinging its arms like, I don't know, like a buffoon. Not a runners form.

After collecting myself I burst into my dad's room. I startled him, but told him to get outside with me. We briskly got outside with handguns as I tried to explain what I saw.

There was no footprints, or marks (as whitetail deer are frequently in our yard)." BJ


"I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, and there is a stretch of road between me and my girlfriend’s house that goes through some ranches and a wooded area. My girlfriend and I were driving back towards my house around 10 pm, and while I was rounding a corner near the beginning of the woods, I swerved as I saw what looked like a tall, skinny, pale skinned person standing by the side of the road and walking into the road. When I looked in my rear mirror to see what it was I couldn’t see anything, but after I asked my girlfriend about it, she was clearly shaken and said she saw it too.

We decided to stop talking about it for the time being, and continued to drive deeper into the woods back home. About 15 minutes down the road, we came across a fresh deer carcass on the side of the road, and while I noticed the deer carcass alone as I was focusing on the narrow road, my girlfriend swears she saw the same figure bent over the carcass.

I drove by that carcass for weeks after when I went back to her house. We’ve both seen a lot of weird stuff on that small stretch of road, including more on that specific drive, but nothing else that I’d think would have been a crawler. I’m not sure where it came from (no caves I’m aware of around) or if it was more than one out there, but I know to always be aware of what else is on that road with me late at night." IP


"This happened a couple years ago. I'm posting this now because I only just found out that anything called a 'Crawler' exists. I am skeptical of most things, but when recounting these events I usually refer to it as my 'Bigfoot story' because it was always the closest thing that came to mind.

Anyways, this was a couple years ago in southern Indiana near Evansville. It was two in the morning and my friend and I decided to go for a joyride. This would have been in the fall, maybe near September or October. I can pin the date to that time of year because I live around a bunch of fields and the corn stalks were really high - I'd say approaching ten feet.

We were just driving around when I decided to turn on this old country road because it led to the local animal shelter. I had never seen the shelter before, and I wanted to see what it looked like. (Yes, this is the kind of stuff I like to do on joy rides - both me and my friend were completely sober.) The road ended up being much longer and roundabout than I anticipated, and we basically drove through a bunch of farm land. We were listening to music and I was driving pretty slow. We got to a long road surrounded by corn stalks when I heard my friend yell out "Holy f*cking sh*t!" I put on my breaks and asked him what was up, and he looked over to my left.

I'll describe what I saw as well as I can: hovering above the top of the stalks, was the top half of a very, very thin body. I remember it had wide shoulders and what appeared in the moonlight to be a long/swooshy haircut (like an emo haircut, I guess). It seemed very 'loose' - long arms, an odd shaped head/neck - and very pale in the moonlight. Both me and my friend were freaked out, and I knew it was not a scarecrow (the huge farms around here don't have those) or a person - the stalks were much too tall. Like I said, I always called it a Bigfoot, but I did not see any hair on this thing except a swoopy mass on its head.

I dunno if this is a good indicator of a 'crawler,' but I saw some areas near me on the map and had to post about what I saw." CL

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Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

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