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samedi, mai 09, 2020

8 Ft 'Upright Canine' Pair Observed on Beauregard Parish, Louisiana Farm

An elderly witness recently observed a pair of 8 foot tall upright canines stalking a herd of cattle in southern Beauregard Parish

On May 4, 2020 I posted the following - Upright Canine (Possible 'Rougarou') Encountered in Beauregard Parish, Louisiana - In which a Beauregard Parish, Louisiana property owner and his young daughter encountered an utterly terrifying upright canine near their home. On May 8, 2020 I received a telephone from another witness who lives approximately 15 miles south of this sighting:

The elderly witness 'CW' and her husband live on a 80 acre farm south of Derrider, Louisiana in Beauregard Parish. They and their neighbors raise cattle.

One week ago, and during the late afternoon, CW was sitting on her porch watching the pasture with a pair of binoculars. She regularly does this, but at the present time she wanted to monitor a newborn calf and another pregnant cow. That same day, she also noticed that there was a cow carcass lying in the field, that needed to be removed later by her husband or neighbor.

As she was monitoring the herd, she noticed some moved beyond the pasture near an old abandoned building on the property. As she focused in with the binoculars, she could not fathom what she was observing. There was a 8+ foot tall bipedal creature walking along the outside of the barbed wire fence. As she looked closer, the hairy beast was dark, almost black, in color and was what she could only describe as a walking wolf. The creature moved west to east, went behind some bushes, then continued back west. This is when CW noticed another similar bipedal creature trailing behind it! Both were about the same height and very similar in form. After a minute or so, the pair disappeared into the trees.

This is the first time CW has seen any creatures remotely like this. She believes that the pair were focused on the dead cow which was about 200 feet away from their location, though there was no subsequent predation on the carcass.

There had been an incident approximately 3 weeks prior, during the night when CW was in her house. She recalls hearing 'god awful screams' coming from the cattle herd. The next morning, at first light, her husband investigated the reason for the ruckus and found that a large portion of the barb wire fence had been trampled and that the herd was scattered throughout the woods. CW said that was the first and only time that this has occurred.

CW's daughter lives in an adjoining trailer and recently CW has been feeding her pets while the daughter travels. CW noticed, what she states as, 'long cat or dog prints' in the ground along the trailer. Her daughter did mention that she has observed panthers in the area previously. CW told me that she will attempt to obtain photos of the prints.

CW and her husband are very private and the exact location will be kept in confidence. I have contacted a well-regarded cryptid investigator and colleague to follow up on these incidents. Lon

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Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available on and from our new publisher Singular Fortean Publishing

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