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jeudi, avril 09, 2020

Unknown Biped / Negative Energy Lurk in Fredericksburg, Virginia Woods

A Virginia resident, is told by his medium mother in Ohio, that a negative energy inhabits the woods behind his girlfriend's house. He later detects the presence of an unknown biped

The following account was recently received:

"So I don't have to stop and explain later first I need to say that my mother is a medium. She can see ghosts, shadow people and entities from other places. I don't have her abilities but she is able to feel things through me no matter how far apart we are. For fun I used to hold a key or ring of a coworker and she would do a reading that way while I was at work and the info she got made many of them cry.

So with that in mind, back in 2012 I was living in Virginia, she was in Ohio. A girl I was dating lived in a small home along Poplar Rd in Fredericksburg, Virginia. She was a ways out surrounded by woods. For weeks she had been telling me she had been having bad feelings about her property and constantly feeling like she was being watched. One night while we were talking about it I decided to call my mom and get her opinion. Mom said she could feel something negative but it was trying to hide from her. It was not far behind the girls home. Not sure what I was thinking but I decided to go out back and see if I could see anything or get closer and maybe she could get a better read.

I remember this night was dark with no moon. I was on the phone and my girlfriend was using her phone light to guide us. About 30 yards into the woods my mom suddenly told us to stop and back up. The entity was right in front of us and it was pure evil. I didn't see anything but did as she asked. She went on to say that whatever it was had been in the area a very long time and people do rituals in the woods nearby that give this being power. And sadly there would be nothing anyone could do to chase it off. She advised the girl to move and try to not think about the being or it may follow and that would be very bad.

A few hours later I stepped out the front door and took 2 steps to the left to be startled by something jumping up from behind a bush maybe 3 feet away. It was pitch black I couldn't see anything but whatever it was took off running into the woods going north. It was clearly a two-legged creature and it being late Fall I could hear the steps on the dry leaves quickly disappearing. It was zigzagging through the trees at a rate that seemed impossible due to the darkness and number of trees it had to run through. The terror that hit me - all I could do was stand there. It seemed to navigate through the dark and trees faster than I could have run down a straight roadway.

Looking back, if I had to guess, I think it may have been a Dogman based on the speed and the lightness of the steps. It definitely didn't sound like a 800 pound bigfoot. I think about this night still because I just don't know what it was. And could it have been working alongside the evil entity? Strange coincidence to have both these events in one night. Maybe not a great story but one that I'll never forget. Thank you." JG

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