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mardi, avril 07, 2020

Thunderbird / Pterodactyl Sightings: Colorado, Texas & Mississippi

3 different sighting reports involving huge Thunderbird and Pterodactyl / Pterosaur creatures in Colorado, Texas and Mississippi

“In 2008, on the southeast corner of north Table Mountain in Golden, Colorado, I witnessed a large flying Thunderbird riding the lead edge of a thunderstorm that was coming out of Clear Creek Canyon. It tried to grab a turkey vulture in midair, barely missing it along the Mesa escarpment. The turkey vulture had a 4-6 foot wingspan therefore the Thunderbird had a 48-72 foot wingspan. Basically the thing had four equidistant sections (two per wing) each section being three times the vulture wingspan. The head and the legs were identical as is the wing structure (like a 2x10, not a triangle wing connected to the fuselage/body). There was also power lines and a tower directly behind the Thunderbird. The thing was immense. They do not fly, they glide and that is why they have legs that can walk them up a Mesa to jump off of.

I called the Colorado Division of Wildlife. Officer Kyle Banks came out to investigate or really to downplay the possibility of a Thunderbird, but they know. First the truth is ridiculed. Then it is denied. Then it is self evident. I have seen it in broad daylight gliding a hundred miles an hour after it tried to grab another bird in midair, truth to me is obvious." Kirk


“This is crazy because my girlfriend and I where driving through Texas and at like 3:00 AM something flew right over our car and we could feel the wing flapping in the car. Its wing spread was literally at least two lanes on the highway width. I don't know what it was but it was not any drone or sleep deprivation. It was something that looked exactly like a Pterodactyl and BIG. We seen it. It seemed like as we drove up to it, it was either on the road and just took off, or it swooped down then went up because it was right in front of us then, so fast, it was just flying to the driver's side above our civic. I'm telling you, what we seen was huge. No feathers, fur, hair. Nothing but skin like a bat would have and a huge bump/something, that was very much of an attention grabber on the top of his head. I'm telling you, there was no feathers at all. Their skin was like the inside of a bat's wing but thick like leather, if that makes any sense. And the head..... I don't know. I'm not making this up. And if Pterodactyls are somehow still extinct, then we no doubt seen one.” DL


“I actually saw a Pterodactyl with a tail down here on Keesler AFB, Mississippi. I wasn’t the only one who saw it. Me and two other airman saw it during a ceremony outside and we weren’t sitting anywhere near each other. After I saw it, I walked around asking others and those two saw the exact thing I saw. It was huge compared to the birds flying that high. After the ceremony, I did some research and there had been sightings in Cuba on a military base as well. Ironic enough, before I did my research, I was thinking to myself, maybe it came from an island like Cuba, something that is close to Florida. Crazy there was two other witnesses who I verified with and also showed the sketch that the Cuban man saw and they said 'That is 100% what I saw'.” FB

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