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vendredi, avril 10, 2020

Shapeshifter Black 'Easter Bunny' / 'Oz' Effect / Flying Jellyfish in Mumbai

3 strange accounts from different witnesses in Alabama, Florida and India. One of the incidents includes a shapeshifter black upright rabbit seen on Easter Sunday in 2014

North Alabama, USA. “Easter a few years ago (Sunday, April 20, 2014) I woke up around 3:00 AM and couldn't go back to sleep. So I sat up quietly waiting for my kids to wake up and discover their Easter baskets. Right around 6:00 AM, I hear my youngest son squeal in delight "I knew it! I knew he was real! OMG everyone come look!" At this time I've jumped out of bed and started for his room to see what was going on. When I opened his door, he was looking out the window towards the woods. I asked him what the commotion was all about and he would say was that the Easter Bunny was looking in his window. Mind you this window is about 5 and a half feet off the ground. Confused, I ask him to describe exactly what he saw. He told me he woke up to a giant black bunny staring at him and he could see from the shoulders up. By my calculations would make this bunny about 10 feet tall with ears. My son said that when he locked eyes with the bunny and squealed in delight. The bunny turned around and hopped away towards the well-house and that's when I walked into the room. My son isn’t one to make up stories and I believe he really saw something, I just don't think he saw a 10 foot Easter bunny. I talked to a Shaman he thinks it was a shapeshifter that my son saw.” Source: Native Ghost Stories, Anonymous


“I was 14 at the time. My stepdad and I were helping a good friend of the family move from North Carolina to Naples, FL. We drove the moving truck down to FL for them with all of their belongings. Once we arrive and unloaded the truck, we decided to stay for a couple of days and drive around Naples. We decided to go to the Naples Pier, since it was such a beautiful day. Everything seemed normal. We walked out to the end, looked at what the fisherman caught that day, etc. While everyone else was at the end of the pier, I started walking back towards the entrance.

While walking, I remember having this really weird feeling like something was happening. Time was slowing down or something. It’s really difficult to describe. Almost like some kind of magnetic feeling or hypnotizing feeling. I remember turning around and looking up at the sky for some reason. When I looked up, I remember seeing this weird metallic looking ball in the sky. Literally the same kind of UFO you would see photos of online. But the weird thing is, it was like everything else kept going on around me. Everyone was walking, I couldn’t really hear anyone talking. Almost like I was in a different time “field” or something. Then there was literally like a “snap” back to reality, and everything around me was normal. People walking, talking, at “normal speed.” As crazy as that sounds, it’s a 100% true story.” NA


“April 27, 2016, I was sitting at Marine Drive in Mumbai. I looked up in the sky because there were a lot of stars that could be seen that day. (If you are from Mumbai, you would know that most of the times, stars are not visible). Suddenly, something grabbed my attention - I saw an object in the sky, shaped like a jellyfish. It was still for about 30 seconds. Then, it started moving upwards - much in the same fashion jellyfish moves and then disappeared. I don't know whether there could be UFOs shaped like jelly fish or not! But what I saw was something I have never seen before.” PV

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