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lundi, avril 06, 2020

Rake-Like Humanoid Encountered in Cheboygan County, Michigan

A teen boy, who was visiting his grandparents in northern Michigan, has a terrifying encounter with a rake-like humanoid. Was it a Wendigo or another supernatural entity?

"I lived most of my life, up to the age of 14, in Michigan. Me lived in the St. Joseph area if anyone is familiar with it. Anyway, my grandparents lived in the northern areas of Michigan and we would regularly drive the 4-5+ hour drive and go visit them either on the way to our lake house which was a little farther north or just to see them. They lived in the middle of nowhere you know. 25 minutes to town sorta thing. Both of their neighbors were a mile in each direction and there property is huge. They live in a small trailer in the middle of the property. They have two pastures to each side of the property and in the back they had miles of trails that would take you through the woods. My grandfather usually used this for hunting.

I was hitting golf balls from the front of the house into the pasture. I hit all my balls and went to go collect them. I opened the gate and shut it behind me so none of the dogs could get through and I walked around picking up balls. A couple of them went farther then normal so I had to walk back behind the pasture area and into the woods. As I was walking I could hear leaves being crushed but they were like a little off from my steps. I kept hearing this weird noise come from behind me kind of like a watery sound I guess. It was like someone just got out of the shower and they were dripping wet. But this noise kept stopping and starting so I just thought it was the wind blowing water out of the trees.

I found my last ball and turned around to start walking back and I saw something tallish move behind a tree. I could tell it was taller then me but didn’t really know what it was. Being from Michigan we’ve got our fair share of scary animals that would love to bite into your meaty flesh but this was definitely not a wolf and could not have been a bear so I kind of stood there frozen just looking at the tree and bushes the thing was near. After a while the thing started to creep out.

It crawled out on its hands and legs. First I saw its long skinny arms which followed by its head. It looked up and around and finally looked at me. It crawled the rest of the way out and I could see the thing whole. It had skinny arms like it hadn’t eaten in a while. Dark looking skin that had a shine to it like it was slimy. It’s body was just like a mass of flesh. It didn’t look to have a stomach or chest it was just kinda twisted up and misformed. Its legs were just as long and f*cked up looking as its arms and both the things feet and hands were elongated. Not massively or anything but you could tell it was longer than your average foot/hand. Its head was the part I have a really hard time pinpointing down. It had eyes. No hair and a long mouth that wouldn’t open. The nose was just two holes and it had a very long exaggerated chin but it kind of looked normal In a way. It stared at me and without opening its mouth it made the sounds I had been hearing which seemed to be made by its nose as the holes flared.

It started to walk around. Not at me but just around were it was. Then it stood up on two legs. It was probably on about 6 and 1/2 feet tall but its look and appearance made it look a lot scarier. The thing moved its neck in an unnatural way and then it looked at me. It was only about 25 yards away. Way too close for comfort but I was not about to move and have this creature charge me. All of a sudden it just bolts right at me. I opened my eyes wide and just prepared myself, but it ran right by me and through the woods. I turned around and sure enough it just kept running. Sometimes on all fours sometimes on 2 legs. Its run both ways was unnatural. Its body contorted and just looked so off. I ran out of the pasture and shut the gate behind me again.

I didn’t tell my grandparents right away, but a couple months later I did. This was in the summer of 2018. I didn’t tell them until about fall of the same year. My grandfather pulled me aside after I told him and asked me what it looked like exactly. I told him and he said he'd seen it before out on the trails. He didn’t say anymore just for me not to be worried. I haven’t really told anyone but family and close friends about this but I guess that has changed now. This really messed me up for a while. Scary thing is too I’ve seen it after. Several times. In different places. Never at my home, but anywhere up north. Even at a lake cabin an hour away from my grandparents. This one was by far the scariest though. I don’t know but does anyone have any possible thing it could be. Please help me figure this out. This took place about 2 years ago in Cheboygan County, Michigan." GG

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Click Here For
Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available in paperback & on Kindle


Encountering the 'Brown Man' on the Appalachian Trail

1890's Cryptid: Was A Mothman Captured in Quebec, Canada?

A Very Bizarre and Harrowing Yeti Encounter

The Night Flyer: A Report of Odd Blue Lights and a “Mystery Plane”

Chilling Last Calls and Messages From the Mysteriously Vanished

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