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mardi, avril 14, 2020

Pale White Humanoid 'Crawlers': What Are They?

A man in suburban Tampa, Florida encountered a pale white crawling humanoid while walking his dog. What are these beings?

I received this report a while ago:

I was walking late one night with my German Shepherd, when I smelled an overwhelming stench of road kill. I looked over into the woods near my home and saw a naked pale white man-like thing crawling in the woods. It was on its hands, feet and knees about 3 inches above the ground.

I changed hands with my flashlight which my dogs leash prevented me from immediately shining it in that direction. In the 2 seconds it took to change hands and shine the light on this thing, it had moved 20 feet to near a tree it was trying to hide behind. It saw my light as it was swinging towards it and quickly crunched into a cannon ball like posture, and balanced on its toes & balls of its feet, hiding its face and held perfectly still.

I got a overwhelming feeling that if I kept shining the light on it, that it would look up at me with glowing eyes and a weird face. So I continued on with my walk. I thought maybe it was a teenager doing a mime, but there was no one taking a picture and this thing had a oddly pronounced spine and was absolutely hairless.

I went home and looked on the internet to see if this is something kids are doing now (painting themselves white, shaving all hair off, rolling around in road kill and crawling around late at night in woods). Well I found a picture on YouTube of a "Rake" that a hunters camera had taken that looked remarkable like this thing. I have no idea what it was, perhaps a underground dweller or ghoul - or God knows what. I live in a country suburb of Tampa, Florida called Lithia. If you have any idea what this thing was please let me know!

NOTE: This phenomenon has become more apparent over recent years. This southwest area of Florida (Tampa and the counties around it) is ripe with cryptid sightings. We really don't have any concrete evidence as to what these humanoids are. They are called rakes, fleshgaits, crawlers and a type of Wendigo. Lon



'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available in paperback & on Kindle

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