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vendredi, avril 17, 2020

'Flying Monkey' Humanoid in Oregon / Large Gargoyle Near Texas Prison

2 accounts describing strange winged humanoids. One was a 'flying monkey' in Oregon and the other a large gargoyle near a Texas prison

On Wednesday April 15th I was the guest on Ground Zero Radio with Clyde Lewis. During the show, the following accounts were offered by callers:

Jerry in Oregon called in to tell of his winged humanoid sighting:

“I live in Oregon and your show tonight reminded me of something that happened about 25 years ago while going on up to the Columbia Gorge in the town of Bonneville. I was driving down the road about 4:00 AM in the morning, working on a boat, coming back from work. And there was something in the middle of the road. I was doing about 55-60 and I thought it was a dead deer or something. Then I started to slow down, to go around it, and all of a sudden my headlights hit this thing and this thing stands up. Its wings go past the side of the road. It stands up to about 6 to 7 foot tall, bends down and starts to fly away, about the time I come on it. All I could do is put both feet on my brakes and put my hands up over my head. This thing busted the grill out of my car, the headlight out of my car, hit the window, it rolled over my car. I slid to a stop.

I get out of the car thinking I hit somebody. I don't know what I hit. And there was nothing around. This thing wasn't behind my car, or on the side and it kind of freaked me out and I thought, Oh, well, I better get back into my car because I don't know what I just hit because it's not lying around here. I kinda reminded me of the flying monkeys from the 'Wizard of Oz'. That's the only way I can kind of explain it. I hadn’t thought about that for years until your show tonight. It was definitely a human-like creature but what freaked me out was this thing spread its wings and come up off the ground and I hit it. It got about a foot up off the ground and it tumbled into my window and over the top of my car. I hit this thing I don't know what it was. I didn't see no blood on my car, no hairs but I didn’t go through it with a fine tooth comb. I fixed my headlight and my grill. It startled me and I’m glad I survived.” Source: Ground Zero Radio With Clyde Lewis - April 15, 2020


Marcel in Texas called in to tell of his winged humanoid sighting:

“A couple years ago, I was doing some time in a prison in central Texas and they would wake us up very early to take us to the shower before breakfast. And this specific morning, they had woken us up and I'm walking along this long slab of concrete. It had to have been about 100 yards to get to the chow hall.

And out in the...this place is in the middle of nowhere, right in Breckenridge, Texas. It's a little town... probably like 20 people live there. In the tree-line, way out in the tree-line, there's this cattle crossing where they bring a lot of cattle through during the day. And I saw this large... gargoyle creature and its standing on top of this thing... I don’t know what to call it... hunters use it to strap to the top of the tree and they use it shoot deer, they hang out and shoot deer... And this creature did kind of what you were describing, it came swooping straight toward me and my buddy. (Clyde asks what color it was) It was pitch black and its eyes were white but you could the black pinpoints in them. It was just the craziest thing. It spread its wings and it had to have been, probably, 30 feet. I'm pretty sure I wasn't dehydrated, though those prisons have no AC in the summer. I'm a pretty sane person and my buddy seen the same thing as me and nobody wanted to believe us. (Clyde asks how he felt when he saw it) I felt a warm sensation run through my body as it was coming toward us and right before it... it was about 50 yards away, it took a bee-line west and just took off but I know it looked at me and my buddy.” Source: Ground Zero Radio With Clyde Lewis - April 15, 2020

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Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available in paperback & on Kindle


The 1953 Ellsworth AFB UFO Incident

Pawleys Island Legends and Hauntings

Tales of the “Little People” in Relatively Recent Times

The Controlling Minds of Aliens and Supernatural Creatures

Coronavirus: Is there any evidence for lab release theory?

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