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samedi, avril 18, 2020

Cryptid Canine Encounters in Appalachia

2 young witnesses in eastern Tennessee and southwest Virginia describe their harrowing encounters with cryptid canines in Appalachia

"When I was in the seventh grade in eastern Tennessee I was outside with my dog laying on a dirt mound looking at the clouds to pass the time. This was around 5:30 pm, when my dog started to start barking and pulling at the leash. We lived in the countryside so we have woods surrounding one half of our house. I tried hushing my beagle but she persisted. I then stood up and looked the direction she was looking to say "look, there isn't anything there." As I said that a large black creature with a canid body sprinted out of the woods. This creature had thin fur that was so black it had a pearlescent hue, with almost a purple tint. The eyes were a mid-shade of yellow. It's legs were crooked backwards and its hands were long and slender. It stood about seven feet tall when standing on its hind legs. When it dropped to all four it's back had an aggressive hunch and still maintained its fluid motion. Every step seemed pre-calculated. As it was sprinting it tilted its head towards me as if it was aware of me but could not be bothered by my being there. It then jumped over a four foot cattle fence without much difficulty.

I'm a senior in high school now and just last summer I had another experience. I worked with my father in his shed (he worked on motors and stuff) and had left my phone in there. My friend was staying the night, so we headed back down to the shed when I realized I had left my phone there. It was about ten o'clock and it was pitch black and about the same time of year as my previous encounter. We were standing outside the front of the shed trying to get the key into the keyhole when we heard a rustling in the brush in the woods. It was a very faint and sounded like that of the breeze on leaves. Both my friend and I heard it, so we turned the flashlights towards the brush only to see a pitch black shape standing in the light brush. The yellow eyes destroy my mind every time i recall the moment. My friend says "you see that, right?" By this time I was already sprinting towards the house.

Seeing this creature and knowing how it was just watching us tore my mind apart. It was so silent. I had a mental breakdown as soon as I got in the house. I've never had such an intense reaction to anything. From then on every time I went into the woods I felt like something was watching me. I know this sounds crazy and I get that. I struggle with telling anyone and this is the first time I've ever tried to reach out in search of similar experiences." ZD


"These two stories happened almost a decade apart, and for obvious reasons I cannot guarantee they are related at all, but it seems reasonable to at least entertain that idea.

The first story takes place at my cousin's trailer, a couple houses down from mine. We live in a rural town at the foot of the Appalachian region in Southwest Virginia, so there’s plenty of forest coverage around us. We were playing hide and seek, and all was well, until I tagged my cousin and made him the seeker. He hated seeking, so instead of playing the game, he decided to quit and sit on his front porch. The time was around midnight, maybe a bit earlier, so naturally it was pitch black outside, and perfect for scaring someone. My cousin's friend, my brother and I began to devise a plan to get revenge on my cousin for being a sore loser, and we came up with this: we lure him to the edge of the forest and my brother jumps out at him.

A very simple plan for a couple of dumb 13 year olds. So we got to it. We managed to convince him that there was something making noises in the woods, and so he came with us to investigate. As we walked the edge of the forest we heard something inside walking with us. I looked at my cousin's friend and we were both grinning, knowing it was my brother beyond those trees. Then, out of nowhere, my brother bursts from the side of my cousin's trailer, screaming and roaring, sending all of us into a fearful panic. He got us good, so good in fact, that we totally forgot about the noise coming from the forest, that could no longer be attributed to my brother.

As we were all laughing about the scare, we heard a horrifying noise come from the depths of the forest behind us. It was a LOUD scream, and sounded like a man screaming for help. It slowly changed pitch and to this day, I swear it said “help”. After about 5 seconds of human sounding screams, it turned into the most guttural roar I’ve ever personally heard. It was chilling. We ran inside and my cousin opened the blinds to his window, and it was right then when we noticed the obvious and haunting sight of a full moon.

Yes, we don’t know what could have made that noise. Yes there are farms around. It could have been a cow being attacked by coyotes, or pretty much anything that happens in rural America. But I’ve never heard anything like it before or after it.

Jump forward about 9 years, and I’m coming home late from work. As I’m driving I see two bright orange eyes peering at me from the side of the dark road. I thought it may have been a fox or a dog, but as I got closer, I realized it was no average fox or dog. It was a MASSIVE black wolf-like dog. This animal was so tall while on all fours, that it seemed to be almost as tall as my car. It’s back legs were almost kangaroo-like. Very long and muscular looking while the front legs were short and thin. It dashed across the road and I front of my car, jumping the fence to the left of the road with almost no struggle.

When I got home, I nonchalantly told my family that I finally got to see the 'Werewolf' that made that noise so many years ago. I don’t necessarily believe that it’s an actual werewolf, but I can’t honestly say it isn’t. Anyway, I thought you guys may enjoy these strange stories. Keep a keen eye out on full moon nights." OD

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Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available in paperback & on Kindle.
(Please note: The paperback version of 'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' should be available for purchase in a week or so. Thanks for your patience. In the meantime, starting Sunday April 19th - Monday April 20th you can receive a FREE Kindle version of 'Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids' at FREE KINDLE DOWNLOAD)


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