; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, avril 03, 2020

Bigfoot Encounters: Indiana, Virginia, Wisconsin & Idaho

4 brief Bigfoot encounter accounts from various locations throughout the United States

“When I was about 9, my nephews and I were in the woods about two and a half miles in we were going back to the house. We were walking and then we all stopped together. We felt someone or thing was watching us. It was very strong feeling and an odor that we never smelled before. It was like something dead. I said, 'We better get out of here!' We ran and made it home. I sat and gazed out the window at the tree line and I saw what looked like a 10 foot tall Bigfoot, but I never said a word. I didn't think anyone would believe me. To this day I wish I would have seen the Bigfoot up close. It happened in Switzerland County, Indiana.” BA


“I saw a Bigfoot in 1963 when it ran across the road in front of my dad's car headlights. I didn't look very big, maybe a little larger than my dad, who was 6'5". It was an exciting experience for a 10 year old kid in the front car seat between Dad and Grandpa. Mom's cousin called it a 'booger' when we got to his house later that night. (I learned later that was short for 'wood booger'. I lived in the mountains of Virginia).

In 2006, I smelled one as I was gathering wood at dusk for our campfire. I didn't know what I smelled, but it was a sickening odor. Later that night, while sleeping in a tent, I heard a growl/scream that shook my insides and scared me more than I've ever been scared in my life. And that includes finding myself inadvertently between a black bear sow and her cubs, and on another occasion being on the ground, face to fang with a 6'-6" rattlesnake. Later the next day, we found a clear 16 inch barefoot print in a muddy seep less than a mile (like a crow flies) from our camp like. The other prints were not as distinct, but were as large. I've been in some precarious predicaments in the woods in my 66 years, but never felt the primordial, sickening fear that I felt that night in the tent. I'll never forget that feeling if I live to be 166 years old.” OK


“I was with my girlfriend in Eagle River, Wisconsin back in 1987. We went out by this airport off some old road. Heard a bump on the car and scared the crap out of us. I leaned up from the backseat, turned on the headlights and there it was. Absolutely no doubt about it - Bigfoot! He stood there for about 3 seconds, then turned and walked away. We jumped up in the front seat, darted the car and backed the hell out of there. My girlfriend was from there and said she had heard a lot of stories as they migrate through there in the Summer. Never go in woods alone - ever.” WO


“My son saw one when he was 10 (in 2006) after we had just set up camp in the middle of a seven day rafting trip along the Salmon River in Idaho. He said it was "peeking at him" from behind a bush and then "took off really fast up the hill on two legs". He said it had no neck and was covered with reddish fur all over. He said it was smaller like it was a kid. He is 17 now and it still freaks him out. He doesn't ever want to look at "Bigfoot" pictures or hear other peoples stories about it. It scares him!” CW

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