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lundi, mars 09, 2020

Bigfoot Pair Cross Road Near Crane Lake, Minnesota

A Minnesota woman and her daughter are shocked when a pair of 7 ft. Bigfoot cross in front of them while driving on a rural road

"Hello Sir - I am writing to you about an incident my daughter and I had in early April (2012) near Crane Lake, Minnesota. We were on our way home and traveling south on Crane Lake Road only a few miles from the lodge we had stayed the weekend. As we drove around a wide bend in the road we noticed two tall dark creatures walk out of the forest to my left. I slammed the brakes and stopped about 30 feet from them. They seemed oblivious to us as they walked onto the road and barely gave us a glance. They crossed in front of the car and leaped over a ditch then into the forest. I quickly hit the gas pedal and drove for about a quarter mile. I then pulled over to collect myself. My daughter, who is 15, was sitting with a shocked look and not moving. My heart was racing and I was shaking uncontrollably.

I think we sat there without saying a word to each other for over a minute. I then asked my daughter what she thought those creatures were. Immediately she said that we had seen 'Bigfoot'.

Both creatures were about 7 foot tall and massively built. I was surprised by the amount of dark reddish hair they both had and how proportionate their bodies were to humans. I saw the face of one of the creatures briefly as it glanced at us. The nose was very broad but the rest of the face was similar to those you see on TV that are supposed to be cavemen. They walked upright like humans and didn't slouch. I believe they were both male.

I have lived in Minnesota (in St. Cloud) all my life and I never heard of anyone seeing a 'Bigfoot.' My daughter is convinced that these creatures were 'Bigfoot'. We looked online and found your website.

Have there been sightings in the Crane Lake area previously? I called the lodge where we stayed and the woman who answered said that there had been a few sightings in the area over the years but nothing that close to their location. I'd be interested to know what it was we saw. I can't believe that there are not more reports of these creatures. Thanks for reading." MM

NOTE: I contacted the witness by email. She replied that I could post her report minus any personal information. She added that her daughter has had nightmares since the encounter (about a week previous to writing me) and that they have not mentioned the incident to anyone else other than the woman at the lodge. I told the witness that these encounters are something that you never forget (from personal knowledge). I sincerely hope her daughter's nightmares subside, though I have known of some witnesses who suffer PTSD long after these close encounters. I didn't get a time but they had just checked out so I assume it sometime was during the morning.

I also contacted the lodge where MM and her daughter stayed this past weekend. I talked to a very nice lady who asked me to talk to someone who knew the area better than her. Another woman got on the telephone and asked me to call her back at another number. Well, we played 'phone tag' for most of the afternoon (seems like it's busy at the lodge) but finally she was able to talk.

I inquired about Bigfoot sightings in the area. She said that there had been several reports north of their location in Ontario's Quetico Provincial Park and that there had been an expedition near Voyageurs National Park in the summer of 2011. She said several of the people in the expedition party had stayed at their lodge. I gave her my contact number / email and asked that she contact me if other information became available. Lon


The Essential Guide to Bigfoot

Bigfoot Terror in the Woods: Sightings and Encounters, Volume 1

Beyond Boggy Creek: In Search of the Southern Sasquatch

Bigfoot Chronicles

Bigfoot Terror in the Woods: Sightings and Encounters, Volume 1

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

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