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lundi, mars 02, 2020

Bigfoot 'Family' Seen Near U.S. Army Fort Knox, Kentucky

A firefighter recalls an incident near U.S. Army Fort Knox, Kentucky when he and a colleague observed a Bigfoot family group

"I came across your website and want to share what I experienced about 15 years ago. I lived in a rural area southwest of Louisville, KY. I was a firefighter for a small volunteer department. We got called by the fire department on Ft. Knox Army base to inform us that there was a fire heading north out of base towards our district. I was in a 4x4 field unit going along a dirt road on the inside of the border.

When we came around a bend it was smokey BUT you could easily see something standing in the middle of the road looking towards us. We were 150-200 ft away when it let out a deep and I mean deep bellow grunt. Then I saw a medium size creature step out of tree line with two smaller ones. The 'family' group of Bigfoot quickly rushed north over the fence and out of site. The first one was 7-8 ft tall matted brown/black hair. Weight unknown. The medium size was definitely a female due to the way it acted towards the little ones. It was easily 6.5 ft with a slender build. The small ones were 5-6 ft tall and skinny.

The area north of where we saw them has MULTIPLE areas for them to hide. With hills and forest and valleys all over the area. The firefighter I was with agreed to not mentioned it to the department. I have in the years since heard of other encounters with in a 10-15 mile radius of the area." JBB


Followed by Red Eyed Being

"Good day, I got your information from a member of a paranormal forum. I have a lot of info.

Long story short, the creature in question tried to kill me and has stalked me across Canada, red eyes as I call whatever the being is.

I first saw red eyes when I was 13 in an old sand pit located in Coldbrook Nova Scotia. It was night, the being stood on hind legs about 8 ft tall, I was a good 200m away from where it stood, this was around September of 99, that Dec, I was in the same pit sledding, my friend went to get his wheeler for light, after he left I sat by a fire with his rotti angel, who I swear saved me.

She began to growl at the wood line, then those turned to barking, and I could hear trees falling as something rushed toward me. At that moment, it felt like someone with big strong hands grabbed my shoulders and lifted me to my feet, and shoved me toward the path out of the pit. I out ran the dog (thank God I was in track), and got back to the subdivision after I reached the street light, I looked to see if I was still being chased, luckily I wasn't.

The being was pacing the tree line, I could see it's outline, it was on all fours, with long appendages, and red eyes that seemed to have a dull glow of red, which seemed abnormally far apart...almost like a dog with eyes almost to the sides of the head." TM

NOTE: I talked to the witness. I believe he has been encountering a thought-form manifestation. Lon


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Facebook event announcement: Todd Neiss - American Primate Conservancy - Arcane Radio

Join me as I welcome the President of the American Primate Conservancy, Todd Neiss. On April 3rd, 1993, while conducting explosives training with the 1249th Combat Engineers, Sergeant Todd Neiss observed three enormous bipedal creatures watching their convoy from across a ravine. Originally a skeptic, he was forced to accept what he was seeing with his own eyes. Since that fateful day, he has dedicated his life to proving the existence of these amazing creatures. With over 25 years of field investigations and large-scale expeditions, his reputation as a serious researcher has grown exponentially. He has been called upon for numerous public speaking engagements; as well as countless interviews and television appearances. Together with his wife and fellow researcher, Diane Stocking Neiss, they have consolidated their research and formed the American Primate Conservancy; a non-profit science and educational foundation predicated on the discovery, knowledge, research, recognition and protection of these incredible beings. The website can be found at - This should be an interesting & informative show! Join us this Friday, March 6th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on or the direct link at - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to

Listen to our podcast at Arcane Radio on Podbean or on my YouTube channel. You can also listen to the podcast at Arcane Radio on Stitcher - iOS, Android and the Webplayer. Please consider becoming an Arcane Radio patron. Thanks...Lon


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