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jeudi, mars 05, 2020

Bigfoot Encounters in the American Heartland (Nebraska and Kansas)

2 eyewitness accounts, one in Nebraska and the other in Kansas, are in American Midwest locations not necessarily known for Bigfoot encounters

"I grew up near Niobrara, Nebraska not far from the river. My brother and I were able to do a lot back then. We were outside year around. We really enjoyed fishing in the river for catfish. It was the 1950s and things were different. No one cared much what you did, just so you didn't cause trouble.

We usually fished in the morning and evening during the summer. In June 1959 we planned to hike to an area on Medicine Creek and spend a few nights there. It was about 5 miles from home. The second night we were there, we heard strange screaming sounds coming from one the bluffs west of us. It wasn't like anything else I've ever heard before. We also heard something heavy moving through the brush and trees. I'll admit we were scared. As the night went on, things quieted down.

The next morning I walked towards the bluff while gathering firewood. As I approached a rocky pass I caught a glimpse of something big and hairy running away from me. It wasn't a bear and stood at least 7 ft high. It was huge with a wide back. That was enough for me. I was ready to move camp someplace else.

My brother and I packed up and started back toward the old trail. I guess we had walked about a mile, then stopped to fish at a good spot we knew. We spent most of the day there. Late afternoon we decided to hike back home. I wasn't feeling well anyway.

The area was much different than today. It's part of a state park with lots of roads and camp areas today. Back then it was much more rugged.

It was about 6pm and we were close to the footbridge at the river. My brother suddenly stopped walking and pointed at a clearing at the river bank. He said someone was over there. We stood there for a minute, then this huge hairy creature stood straight up and looked right at us. It let out a loud grunt, swinging it's arm up over it's head. We started running. I don't thing we stopped until we got near the roadway at the end of the trail.

Over the years, we talked about our run in with the creature and we're both sure it was a Bigfoot. I only told a friend about it a few years later, but he thought I was lying to him. We've been back to the same area many times since then and never noticed anything. I contacted the BFRO in the 1990s but they never came out to take a statement.

That's my story. Thanks. Gary T."

NOTE: I called Gary, who is 70, the next morning and we discussed the two encounters. I think it may have been the same Bigfoot trailing the brothers. There were no other details available from Gary, who has never heard of another sighting in that part of Nebraska. I checked the database and there isn't much to refer to, other than a sighting in Knox County near Santee in 1979. That was classified as a BFRO Class 'A' report. I forwarded an inquiry to Nebraska Game and Parks about the area of the sighting. BTW, there have been documented Mountain Lion encounters throughout northern Nebraska. Lon


"When I was in high school, my uncle and I would hunt deer and turkey in eastern Kansas. In 1999 we were near the Marais Des Cygnes Refuge bow hunting for deer in a swampy woodland area. We had been in the same location before and familiar with the layout. Both of us had portable tree stands overlooking the bottom land.

We had been in our stands for about an hour, it was early morning but I don't remember the time. My uncle was to the right of me about 50 yards, so we could both see anything moving below. I heard splashing from his direction and notice him waving at me. The splashing was getting louder. I first thought it may be a small herd of deer moving my way. As I looked through the thickets, I noticed something tall and bulky standing beside a tree. I then saw something similar a few feet away from the other figure. I looked over at my uncle. He was crouched down and still. The two figures started to move towards me. Then one worked its way into a clearing and I was able to get a good look. It was definitely a Bigfoot and it was huge. It was around 8 ft tall and covered head to toe in matted muddy dark hair. It was reaching into the water and putting whatever it found in its mouth. I didn't see the other Bigfoot. It must have moved off in the other direction.

I was as still as possible, though I was shaking. This Bigfoot was no more than 100 ft from me though I was 12 foot in the tree. I must have watched it for 10 minutes or so as it waded through the water eating whatever it pulled out. It eventually walked away from us towards the woods on the opposite rise. My uncle and I looked at each other, but didn't make a sound. I was ready to get out of there but he remained in his stand holding his hand palm out to let me know to hang on. I wasn't even thinking about hunting deer any further that day.

About 15-20 minutes had gone by. My uncle started moving off his stand. I did the same, dropping the ladder and climbing down. We walked towards each other and agreed to come back for the stands later. In fact, I didn't go back. That afternoon, my dad and grandfather went back with my uncle to look around and retrieve the stands. Both of them believed we saw the Bigfoot. My grandfather said he believes they were eating freshwater mussels and snails.

I never went back to that area, though I still hunt. That was the only time I have ever seen anything like that. I'd be interested to know of other witness sightings in eastern Kansas and western Missouri. I've heard many stories but nothing recent. Chad"

NOTE: I made contact with Chad the same day I received his account. His story seemed credible and he agreed to let me publish it. He no longer lives in Kansas, but has gone back to hunt for deer and turkey. Lon


Living Among Bigfoot: Words of Warning

Bigfoot Terror in the Woods: Sightings and Encounters, Volume 1

Beyond Boggy Creek: In Search of the Southern Sasquatch

Bigfoot Chronicles

Bigfoot Terror in the Woods: Sightings and Encounters, Volume 1

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

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