; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, mars 31, 2020

Upright Canine Encounter (Dwayyo / Hexenwolf) in Frederick County, Maryland

In 1963, a boy has a frightening encounter with an upright canine (Dwayyo) after using his Grandmother's outhouse in Frederick County, Maryland

The following personal account was offered by a very credible witness (who wishes to remain anonymous):

"I am not making an official report because it was so long ago, and I have always brushed this incident off. At the time I was about 11 years old, and I can't recall what year exactly (1963 or so) since this was many years ago and nobody believed me since I was a kid. I was spending the summer at my Grandma's house on Shank Rd. in Middletown, MD (Frederick Co.) as I had for a couple of years in a row. I welcomed the summers I spent with grandma, except for the darn outhouse. If I had to go at night, it was a nuisance having to take Grandma with me which meant waking her up. It was an awful part of being there.

One late night I had to get up to use the outhouse, and it was stark black outside. No lamp posts or outdoor lighting lined the main lane. Grandma had electricity, but it was only for the house inside, oven, and appliances. She had a TV, a very old floor model and nobody watched it anyway, since there was not much TV on the Maryland airwaves back in the early 1960s. It had to be like 3 am when I ventured outside. I didn't take a flashlight and I didn't want to wake Grandma up for finding the flashlight or for her to walk me to the outhouse.

The outhouse was located far from the main grouping of structures on the property and the main house, for obvious reasons. It was not a full moon, but enough night time illumination in the sky that my eyes adjusted quickly to see the grounds. I could easily navigate my way using Grandma's long and narrow flower garden as a guiding trail. My biggest fear was of black snakes & copperheads because I was warned constantly to look out for them.

I made it down to the outhouse and don't even remember hearing the usual night noises like crickets or owls. It seemed almost too quiet. I was a sharp and smart kid with a great imagination, but not enough to make this story up. I felt an uncanny sensation of being watched and I started to get scared. I left the outhouse, peeked outside first, and for some reason I wanted to run back to the house, getting to safety as quickly as possible. It was a rough and long run and I tired quickly and began walking the last few hundred feet to the porch of the house. Something told me to look back where I had been. To this day I wished I hadn't.

What I saw was an impossible sight. This animal stepping through the backyard of Grandma's property, just past the garden about ten feet past the outhouse. It was this upright furry creature with a dog-wolf head! I have owned German Shepherds from the age of 7 so the head was almost similar to the ears and snoot of a German Shepherd dog. I stopped dead in my tracks, not believing my eyes because it was impossible! It had arms that had claw-like hands that hung out in front of it. As it turned its head and looked right at me, the eyes looked yellow and super reflective. Chills shot up my spine as it quickly walked on two legs (that looked like real dog legs bending backwards) traveling from left to right, past her garden, into the old, gravel lane, then across into the thicket of the woods where it disappeared. I heard the rustling through the weeds. It may have initially traveled from the usually full cow pasture that was up an incline, past the spring, and up to the cow pasture that was behind Grandma's house. I shudder to think it was hiding behind the outhouse I was in, but that is a distinct possibility as well!

Ever since that night, after being teased of the cliche of seeing the 'big bad wolf at Grandma's house,' nobody believed me and thought I made up the story for attention, like the imaginary friend syndrome of kids. From those teasing me, I just put it all behind me, buried the story forever, and never told another human being this tale until now. I just turned 66 years old this year, and it am sharing this tale with you now. Like I said, it's too late now to submit an official report, but I will never forget that creature until the day I die!"

NOTE: This account is quite credible because of the number of upright canine sightings and encounters in Frederick County, Maryland during the 1960's. The Maryland 'Dwayyo' or 'Hexenwolf' has been reported since the late 18th century when the Pennsylvania Dutch started to settle on the other side of the Mason-Dixon Line in Carroll, Frederick & Washington Counties. Not long after setting down their new roots, tales of the Hexenwolf started to circulate. The description of this beast was similar to the Dwayyo ('a mammalian biped with features similar to a wolf, but the stance and stature of a human.') These farmers raised livestock for food and revenue, so it was important that their domestic animals be protected from the beast. Decorative five-pointed 'barn stars' may mean numerous things, such as a builder's mark or bringing luck. But the real reason for these stars was the belief it was a talisman against baneful spirits or other dark entities. Lon

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Custom Keto Diet

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Yosemite UFO, Strange Brightly Lit Field and Black Helicopter Over Los Angeles

3 interesting UFO and strange activity reports from various witnesses

“In 2011, I was working at a youth hostel near Yosemite National Park. A coworker and I got off after a late closing shift in the cafe, and we decided to go chill up at the top of a hill on the property. We drove his Tahoe up there, and sat and talked for awhile.

It was around 1am, and we were in deep conversation. I was in the middle of saying something, when suddenly my friend exclaimed, “look!”, and pointed towards the horizon. I saw it too from the corner of my eye. An illuminated object came flying from around the hilltops in the distance, and toward us. The way it flew was incredible, because it seemed effortless, and almost extra-dimensional(?), without any other way to describe it. It came toward us and stopped at a hover above the valley beside us. It was maybe 30 yards from us. It had orange lights circling around it, and one blue light that stayed still. It was probably the size of a large bus, and made absolutely no noise. My friend and I, still sitting in his vehicle, shocked, got out and just stared at it in amazement! The UFO just hovered there for 10–15 minutes. It did nothing but hover there, and after a while, it started to get too cold, and we had to climb back into the vehicle. It was still hovering there, when our attention became drawn to another light we saw down in the valley below. I asked, “is that another one?”. I’m not sure if it was, but when we looked back the object had finally vanished! We didn’t even see it fly off, it was just gone! That’s when I told my friend to turn on his car and bolt, because I got frightened at that point for some reason.

We darted down the hill back to the cafe, and we sat outside for awhile, in absolute shock, trying to process wtf we had just seen. I had told him, when we were up there, to take a picture of it, because I saw him fiddling with his phone at one point, and I was too dumbfounded to know where mine was, but when we got back, I asked him if he took the picture, and he said no! So, I regretfully do not have proof, but this is my testimony. I wish I had proof, because when we told our boss about it the next day, he just brushed it off and proceeded to tell us some bogus story about a “ghost train”. Ever since then, I haven’t told many other people, because, yeah, it is beyond belief!” NVM


“Late 1990s, I was mid twenties, taking the high-speed train, called the Thalys, from Paris to Brussels. It was winter and dark early. It may have been between 18 or 19h. I was travelling alone, the train compartment was full. We were riding at high speed through north France, through nothing but fields.

Suddenly we feel the train hit the brakes, which is very unexpected. We all wonder what is going on. The lights go out, so it is possible to look outside without seeing your own reflection in the mirrors. Now we are moving forward very very slowly. What I saw there was very bright lights in a triangular shape, just hovering 2 or 3 meters above an empty field. First, I thought it was a football field, where you can sometimes have bright lights alongside to help the players see what they’re doing, but it was nothing like that. The whole place was deserted, it was a crop field with lights above it, nothing humans would set up. I couldn’t really distinguish the object to which the lights would be fixed, just these unusually bright lights in corners of what appeared to be a shape. We all sat in quiet in the compartment. I remember the mood very weird, nobody really knowing what to say. I looked at my neighbor and told him: “well, I guess we have just seen a UFO, haven’t we?” And he replied and said “ well, yes, so it seems". And that was that.

I never reported it, but I did look it up, and there were more reports in the newspapers of sightings in Belgium around that time. I didn't tell a lot of people, not wanting to seem crazy. And I have never forgotten that incredible sight.” CO


“A few days ago (July 4, 2018) I was watching the Fourth of July fireworks near where I live, just north of Koreatown in Los Angeles. I saw in the sky what appeared to be a police helicopter following close behind a vintage looking propeller plane. This plane had one propeller, two long wings and would not look out of place during World War II. The plane was not painted like a military plane though. In fact, I could not see any markings or numbers on it at all (it was night, though, and there was a lot of firework smoke in the air). The helicopter was shining a bright light on the propeller plane's tail. It looked to me like the plane was being “pulled over" by the cops! To me, this looked like a really serious situation in progress. A rogue airplane flying low over the skies of a major US city during Independence Day celebrations. I feared that this might not end so well. The plane and the helicopter continued on their path toward the north-by-northwest; possibly to Van Nuys Airport.

I have never seen anything about it on the news, so I presume that the plane landed okay. But looking back on it, I don't exactly know what I did see. The plane and the helicopter both may be scale-model drones, albeit ones much too large to take off from and land on the average backyard. They could also be manned ultralight aircraft. I could not see any markings on the helicopter either. I did not see the distinctive and familiar black-and-white colors that Los Angeles Police Department helicopters have. The helicopter looked all black to me. Who knows, perhaps it was one of those mysterious “black helicopters" that UFO groups always like to talk about. Did anybody else see this or know anything about it?” RVS

Arcane Radio is LIVE on the Paranormal King Radio Network or the direct link at Mixlr - Paranormal King

Facebook event announcement: David Weatherly - 'Monsters of the Last Frontier' - Arcane Radio

Join me as I welcome author, investigator and explorer David Weatherly to Arcane Radio. David is a renaissance man of the strange and supernatural. He has traveled the world in pursuit of ghosts, cryptids, UFOs, magic and more. From the specters of dusty castles, to remote, haunted islands, from ancient sites, to modern mysteries, he has journeyed to the most unusual places on the globe seeking the unknown. David has investigated, and written about, a diverse range of topics including, Hauntings, Cryptozoology, Ufology, Ancient Mysteries, Shamanism, Magic and Psychic Phenomena. He has been a featured speaker at conferences around the world and has lectured for countless paranormal, UFO, and spiritual groups. He is a frequent guest on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, Darkness Radio and other radio programs. David has also appeared on numerous television shows including Ancient Aliens, Mysteries at the National Parks and Beyond Belief. His latest book is 'Monsters of the Last Frontier: Cryptids & Legends of Alaska.' His website can be found at eerielights.com - This should be an interesting & informative show! Join us this Friday, April 3rd at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on ParanormalKing.com or the direct link at mixlr.com/paranormal-king - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to www.paranormal.olicentral.com

Listen to our podcast at Arcane Radio on Podbean or on my YouTube channel. You can also listen to the podcast at Arcane Radio on Stitcher - iOS, Android and the Webplayer. Please consider becoming an Arcane Radio patron. Thanks...Lon

Hey folks. I do understand that everyone is tightening their belts during the Covid-19 situation, but I ask that you consider a donation to Phantoms & Monsters. Yes, I do receive some funds through books and advertising, but it is far from enough to cover expenses. If you are interested in helping out, you can use the PayPal donation buttons on the blog and newsletter or go directly to PayPal.com and use my email lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com as the recipient. You can also make a donation through Facebook Messenger. Thanks for your continued support. Lon

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What Happened in Room 1046?

Deadly Remains

“Perhaps it was a Bigfoot, that is all my mind could relate it to”

‘Life may change for us all’: Historians say coronavirus crisis will be defining

Spies, Secrets and an Alleged Alien Base

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Chicago & Regional Winged Humanoid / Flying Entity Sightings & Encounters

Chicago & Regional Winged Humanoid / Flying Entity Sightings & Encounters Interactive Map

PA Upright Canine/Dogman Witness Sightings Map

Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research / Pennsylvania Lycan Investigations / Bigfoot & Sasquatch / Upright Canines & Dogman


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lundi, mars 30, 2020

7 Ft Upright Canine Recently Observed at the Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area, Kentucky

A witness, along with his mother and a friend, recently observed a 7 ft muscular upright canine on a trail at the Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area in Kentucky

I received a telephone call from a witness in Kentucky:

On Saturday March 28, 2020, the eyewitness, along with his mother and a friend, were at the Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area. They were hiking in the area of the Elk & Bison Prairie.

They accessed one of the nearby trails that entered the woods. Before they reached the wooded area, the witness noticed a long wide print in the ground. The print was not deep, but there was a distinct outline in which the witness was able to place both of the palms of his hands. The witness didn't have his phone with him, but he was able to get the attention of a ranger who was in the immediate area.

The ranger looked at the print and acted puzzled by it. The witness asked if he had ever seen any similar prints before. The ranger didn't answer, but kind of shrugged his shoulders.

The witness, his mother and friend continued on the trail. After 15 minutes or so, he noticed a creature on the trail about 70 yards ahead of him. The trail was on a rise, so whatever this creature was it was backlit by the horizon. At first, the witness was sure that this quadruped was a large coyote. As he and his party stood and watched, the creature stood on back legs while looking in their direction.

The witness described the beast as an upright canine that stood approximately 7 ft. The head was similar to that of a coyote, but much larger. The arms and legs were canine-like, but very muscular. The chest was broad and its color was darker than a coyote. After 15 seconds or so, the beast turned and ran in the opposite direction at great speed.

The witness' mother and friend ran back up the trail. The witness hesitated a bit, but then realized that the beast was so fast that it could easily double-back and cut them off on the trail. He then ran towards his mother and friend.

The witness called me the next day. He said that he was going to attempt to go back the next day and try to find the print and photograph it. If I do obtain a photograph, I will add it to this post.

This area is well-known for sightings of a similar beast, referred to as the Beast Between the Lakes. Lon

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Custom Keto Diet

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8 Ft Bigfoot Aggressively Reacts to McClellanville, South Carolina Resident

A McClellanville, South Carolina resident encountered two Bigfoot in the woods behind his house. One of the creatures took an aggressive posture during the incident

I received the following account:

"Hello - I got your email off the internet. We live in McClellanville, South Carolina near the high school. My wife and I were out back last evening moving lawn chairs and a table into the garage. There was enough light to see into the woods. It was raining steady when I heard a few grunt sounds coming from the woods. I looked out the door and saw two hairy forms quickly walking through the trees about 100 foot away. As I caught a glimpse of them the biggest one turned, stopped walking and stared at me. That's when I realized it was a Bigfoot. For a few seconds it just stood there looking at me. The other Bigfoot kept walking. Then it shook it's head and let out a grunt and took a few steps in my direction. I slammed the garage door shut and locked it behind me. My wife didn't see them and wondered why I was acting like I was. She still doesn't believe what I saw.

The big one was very tall, I'd say over 8 foot and huge. It was covered in ruddy brown hair and dark colored face. The other one was a few foot shorter. I don't think I'd ever been so scared. I've never seen anything like that in these woods or anywhere in this area. We've lived here for 27 years and I know the outdoors well.

I went back out this morning, but there were no footprints even though it's muddy back there. All this rain may have covered up any tracks.

We had something bust a garage window a few months ago but I had no idea who or what did it. Now I believe it was one those Bigfoot.

Thanks for reading my email." RS

NOTE: I called the witness after receiving the email. He had contacted a local Bigfoot group who was going to investigate. He didn't have any additional information to add to his original account. Lon


“I live in by the largest U.S naval Base on Earth and one of the largest shipyards. One night while driving down the interstate I noticed driving parallel to the direction I was driving. was a spacecraft. Just like out of a Sci-Fi series, Andromeda, Star wars, Star Trek. Undoubtedly. It was at a height parallel with the Norfolk skyline. I'm actually scared to write this but whatever… it was headed towards the Chesapeake Bay and when I noticed it it was beside Harbor Park baseball park. It was cruising extremely slow with a helicopter behind it. American. Two propellers like a supply helicopter. The supply helicopter kept a very safe distance And remained the exact speed of the ship. There were lights on the spaceship but they were not bright. It was so close I could see many details even though it was dark. Oddly enough but not surprising this was the first time I noticed all the spotlights off at the naval shipyard. Harbor Park as well.” JB

Arcane Radio is LIVE on the Paranormal King Radio Network or the direct link at Mixlr - Paranormal King

Facebook event announcement: David Weatherly - 'Monsters of the Last Frontier' - Arcane Radio

Join me as I welcome author, investigator and explorer David Weatherly to Arcane Radio. David is a renaissance man of the strange and supernatural. He has traveled the world in pursuit of ghosts, cryptids, UFOs, magic and more. From the specters of dusty castles, to remote, haunted islands, from ancient sites, to modern mysteries, he has journeyed to the most unusual places on the globe seeking the unknown. David has investigated, and written about, a diverse range of topics including, Hauntings, Cryptozoology, Ufology, Ancient Mysteries, Shamanism, Magic and Psychic Phenomena. He has been a featured speaker at conferences around the world and has lectured for countless paranormal, UFO, and spiritual groups. He is a frequent guest on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, Darkness Radio and other radio programs. David has also appeared on numerous television shows including Ancient Aliens, Mysteries at the National Parks and Beyond Belief. His latest book is 'Monsters of the Last Frontier: Cryptids & Legends of Alaska.' His website can be found at eerielights.com - This should be an interesting & informative show! Join us this Friday, April 3rd at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on ParanormalKing.com or the direct link at mixlr.com/paranormal-king - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to www.paranormal.olicentral.com

Listen to our podcast at Arcane Radio on Podbean or on my YouTube channel. You can also listen to the podcast at Arcane Radio on Stitcher - iOS, Android and the Webplayer. Please consider becoming an Arcane Radio patron. Thanks...Lon

Hey folks. I do understand that everyone is tightening their belts during the Covid-19 situation, but I ask that you consider a donation to Phantoms & Monsters. Yes, I do receive some funds through books and advertising, but it is far from enough to cover expenses. If you are interested in helping out, you can use the PayPal donation buttons on the blog and newsletter or go directly to PayPal.com and use my email lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com as the recipient. You can also make a donation through Facebook Messenger. Thanks for your continued support. Lon

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Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs


Skinwalker Chronicles

Hyena Sighting - Adirondack Park, NY

Ancient Observations: On the Trail of the Medieval Orang Pendek

Nurse warns of key coronavirus symptom she’s seen in all patients

JFK, The Warren Commission and More

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Chicago & Regional Winged Humanoid / Flying Entity Sightings & Encounters

Chicago & Regional Winged Humanoid / Flying Entity Sightings & Encounters Interactive Map

PA Upright Canine/Dogman Witness Sightings Map

Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research / Pennsylvania Lycan Investigations / Bigfoot & Sasquatch / Upright Canines & Dogman


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© 2005-2020 Phantoms & Monsters - All Rights Reserved

samedi, mars 28, 2020

Possible Bigfoot Explores Campsite / Circles Tent at Night in Alaska Wilderness

An Alaskan girl is camping with her friend and the friend's father. She hears the heavy steps of a biped circling her tent during the night

"Growing up, I had a childhood friend that lived relatively close by and we were like two peas in a pod. We both were adventurous, believed in the paranormal, enjoyed astronomy and generally just being outside. She was born in Alaska and her dad had lived there for quite awhile so they were always into camping, hiking, fishing, skiing, you name it. It was with my friends family that I got introduced to fishing and did a lot of camping.

This happened during the mid to late nineties and we were maybe around 10-12 years old (it's been awhile so I can't remember exactly).

One camping trip, we went to this lake in the forest that was surrounded by a meadow and feeding the lake was a small stream leading out of the woods. Anyway, we played in the meadow and stream all day while my friends dad fished. The lake wasn't very big and because it had a meadow all around it, he could keep an eye on our whereabouts while he fished. While messing around by the stream, the wooded area gave me weird vibes. I Can't explain it, I just felt really uneasy.

Anyway, the day faded away into early evening and it was time to leave and find a camping spot. My friends dad packed up his fishing gear and we all walked back to the truck on this long, winding path through the woods. Once in the truck, we drove into a more remote area of the forest and made our way up this steep road that was so rough, and at such an incline, that I was convinced that my friend's dad was going to break his truck. He had a four, maybe six cylinder, Toyota pickup that was about as basic as a truck could get. In fact, I'm not even sure if the truck had four wheel drive, but being an Alaskan outdoorsman with years of experience, I trusted him.

We finally made it up to the top which was flat and relatively open with a big area of forest in the opposite direction from the road we drove up. We pitched our tents, got everything set up and my friend and I decided to go explore the area. We were maybe 50 yards from the tent when we heard a big crack as a tree branch snapped in the woods behind us. We got quiet and looked in that direction, but did not see anything. Thinking it was just a deer we brushed it off. As we were walking we heard it again, and whispered to one another about what it could be, but kept going. It stopped briefly and when we were about 200 yards from our camp, we sat on a boulder looking down the steep, wooded hill overlooking the dirt road from where we had come from. Suddenly, we heard another cracking branch from behind. Whatever it was seemed to be following us. Our imaginations going wild, we came up with everything from a serial killer stalking us in the woods to deer to Bigfoot.

When we got back to the campsite, we told her dad what we had heard and how it seemed to be paralleling us. He kind of played it off as a black bear and secured all the food. Later on, my friend confided in me that her dad had gotten out his pistol and would be sleeping with it that night. My friend and I were sharing one tent and he was in his own tent not far from us, so we figured everything would be ok.

I awoke sometime in the middle of the night to hearing something or someone walking outside. As I lay still listening, I could hear it quietly circling the tent. It sounded like it was walking on two legs because it had a distinct rhythm in how it walked. Whatever it was, sounded big as I could hear its weight (if that makes sense) as it put each foot down and walked. I could even hear relatively quiet but deep, heavy breathing at times. As I lay there listening, I could hear it wandering to the other parts of the campsite and then back to our tent, almost as if it was walking in a big, repetitive loop. This went on for who knows how long, it felt like an eternity. Terrified and unable to wake my friend, I lay there and listened until I eventually fell asleep.

The next morning, I told my friend and her dad about it, but I don't know if they believed me or not. Interestingly, absolutely nothing in the camp was disturbed in any way. The ground was not very soft and in some places was covered in grass, so there were no footprints either.

This is something that I have never been able to explain and to this day lingers in the back of my mind when camping. I always wonder what it was that walked around our tent all night." BD

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Facebook event announcement: David Weatherly - 'Monsters of the Last Frontier' - Arcane Radio

Join me as I welcome author, investigator and explorer David Weatherly to Arcane Radio. David is a renaissance man of the strange and supernatural. He has traveled the world in pursuit of ghosts, cryptids, UFOs, magic and more. From the specters of dusty castles, to remote, haunted islands, from ancient sites, to modern mysteries, he has journeyed to the most unusual places on the globe seeking the unknown. David has investigated, and written about, a diverse range of topics including, Hauntings, Cryptozoology, Ufology, Ancient Mysteries, Shamanism, Magic and Psychic Phenomena. He has been a featured speaker at conferences around the world and has lectured for countless paranormal, UFO, and spiritual groups. He is a frequent guest on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, Darkness Radio and other radio programs. David has also appeared on numerous television shows including Ancient Aliens, Mysteries at the National Parks and Beyond Belief. His latest book is 'Monsters of the Last Frontier: Cryptids & Legends of Alaska.' His website can be found at eerielights.com - This should be an interesting & informative show! Join us this Friday, April 3rd at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on ParanormalKing.com or the direct link at mixlr.com/paranormal-king - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to www.paranormal.olicentral.com

Listen to our podcast at Arcane Radio on Podbean or on my YouTube channel. You can also listen to the podcast at Arcane Radio on Stitcher - iOS, Android and the Webplayer. Please consider becoming an Arcane Radio patron. Thanks...Lon

Hey folks. I do understand that everyone is tightening their belts during the Covid-19 situation, but I ask that you consider a donation to Phantoms & Monsters. Yes, I do receive some funds through books and advertising, but it is far from enough to cover expenses. If you are interested in helping out, you can use the PayPal donation buttons on the blog and newsletter or go directly to PayPal.com and use my email lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com as the recipient. You can also make a donation through Facebook Messenger. Thanks for your continued support. Lon


Flying Human-Like Creature - Cherry Hill, NJ

The Conspiracy to Murder Pope John Paul I

An Ancient Mystery: “A man or some other animal”

10 Most Fascinating Ghost Towns From The past

The Science of This Pandemic Is Moving at Dangerous Speeds

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Chicago & Regional Winged Humanoid / Flying Entity Sightings & Encounters

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PA Upright Canine/Dogman Witness Sightings Map

Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research / Pennsylvania Lycan Investigations / Bigfoot & Sasquatch / Upright Canines & Dogman

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs


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