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mercredi, février 05, 2020

Real-Life Bizarre Humanoid Experiences

“Three years ago (around 2016) I was in the mountains with my friends because we wanted to see the sky. We had some fun and we decided to go back home. As I remember it was around 2:00 AM and we were six in an off-road car. On the way of coming back (still in the mountains) we saw a man that, from the look from far off, it looked like 60 year old and also by the way and how he was dressed. He was coming in front of us but still on the line of the walkers. It looked strange to us because that's an area without buildings is totally rural and no lights, no nothing. When we got close to him the driver, by instinct, was stopping the car because he looked so different. I shouted to my friend to press the gas because he looked paralyzed and when we exchanged words the creature stopped and looked us from behind in a creepy way. He moved his head to the left (our side) in a strange way, he rotated his head without moving his body and the angle on the left went a bit down (like his head was heavy). I mean his head was bigger and wider than normal peoples and his ears were more out; his nose was a bit small and his eyes were totally white and maybe triple of my eyes shape. I don't know how to explain, but it was so abnormal and so ugly and in that moment it was really creepy. We were six guys in the car and we just wanted to get away from there. I went one week without sleeping cause his face was on my mind all time. My friends never want talk about it but I wanna know what I really saw.” SS


“My sighting of the unexplained figure was around 18 years ago, early 2000s. My cousin and I were sitting in my bedroom right before it was time to go to sleep and we were horsing around, wrestling under the covers, etc. for some reason I just felt this pit form in the bottom of my stomach and felt like something was watching me. As I look up, my cousin's face expresses exactly what I'm feeling. We lift the covers and look to the hallway where my bedroom door is it and BAM there it is. This man I assume without skin, just muscle, even the face. Its eyes were pure red. It stood there staring at us from the hallway for a good 5 to 10 seconds smiling before we decided to go back into the child safe zone under the blankets. After a few minutes we peaked out and it was gone. We never spoke of this incident until recently. He described what he saw to a tee to what I had seen, that's how I know it wasn't just crazy fantasy. So my question is, sas this some kind of demonic presence?” MM

NOTE: The 'Skinless Man' seems to be a real phenomena. The episodes I have read and discussed have been of corporeal humanoids...not apparitions. Very bizarre. Lon


“I had a sighting in Fort Stewart (Georgia). We were training: low tech (no night vision, GPS) small unit tactics. I thought we were chasing a three man recon team but it wasn’t three men we saw. Myself and the other Sergeant looked at each other. I said “I don’t have time for this sh-t." I grab the radio, gave them my coordinates and said, ”We have hunters in the area.” They told me another platoon said they have people in their area also. All I could think of was warm chow. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. When I broke contact I could only see 2 of the 3. One was squatting down like a dog (I say dog because of the positions of its legs). That one ran off on all fours. Anyway, we had miles, gear (military laser tag) only blank ammunition. I just wanted my steak dinner. It was the commander's birthday. The last time I had seen one was when I was 16, turkey hunting with my uncle in New York State. My uncle always said, 'Stay far away from those things...they could ruin your life.' Wow. I’ve never spoken about this.” JP


“I was just coming home from work around 10:30 pm. My boyfriend was out with his friends for the night and our roommate was on tour so it was just me in the house. I normally stay up until he comes home but that night I was just exhausted. I crawled into bed and was just going to lay down and scroll through my phone until he got back. I ended up dozing off a little bit and was woken up by our bedroom door opening I said “Oh you’re home. Do you want me to get up?” He responded with “No let’s just go to sleep” and got into bed with me. I thought it was weird he hadn’t changed or taken off his jewelry but I didn’t think anything of it until later. I was dozing off again and my phone rang. It was my boyfriend asking me to come let him in because he didn’t have his keys. I was so confused and I looked over and the bed was empty I asked him where he went and he said that he was out with his friends and he was just coming home. I went and let him in and told him what happened and he swore up and down he was just getting home. Even showed me his Uber history. I know I was completely awake when this happened. People have told me I must’ve still been sleeping and all that but I am an extremely light sleeper so I know the door opening woke me up completely. I also know that my boyfriend wouldn’t play a joke on me like this as he knows that I am terrified of someone coming into our home. I also know that he would’ve told me by now if it was him playing a joke. We still talk about it time to time to try to figure out what it was but never get any answers.” PW


New Film Explores the Mothman’s “Legacy” Far Beyond the Silver Bridge

Poster by Christopher Shy debuts alongside trailer for The Mothman Legacy

Many believe the “Mothman” to be a 1960’s phenomenon, an omen only appearing before tragedy, and disappearing after a flap of sightings and the subsequent “Silver Bridge” collapse in 1967. But what if there’s more? What if the origins of this “omen” trace back much further and go much deeper than anyone realized? And, what if...the sightings never ended?

The Mothman Legacy is the direct sequel to 2017's highly regarded, The Mothman of Point Pleasant. The new film will tell the story of dozens of sightings of a being that was simply said to be a part of folklore, but who, nonetheless continues to be seen around the area today. With nearly a dozen eyewitness interviews, the film promises to offer some of the most intense, and terrifying encounters ever recorded.

The Mothman Legacy is directed by Seth Breedlove, and produced by Adrienne Breedlove. Lyle Blackburn returns to narrate with cinematography by Zac Palmisano and an original score by Brandon Dalo. The Mothman Legacy is being funded through a crowdfunding campaign via Kickstarter which launches Thursday, February 6th. Rewards include copies of the film on DVD and Blu-Ray, posters, t-shirts and more.

The Mothman Legacy is the 10th feature film from indie film production company, Small Town Monsters. The new trailer gives audiences a glimpse into some of the dark, haunting landscapes captured around West Virginia, along with sound clips from witnesses interviewed for the new film. The trailer is also accompanied by a new one-sheet from acclaimed artist, Christopher Shy (Mandy, Godzilla: King of the Monsters) which gives a haunting look at the titular creature.

The Mothman Legacy will debut on September 18th, 2020 and will have a big screen premiere as part of the kickoff for the annual Mothman Festival held in Point Pleasant, WV the same weekend as the release.


Arcane Radio is LIVE on the Paranormal King Radio Network or the direct link at Mixlr - Paranormal King

Facebook event announcement: Ken Gerhard - Cryptozoologist - 'The Essential Guide to Bigfoot' - Arcane Radio

This week I welcome cryptozoologist, investigator and author Ken Gerhard to Arcane Radio. Ken is a widely recognized cryptozoologist and field investigator for The Centre for Fortean Zoology, as well as a fellow of the Pangea Institute and consultant for several research organizations. He has traveled the world searching for evidence of mysterious animals and legendary beasts. In addition to co-hosting the History Channel TV series 'Missing in Alaska,' Ken has appeared in three episodes of the television series 'MonsterQuest' and is featured in the History Channel special 'The Real Wolfman,' as well as other series including 'Ancient Aliens' (History Channel), 'True Monsters' (History Channel), 'Unexplained Files' (Science Channel), Monsters and Mysteries in America (Animal Planet), and many more. His credits include appearances on numerous news broadcasts and radio programs, and he has authored 5 well-received books, including his recent title 'The Essential Guide to Bigfoot.' Ken has traveled to twenty-six different countries on six continents and has visited virtually all of the United States. An avid adventurer, he has camped along the Amazon, explored the Galapagos, hiked the Australian Outback and has visited many ancient and mysterious sites, from Machu Pichu to Stonehenge. This will be an informative and entertaining show! Join us this Friday, January 7th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on or the direct link at - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to

The Essential Guide to Bigfoot

Listen to our podcast at Arcane Radio on Podbean or on my YouTube channel. You can also listen to the podcast at Arcane Radio on Stitcher - iOS, Android and the Webplayer. Please consider becoming an Arcane Radio patron. Thanks...Lon


Hey folks...I ask you to consider a donation to Phantoms & Monsters. Yes, I do receive some funds through books and advertising...but it is not always enough to cover expenses - which include my Google advertising costs (soliciting reports), Arcane Radio fees, research access costs, etc. If you are interested in helping out, you can use the PayPal donation buttons on the blog and newsletter or go directly to and use my email as the recipient. You can also make a donation through Facebook Messenger. Thanks for your continued support. Lon




The Peruvian Giants

Romani Culture, Myths and Legends

Mysterious Characters in Military Uniforms

Bizarre Encounters with Outlandish Humanoids in Flying Suits

The Legendary Beasts of Scandinavia

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Civil War Ghosts

Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens

The Djinn Connection: The Hidden Links Between Djinn, Shadow People, ETs, Nephilim, Archons, Reptilians and Other Entities

The Vengeful Djinn: Unveiling the Hidden Agenda of Genies

Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience: The True Story of the World's First Documented Alien Abduction

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs



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