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vendredi, février 28, 2020

China's Cryptids: Monsters, Humanoids & Alien Visitors

China's mythology includes a wide variety of strange beings. I suppose the real question is, are any of these legends based on fact?


Location/Date: Hong Kong, China - March 1955 - evening

Doors were barred in Hong Kong as the police searched for a hairy beast, said by terrified residents to be a shaggy animal over 6 ft tall. One man, a village gardener named Law Chiu had fought it and lived. The thing attacked him about 50 yards from the family temple. It was covered with long, shaggy gray hair. It stood upright when it came at him. He punched it in the stomach but the creature fell on him and they grappled for some time. The creature then went away, loping on all fours. Some time after that a woman saw a strange animal galloping past her vegetable garden on four legs, and as proof she exhibited large triangular footprints in the soft earth. They were unlike those made by a man or ape.

Source: The Saucerian Review



Location/Date: Ping Wu, Szechwan Province, China - March 7 1987 - midnight

A family of three, including a young child was awakened by a loud high-pitched hum coming from outside their small home. All three went outside to investigate and were nearly blinded by a beam of yellowish light coming from a huge reddish orange object shaped like a straw hat that hovered above them, slowly spinning. The hum grew louder and all three had a strange floating sensation then blacked out.

They all woke up and found themselves strapped to three steel tables in a circular room. The woman began screaming then a tiny hatchway opened in the wall and five 3-foot tall humanoid creatures stepped into the room. They were human in shape but with featureless faces with three huge whitish eyes on their foreheads. Their skin appeared transparent and bluish in color. The creatures said nothing as they proceeded to remove blood from the arms of all three abductees. They then inserted long needles into their knees and ankle joints. The husband and the child appeared to have been in a trance-like state during the incident. Electrode like devices were taped to their skulls and the woman was again able to hear the loud high-pitched hum that they initially heard outside their home. One of the beings made an incision on the child's thigh that was immediately healed by a pencil like device that was passed over it. Moments later the room became dark and everything began spinning.

Their next conscious memory was walking on a roadside 7 miles from their home.

Source: Lillian Crowner Desguin

NOTE: Rare but unconfirmed abduction report from communist China...Lon



Location/Date: Peking, China - May 1, 1981 - 9:00pm

The witness was sleeping at a hostel dormitory with many others when a voice woke him up telling him that he was going to be taken onboard an object. A small craft then entered the room apparently passing right through the wall. A beam of light shone on him and he was apparently then reduced in size and lifted up into the object, which left at high speed.

Inside the craft he saw a lighted circular chamber and was able to see stars through an opened porthole. In the center of the room there was a screen showing a constellation and stars. Seated at the screen was a blond young woman. She spoke to him and took him to a large launching area where many objects of different shapes and sizes were parked near a control tower. Later he was returned from where he had been taken from.

The next evening, the witness was again sleeping when he heard a voice inviting him inside an object. He was lifted up and taken onboard a craft through a porthole. Inside he met two "normal" Chinese girls and the blond woman from the previous encounter. They were shown a screen where they saw a series of images showing different periods of Chinese history, concluding with a view of the earth as it used to be. They landed at the "launching" area where he saw numerous human like beings. He found himself being transported through the air and then placed on a slab where he was given a detailed physical examination. He was later returned.

The brother of the main witness reported seeing a large craft like object that entered his room and landed on the floor. Several small men dressed in one-piece garments and carrying what appeared to be "surgical" instruments emerged. They laid the witness down on his bed and opened up his stomach. They sewed it back up and departed without saying a word.

The very next night, the witness was sleeping when he felt somebody push him. He opened his eyes and saw a strange man standing in front of him. The man was covered completely with short gray hairs and had two long fangs in his mouth. The being waved an arm and the witness floated up into the air and into a landed object outside the house. The witness was then taken to a large base where he saw many similar hairy beings that appeared to be engaged in repairing landed UFOs. While the witness was being brought back to his home a blond girl who he had previously encountered asked him several questions and he was also allowed to ask some himself.

Source: Gordon Creighton, FSR



Location/Date: Gobi Desert, Outer Mongolia, China - 1982 - unknown time

Chinese military units accidentally stumbled upon a crashed alien spacecraft in this isolated desert region. A retrieval team was summoned and the site properly cordoned off. Everything possible was done to avoid any information leaked to civilians and to other Chinese military sections. The craft was slightly damaged and abandoned by its crew. It was about 10 meters long and about 2.5-3 meters in diameter. Its shape was cylindrical, with a very durable surface. Sophisticated equipment apparently used by alien entities was found inside the cabin, with chairs for 2 or 3 entities. The cylinder was loaded upon a platform on a flatbed truck or railroad carriage and moved to a must secured underground Government research installation in a military range southwest of Beijing under the Taihang-Shan Mountains. The alien spacecraft was subjected to extensive study and research. Another UFO, which crashed in 1973, was also stored at the site.

Source: Anton Anfalov

NOTE: The Taihang Shan Mountains contain a network of underground tunnels for Chinese strategic missiles. Speculation is that part of that underground network is used to hide rumored crashed UFOs as well as remains of alien beings.

In January, 2005 in the area that borders Nepal, tourists returning from Nepal were talking about a possible UFO crash in that country. The talk was also rampant in Katmandu, capital of Nepal and other Nepali cities. The crash site is in the deep Himalayan border of Nepal and China. According to sources, the crash site may have been close to Mount Everest and is totally inaccessible from either side. The rumor is that the Chinese military was actively looking for the crashed craft. It is also rumored that the 'human-like' extraterrestrials were not allowing anyone to get close to the site.

Unusual activities and some tremors were felt all over the Himalayan regions from both the Indian and Nepalese side. Also UFO activity increased sharply in that area, possibly related to the supposed crash. It is possible that the crash was nothing more but a Chinese spacecraft. China had some secret military projects in that area.

In January, the weather is so inclement that is almost impossible to reach the area, everything is frozen over. According to some, it is possible that underground UFO bases in the region were damaged by the tremor and strange aftershocks were being felt since the huge 9.0 Richter scale quake in December 2004 in Sumatra, which caused the huge tsunami. Lon



Location/Date: Yugiu, Jiangsu, China - 1523 - daytime

A teacher named Lu Yu who lived in the village of Yugiu was standing outside his home under a torrential rain when he noticed two “ships” which were sailing on top of the clouds above some ruins across from his home. On the two ships “which measured more than ten arms each” he could see several tall men wearing each one a hat and multicolored clothing. They were holding a “pole” in each hand as the ships moved quickly overhead.

The teacher Lu Yu then alerted “ten well read men” who stood beside him to observe the phenomenon. The ships then descended over the teacher and the ten other men and took the men on board the ships. The multicolored clothed beings “then passed their hands over the mouths of the well-read scribes who could not speak anymore.” At this time other men appeared on one of the ships, escorted like a Mandarin and accompanied by a monk.

Some time later the ships flew away, through the clouds and were seen descending about a kilometer away near a cemetery. When the ships left the “ten well read scribes” were able to speak again. But five days later, Lu Yu died of unknown causes.

Source: Shi Bo “China and the Extraterrestrials” 1983



The yeren, otherwise known as the Chinese wildman, is a hairy humanoid that is said to inhabit the dense forests of China. About man-sized, it has quite distinctive red hair.

The yeren usually sounds like a bipedal, more human-like version of an orangutan. It could be an orangutan that has evolved to fill a more ground-dwelling niche, with associated bipedalism and thus it ends up looking like a Bigfoot or missing link through sheer coincidence. Bipedalism has evolved independently in the ape family at least two times, so it is at least slightly possible that this has happened yet again with an isolated population of orangutans.

In some reports, yeren sound less like bipedal orangutans and more like standard an ape-like hominid such as Bigfoot. These reports typically describe a creature varying between six and seven feet tall, with a heavy, muscular build and anatomical features that lean more towards the human side than towards the ape side. Fur colors are also more variable, with less instances of red. Some reports in this category sound so human-like than the yeren is thought by some researchers to be a primitive species of human, such as a Neanderthal man.



The Cynocephali exist in the mythology of Europe, India and China though there have been sporadic encounters through the centuries. The legends in the Chinese culture originally said that the Cynocephali resided somewhere in the wild lands west of Tibet and north of Persia (modern-day Iran). The Cynocephali were described as shapeshifters who could change from human to dog, but who always retained some animal features when they became human again.

If real Cynocephali exist, it is hard to decide what sort of animal they might be. It was once thought that these legends might be garbled accounts of baboons, monkeys with dog-like snouts. Further studies have suggested that the Cynocephali tales are actually based on dog ancestor origin myths from various tribes in the Chinese wilderness. According to these Western writers, whole races of people were deliberately killed because they weren't human, they were "really" monsters.



She was three metres tall, had 12 fingers and braided leg hair - and she wanted to make love with him, Meng Zhaoguo said.

So the farmer from Heilongjiang and the robust extra-terrestrial seductress had intimate moments - while levitating - for about 40 minutes, claims Meng, who is the protagonist of what is perhaps China's best-known alien abduction report.

Meng says he was working outside in Heilongjiang's Wuchang in 1994, when he saw a metallic shimmering on a mountainside. He went to investigate, believing it was likely a downed helicopter, when he blacked out.

When he came to, he was confused and unable to communicate with other people. He had also developed an extreme fear of anything made of iron.

Later that night, the female humanoid visited him, he says.

"I didn't believe in aliens before I actually met them," he tells China Daily. "Seeing is believing. We cannot explain UFOs and aliens because our technology isn't advanced enough. But that doesn't mean such things don't exist."

He passed a lie detector test conducted by the police.

Meng said he met other extraterrestrials after that.

"The aliens showed me a piece of crystal through which I saw forests, icebergs and fossil fuels on the Earth.

"They told me about the current situation facing Earth's resources and warned me about the importance of environmental protection," he said.

The aliens also told him that the offspring of him and the female extraterrestrial would appear 60 years from when they had sex.

Meng's account is met with both skepticism and belief - not only by the general public, but also the country's growing community of ufologists, who study reports of unidentified flying objects (UFOs).

Chinese interest in, and sightings of, UFOs have been increasing, especially since one shut down Xiaoshan Airport in Zhejiang's provincial capital Hangzhou for about an hour on June 7, making world headlines.

The hovering object affected 18 flights and about 2,000 passengers.

There have been eight more mass sightings since, with the latest shutting down the airport in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region's Baotou city for about an hour on Sept 11, ABC News reported.

Unexplained sightings reported to the Beijing UFO Research Organization (BURO) have increased from about 100 in 2008 to more than 200 this year, says the organization's Secretary-General Zhou Xiaoqiang, who was also part of the Xiaoshan Airport investigation team.

"As material and cultural life improves in China, more people are able to use cameras to photograph and film the strange things they see," the 62-year-old says. "Also, media broadcasts are making the UFO a more popular concept in China, and the Internet makes it easier to file reports."

Zhou points out that sightings spike around festivals.

"That's because fireworks, lanterns, kites are everywhere. For example, a flashing triangular UFO could be a kite with lights," Zhou explains.

Zhou puts the chances that UFOs carry extraterrestrial visitors at "zero" and says there have been less than 10 abduction reports in the country.

Wang Sichao, a research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Purple Mountain Observatory in Jiangsu's provincial capital Nanjing, says China's UFO reports are "more credible" than those in other countries. And there are fewer abduction reports.

"The aliens that are reported here are all different. Some are humanoid, some have large heads and eyes, some conduct sexual experiments, some speak Chinese and others use a kind of universal language.

But the one thing all these claims have in common is a lack of solid evidence."

Meng describes the extraterrestrials he says he met - he had a second encounter with others after he met the female - as speaking Chinese.

"The aliens showed me a piece of crystal, through which I saw forests, icebergs and fossil fuels on the Earth," he says. "They told me about the current situation facing Earth's resources and warned me about the importance of environmental protection."

But that's not all they told him, he says.

"They said that 60 years from then, there will be an alien born with the genes of an earthling farmer, and I can meet him or her," he says, referring to the offspring he says he sired with the extraterrestrial female.

While many within China's ufology community are skeptical of abduction reports such as Meng's, International Chinese UFO Association sighting investigation department head Zhang Jingping believes people should remain open-minded.

"We have invented aircraft, and we have landed on the moon. Why is it impossible that aliens are visiting us?" says the 42-year-old. Zhang has led research on Meng's case, including arranging for police to administer a lie detector test, which he says Meng passed.

Wang says China has about 60 researchers and 10 NGOs involved in serious UFO studies. The country's ufology community was put on the map in 2005, when Liaoning province's Dalian city was selected as the World UFO Conference site.

American nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman, who worked on classified government projects for 14 years and is perhaps the world's most celebrated ufologist, told China Daily at the conference that, "ufology is blossoming in China".

He has since been "impressed" by the serious discussions in the country's press, he says.

"China's space program is moving rapidly, and so is its serious discussion of UFOs," he says.

"I am indeed optimistic that Chinese researchers will be making more contributions to our knowledge of this very important phenomenon - visits to Planet Earth by intelligently controlled alien spacecraft."

Be they unexplained natural phenomenon or the cruisers of universe-trotting ETs - or something else entirely - UFOs are unlikely to stop appearing over China anytime soon.

And when they do appear, there will be a growing number of Chinese with their eyes on the skies. -



Proponents of ancient astronaut theories often maintain that humans are either descendants or creations of beings who landed on Earth thousands of years ago. The most popular theory is that human knowledge, religion, and culture came from extraterrestrial visitors in ancient times. Ancient astronauts have been widely used as a plot device in science fiction, but the idea that ancient astronauts actually existed is not taken seriously by most academics.

Arguments can be made that the evidence for ancient astronauts comes from supposed gaps in historical and archaeological records, and they also maintain that absent or incomplete explanations of historical or archaeological data point to the existence of ancient astronauts. The evidence is said to include archaeological artifacts that are beyond the presumed technical capabilities of the historical cultures with which they are associated. This also includes artwork and legends that are interpreted as depicting extraterrestrial contact or technologies.

Notwithstanding these contentions, let us say that there is an axiom to the ancient astronaut theory. Then we need to ask, who were these beings? What did they represent to the inhabitants of earth? Where these beings the ancient Gods of antiquity?

I would like to periodically chronicle my speculation of how the native people interpreted these unknown entities. This edition describes Huang-Di, Son of Heaven.

Huang-Di (2697-2598 B.C.) is considered to be the first emperor of China and the ancestor of all Chinese. Huang Di, or the Yellow Emperor, is referred to as the "Originator of the Chinese Culture", and all people of the Chinese race regard themselves as descendants of Yan Di and Huang Di. According to many sources he was one of the legendary 'Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors'. Chinese scholars have argued whether Huang-Di was “real” or “mythical”. Depending on the source you use he has been described as a god-king, a mythical-king, a real king, a god-like-king, a “son of the heavens” or a half-god. Chinese history suggests that he was real but not human.

A dragon shaped kite is seen flying above the worship ceremony to commemorate 'Huang Di', or the Yellow Emperor, the legendary ancestor of the Chinese nation at the Huang Di Mausoleum on April 5, 2005 in Xian of Shaanxi Province, China.

Many ancient cultures have kings and rulers that have descended from the skies and referred to as “Gods” and their offspring, as a result from relations to humans, as “half-gods”. Chinese accounts are no different in this respect. According to legend, before Huang-Di was born there was “a radiance from the great star Chi and the Dipper Constellation (Ursa Major)”. His conception was marked by a “thunderclap on a clear day in the skies”. Huang-Di then begins his unification of China and is also credited with being a culture-hero, having brought traditional Chinese Medicine (including acupuncture) to the country. His wife taught the Chinese how to make silk. He was said to live in the Kunlun-Mountains in the heart of Tibet. After he lived and ruled for over 100 years he is said to have prepared his “return to the skies”. Then a Dragon “descended from the sky and took Huang-Di away”. Some sources say that he did not die then but lived another 200 years in the Syuan Yuan stars (the Leo Constellation).

Huang-Di is also said to have authored a book called “Bai Ze Tu” which describes 11520 types of “shapeshifters, monsters, spirits, beings” in the Universe. This book is considered lost. Some sources also cite Huang-Di as having instructed Lao Tzu...the originator of Taoism.

Ancient accounts on Huang-Di refer to him as an inventor of odd mechanical devices. A machine called “the south pointing chariot” helped him win various battles. Another odd device which Huang-Di is supposed to have invented is described as “a tripod”. This “tripod” was 4 meters in height and “100s of energies filled its inside” and made “odd noises”. According to legend this tripod depicted “dragons flying in the clouds”. Furthermore, the tripod was set up at the “Summit Lake Mountain” and “had to be pointed at the Syuan Yuan star” (the brightest star in this Constellation is Regulus). This is also the star Huang-Di is said to be from. Apparently this “tripod” was also able to store data and has recorded the life and times of Huang-Di. Huang-Di’s “Dragon” is not described as some mythological creature but as a device to ascend to “the suns”...a means of transportation and more than three thousand years old.

The works on Huang-Di's life state that the dragon named 'Changhuan' covers an extreme distance in only one day and that any human who rides it can reach the age of two thousand years...a concept consistent with other worldwide legends and accounts of gravitational time dilation in regards to these “vehicles of the Gods”.

When the Huang-Di reached the age of just over a hundred years, he arranged his worldly affairs with his ministers, and prepared for his journey back to the Heavens. The close of his long reign was made glorified by the appearance of a phoenix and a mysterious animal known as the Qilin as tokens of his administration. The life of Huang-Di is celebrated annually by the Chinese people.

What can be extracted from this information? The start of Chinese culture has always been murky...they are a remarkable civilization with an uncommon and mysterious history. If the ancient Chinese were helped by so-called ancient astronauts, it would not take away any of the skill and traditions they have left for subsequent generations.

Thanks to Albert Rosales for some of the accounts


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