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samedi, février 08, 2020

Bigfoot Along the Mason / Dixon Line

Along the Mason-Dixon Line (in particular, south central Pennsylvania / northern Maryland) Bigfoot and other hairy hominids have been seen and noted since the 18th century. The small-statured 'Albatwitch' has become a well-known part of the culture. The hairy hominids tend to move back and forth between these two states as well. The following accounts detail some of the activity:

I received a telephone call today from a woman who claims to have seen a small bigfoot-like creature on July 18th, 2008 near the town of Red Lion, Pa. She stated that she had been shopping and was on her way home. As she was driving south on Rt. 624 about 2 miles from Red Lion, she noticed something running across a field near a home construction site. At first, she thought it was a large dog but it stood upright like a human. She pulled her car into an unfinished side road and observed the creature for several minutes as it would stop, look around, then it would continue running until it reached a small woods. She states that it was around 7PM in the evening and clear.

She described it as stocky with muscular arms and legs and no more than 4 foot in stature and sparsely covered in dark gray hair. It had no clothes though she could not determine the gender. At one point, she says that she was near enough to notice the head was smaller than that of a human child of the same height. She said that only one other person (a neighbor) was told of this sighting and that she did not want any notoriety. Her only reason for contacting me was because she had seen my blog and that I lived nearby (about 50 miles south in Baltimore) and thought I may want to check the area out for myself.

She only gave me the name 'Macy' as a reference (I assume this is not her actual name) and refused to disclose her address and other personal information. There have been Bigfoot sighting reports in this area of Pennsylvania in the past as well as in neighboring Maryland. This very well could have been a juvenile Bigfoot. There have been local and Indian legends of a small hominid (the Albatwitch) in Lancaster and York Counties. The 'Albatwitch' is a small (about 4 feet tall), manlike creature which supposedly lived in wooded areas. Their main area of residence seemed to be near Chickies Rock, a heavily wooded area along the banks of the Susquehanna River about a mile or two north of Columbia, Pa. Albatwitches were also reported from wooded areas all along the river's shore and were said to be fond of apples thus their bizarre common name is short for “apple-snitch.”
Legend also says that the albatwitches either became extinct or were driven nearly into extinction in the later years of the nineteenth century. Chickies Rock, where the creatures supposedly lived, does have a tradition of strange sights and sounds. In the 1950s and 1970s, a man-like figure was seen several times, and local legends also speak of sounds like the crack of a whip heard in the woods at night.

Several sightings of Bigfoot-type beings have been recorded from this area. A vague report concerning the sighting of a hairy humanoid came from Lancaster in 1973. Lancaster is 10 miles east of Columbia. Another came from the town of North Annville (about 20 miles to the north) in the same year. In addition, a number of reports have surfaced out of neighboring York County, where Red Lion is located.


“I was on the way to the grocery store one day about 2-3 weeks ago and I saw something standing upright against or behind a tree. At least it looked that way. It happened when I was crossing a railroad track and that was against a hill that had a sharp bend at the top. So I didn’t stop, fearing someone would come and hit me from behind. At the time I tried to tell myself that maybe it was a tree. So when I came back from the store whatever I saw wasn’t there anymore and I just can’t explain it."

It wasn’t the same color as the tree. That’s what made me curious. It was a light reddish brown with beige. Almost like the hair was 2-tone or something. The hair looked like it was in jagged tuffs that looked like it would look darker underneath if you lifted the fur. At the same time looked like you’d like to touch it (maybe that’s because I’m a hairdresser). I can’t explain what it was since I did not see a face nor did I see any arms and feet. But whatever it was, it was about 6 or 8 ft. tall from the ground to where it stopped about 6-8 ft. alongside that tree. I did notice the part that I saw was a little rounded at the top as if suggesting a shoulder. It wasn’t another tree since nothing else in the area (tree or bush) was that same color. I wish now that I gotten someone and looked for tracks. It has rained 3 or 4 times now so I guess I wouldn’t be able to see anything. I may go look anyway. I don’t know if it could have been a Sasquatch or what it could have been, but whatever it was it was standing straight and tall and didn’t move."

I don’t know if the ole big guy (if that’s what he was) was passing by or he’s a local? There have been sightings to the south of us (Little Bennett Campground in Frederick Co.) and some north of us in Adams County, Pa., which is just around 12-15 miles from here. I’d like to see him in the daylight again if that’s what I saw. But it would scare me sh-less if I were to see him at night. I’m here by myself a lot at night and our dog wants to always go out. When she does, she acts like she is scared sometimes since she stays on the deck and looks. I sometime wonder what she is looking at. I know this may not be from your area, but thought you’d like to know. There may be others that come across your website as I have tonight with a similar story to tell from this same area. If so then maybe we have a local. Thanks for inviting me to tell my story. I just had the need to tell you because now you have this story for a reference in case someone else comes forward and tells you their story. I will definitely keep my eyes open and let you know if I notice anything else. I kind of got the feeling that these things (if that is what it was) are very adapted to blending into their surroundings. It actually looked like it would have been soft if I were able to touch it. People go out looking for Bigfoot all the time. They go places where they think they will see him, and all the time he’s probably almost in their back yard. I have read that he will find you and now I believe that." JP


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