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lundi, février 24, 2020

6 Ft. Hairy Hominid Encountered Near Salt Lake City, Utah

Two friends were hiking in a suburb of Salt Lake City, Utah when one of them witnessed a 6 ft hairy hominid moving between the bushes. They also discovered an unusual teepee-shaped structure. Was this a Bigfoot or something different?

I recently came across the following account:

"A friend and I were hiking not far from downtown Salt Lake City in July (2014). After a while we decided to rest a bit. It was around 5:15 pm. Since the trail was narrow and crowded with bush we left the trail to rest under some very tall fir trees where the bushes were less thick but it was still shady. July in Salt Lake is close to 100 degrees.

As I was leaning on a stump, I noticed that we were standing among several trees that formed a teepee shape. As we were noticing and discussing it, I heard a loud crash and then a twig snap a few yards in front of me. (My back was to the trail, so I was facing a hillside and deeper forest growth while my friend was facing the trail with his back towards the hillside. The trees in the teepee formation were to my right about 10 feet and where my friend was facing them and the trail), so my head was turned about 90 degrees when I heard the commotion coming from the base of the hillside.

I immediately looked toward the sound and saw a hominid covered with dark brown hair moving quickly behind the thick bushes. He wasn't more than 6 feet tall and I didn't get a good look at his face because he turned and moved so quickly. I noticed that his hair was two toned, with the darker hair on his head and shoulders and the lighter hair on his midriff, his legs appeared darker.

I shouted, "Did you see that!?" to my friend while trying to make sense of what I was seeing. (The last time I saw someone tromping through the bushes in that area was in the early spring. There were two x-country skiers coming back down the mountain. The one in front was wearing a blue jacket with the typical two tone dark grey shoulder pattern.) So for some reason it was the first explanation that my brain came up with for what I was seeing there in July. I mean, I could clearly recall the hairy creature, but at the same time, my brain was refusing to believe it and was trying to come up with a scenario for the situation. All it could muster was a skier hiking through the forest, not on the trail but fully dressed in dark ski clothes from head to toe, in July.

At any rate, I then began to call out, "Hello!? Hey! Hello??" while also trying to listen for the direction of his retreat between my calls. My friend ran up to the spot see if he could see anything. He had only seen a blur by the time he had turned all the way around to see what had made the sound so he wasn't sure what we were looking for. Even though it was only a few short yards to the spot where I saw our "skier", there was nothing there. I regained my senses and ran to see if there were any tracks. I found one, but it resembled more of the kind of print you'd find in deep sand - more of a dugout type of depression in the needles. I measured it from side to side and it was about an inch longer and wider on each side than the size 11 Chaco sandals I was wearing.

I hadn't heard any crashing through the bushes after the initial noise that grabbed my attention so I was unable to determine what had happened to the "skier" after it had passed behind the bushes. There were small green plants covering the ground in the direction he went but they were only compressed and then quickly ran out at the edge of a very small and gentle ravine running back up the hill. We scanned for tracks but I didn't feel like pursuing into the deeper brush or up the ravine so we went back to the trail.

Oddly, neither of us felt threatened in the least, and although the valley we were hiking up was very narrow, we just continued up the trail in the same direction our furry friend had gone. We thought we heard movement up the hillside a few times and from various directions but still never felt threatened. After an hour or so of high awareness hiking, we turned back so we wouldn't get caught up there after sundown.

After giving it some thought, I found it highly suspicious that the creature had absconded so quickly through the brush without any noise except for the initial crash. I wonder now if the noise was a deliberate attempt to get our attention, not as a trap, but rather as an alert. A sort of "Hey, we're here. Please respect our space."

I'm never going to hike there alone again, that's for sure. But I'm definitely going back up there with a friend or two. I'd like to look for more indications of an individual or family group. If a group has moved in, I'd like to know. Otherwise I might assume it was an itinerant male just passing through." WS


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