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jeudi, janvier 23, 2020

Enormous Black Winged Cryptid Observed in Tukwila, Washington

I recently received the following account:

Occurrence approx. 15 years ago (2005) in Tukwila, Washington during mid-spring.
Time approx. 3-4:00 pm local time

I have a story to share which to this very day still makes me shrink on the inside wanting to become very small. It only lasted about 2-3 minutes yet, this short event filled me with a heavy dark feeling of the ultimate ending of my existence. I have only shared this with maybe a single handful of people. Even then they give me that look of 'oh, whatever' with a sideways grin, that familiar reaction.

About myself, I’m sixty years old now and beginning to understand that if I don’t share my experiences, well, someday it will go to the grave with me. Then no one will have heard them. So at this time of my life ridicule is not a fear anymore. Believe my story or not, this is not my concern. My story starts as follows.

I was walking to work to begin my night shift at a manufacturing company. The shift started at 6:00 pm to 6:00 am. I lived about 4 blocks from work, so I walked all the time. I would leave home at about 5:00 pm, take my time and enjoy the walk. The walking path I followed ran along the Green River. I was just starting on the head of the path with a slight downward incline. It was spring warm, clear with no wind, just a very beautiful day. As I was looking ahead something dark caught my attention from my right and slightly high above the tree line and towards the shopping mall which was about 2 blocks in that direction. I just slightly turned my head to see. Now what I saw was giving me a right profile of it. It was a very black thing, humanoid-like. It had wings (black) with legs. It was in a bird of prey position, just when they were about to grab their prey. I turned my attention forward and was hit with a feeling of fear and dread, like I was a field mouse in an open area. Now my mind is telling me that it was a black bird swooping down. Yet another part is saying 'WHAT THE bleep!' So I turned my head right again to see. There it was in the same spot, it hadn’t moved! It looked like a bird but with legs and arms held slightly out from its body. And with what looked like a head not like a bird at all. And wings back in the position a bird of prey would have them when swooping down.

Now my mind is trying to take in all this information. And it is not going well. Warning signals going off like crazy in my mind telling me to move slow and quietly. At the same time I'm beginning to realize that this thing is hovering in the direction of the shopping mall and kind of above it. Now wait. That's two blocks away. How can I see this in any detail? It's over there a far enough distance I should not even be able to see it. Other than a black spot. Yet I can. At least enough to see that what I’m seeing shouldn’t be. I’m beginning to understand that it must be large. I mean really, right? Two blocks away yet large enough for me to see the shape definition. No detail, just shape. I shift my gaze forward to gauge how much farther until I’m down this incline and out of visual. Not far maybe fifty feet. I decided to look again just to see. And of course it’s still in the same position but giving off that feeling of pure dread. I had no desire to stop and look, all I cared about was 'get to work fool.' So after the third look I just focused on getting to the location of not being seen or seeing it.

I made it to work ahead of time of course. Still feeling scared. Later in the shift I shared it with a co-worker and received laughter. So I shut up and didn't talk about this for many years. Over the years I have tried to grasp what I had seen. I really don’t know. Maybe I don't need to know. Yet even to this very day when I think about this the feeling of fear is present. I just have this strong feeling that what I had seen was not known.

Now there is a short incident that happened about three or four months later. I believe that it was around the first part of July. It was around 1:00 in the afternoon. I was walking in the parking lot of the shopping mall. Yes, the same one. I was about half way across the parking lot. Which is quite large. I had my headphones in, listening to music. All of a sudden I had the feeling that something was flying above me. I mean I actually ducked down thinking something was going over me. At the same time that this occurred, I saw a shadow pass over me. And it was shaped like a very large bird. I mean I could tell it was a wing. End to end maybe twenty feet. Just a poor guess at best. I immediately stopped and looked up. There was nothing in the sky except for a few high and thin white clouds. I looked to see if it was a plane. Nope. I did a complete 360 looking up nothing. So I beat my feet to the entrance. Once again having that feeling of being a field mouse out in the open.

So, I have no idea what I saw those two different times. But I think they may have been related. Whatever it was, I know the feeling that being seen is not going to be good. Well that about covers that subject. Take it for what it’s worth. Thank you for your time in allowing me to share. Final thought. I've noticed that people who have had strange encounters seem to be able to check a few boxes off in the cryptid or paranormal or even UFO categories.I know I can check a few of those boxes off myself. And all are in the category of I just don’t know. Sincerely, CC

NOTE: Be advised...Tukwila, WA is very near Seattle Tacoma International Airport. Lon


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