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mercredi, janvier 29, 2020

Cloaked Wrinkled EBE Confronted in Drammen, Norway

Entity description: Brown, wrinkly, 1-1.5 ft. in height
Time: Around 3 am GST +1 - Fall 2008
Place: Drammen, Buskerud, Norway
State of mind: No drugs, alcohol, medication or any history of mental illness. I had never experienced any hallucinations before or after. It was not a hypnagogic state as I was fully awake and thinking about the state of a request I had made to become a resident of Norway. My body was not paralysed, I was not frightened, I had no pets, I tested for mold and carbon dioxide, with no result and did not tell anyone

"I was awoken at around 3:00 AM, which is not uncommon, I often awaken several times a night. The room was dark, I was facing the right side of the room. Illumination from the streetlights and moon made things semi visible. The window is on my left side. After about 25 minutes I decide to change positions and face the left side of the room and the window and my drawers.

Standing on the drawers was a guy, who was around a foot to a foot and a half tall. He initially didn’t seem concerned that I was looking right at him - mouth closed - just observing. A millisecond later it was as if he knew that I could see him, his mouth opened a little. He looked a little shocked. I was very calm however. His skin a was brown and was very wrinkled. It looked like regular skin without pores but had the texture of funnel cake. He had large, very black, round eyes. He was wearing a cloak, seemingly made of a light absorbing material like suede, velour or velvet. Under the cloak you could tell he was sturdily built, not thin. The cloak had a hood which covered his head, but his face was still visible in the light of moon and streetlights. His face was very round.

I inherently gleaned certain knowledge about him. I felt I knew him, for a long time no less, and that while he was wrinkled, the majority of his race looks like that no matter the age. However he himself was very, very old. We sat there staring at each other for a while. After that, I don’t remember anything.

The next day I woke up and remembered right away and drew him. What bothered me is that I clearly did not fall asleep while looking at this guy. My memory of what happened after our staring contest was just gone. The feeling that I got while looking at him was that I knew and cared for him very much. He was a very special friend and he felt the same for me. I don’t know his name or anything like that but I consider it a positive experience. I think it was not his intention to be visible and that the ramifications for being seen were at least unexpected and a bit of a problem for him. I have not seen him since. I do not remember being abducted or anything and intuitively I do not feel I have been. It was more like he was observing or visiting.

Question: His appearance did not really conform with the usual description of “aliens”. My query is as to whether anyone has seen anything like him, or know anything about his “race”. I am also open to other interpretations. I made a drawing the morning after and recently made a clearer one for this post." RH

NOTE: Somewhat similar to a race of aliens described by experiencer Whitley Strieber. Lon


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Facebook event announcement: Marcus Ellis - Crypto Researcher / Investigator - Arcane Radio

This week I welcome crypto researcher and investigator Marcus Ellis to Arcane Radio. Marcus conducts most of his work in his home state of Mississippi. After seeing the Patterson Bigfoot film and “The Legend Of Boggy Creek” as a child he has studied the world of Sasquatch ever since. He is one of the lead investigators for the Mississippi based research group MBEST, Mississippi Bigfoot Evidence Search Team. Marcus is also a member of Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research. However, his interests and knowledge do not stop with Bigfoot. He is well versed and knowledgeable over a vast area of subjects in the paranormal including UFO’S, alien abduction, ghost’s, demonology, and the Bermuda Triangle just to name a few. With ongoing research taking place at a hot spot known as Hell’s Gate he is working on a documentary about this frightening location. He is also a professional musician recording his first solo album. This will be an informative and entertaining show! Join us this Friday, January 31st at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on or the direct link at Mixlr - Paranormal King - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to

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