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mercredi, janvier 22, 2020

Black Eyed Kid...or Malevolent Spirit?

I recently received the following account:


I came upon this website about a month ago doing research of something a friend mentioned to me. I come here periodically to read what people send you and many I find very interesting. However there were a few that brought back a incident I experienced many years ago. But I must say this; I am in my mid 70's now and this happened when I was about 12 years old. Now I am a college graduate, combat veteran and served for 25 years in law enforcement and in my life not too many things have made me very nervous but this incident was so odd I actually suppressed it.

It was in late August because school was to begin in a couple of weeks. My best friend, my dog, and I went into the woods and up the hill behind our property. At the top there was a huge rock dome of basalt. On one end was a gradual slope up to the top and at the far end it dropped off at a shear cliff that was from 5 feet in height oi over 30 feet with many sharp boulder and rock at the bottom, a place to stay away from and not play around. These woods were magical; where you could sit and look out over the valley to the houses on the other side or look down to see the main highway, train tracks and river that ran through the area. There were deer and all other kinds of wildlife to observe.

This particular day as I was starting up to the top of the rock I came upon my dog standing still, growling with the hair on his back standing and he was poised to attack. I grabbed his collar but he kept looking straight forward. I thought another dog was there but when I looked where he was looking I saw a boy sitting on a higher portion of the rock with his legs crossed, hunched over as if he was looking at the ground in front of him. His back was to me. After a moment or two I heard him ask me if I played up here. I told him yes. He then said he played up here too. I asked him "when" because I never saw him before. His reply was, something like "A LONG TIME AGO." I thought that was odd because he looked to be a few years younger than me. He then asked if I would like to play with him and my dog began to growl and pull forward. I grabbed the collar with both hands to keep him from doing anything. I told the kid I would play but he looked up a little and said lets play over there indicating the cliff area. I told him no. The boy's response was in a loader voice saying he wanted to play over there, again raising his head toward the cliff. I said no again. MY dog really tried to jump toward him and I dropped down into a crouch to hold him back. At this time my dog really growled. I looked up and the kid was sitting on the rock in the same position but now facing me but looking down at the ground. This time he raised his head a little and I got a look at him. His hair was the blackest hair I ever saw. So black that it didn't shine, just black! His eyebrows were the same deep black but his eyes were all black, no white in them, cold and empty. Then came a deep commanding voice that seemed to come from every direction even up through the ground were I could feel it going through my body saying 'I WANT TO PLAY OVER THERE!' My dog really tried to charge him but I just held on. In a few seconds the dog was standing not growling and looking from left to right and calm. I looked up and the kid was not sitting on the rock, just gone. I walked toward where he was sitting thinking he may be hiding but there was not place for him to hide. As I got to where he was sitting I noticed my dog did not want to be near the area. I looked and the small plants there were wilted. I turned away and started back down the hill and as I passed the clump of bushes I happened to look up the other rise about two hundred yards away I saw the boy watching me as he stood by a tree. There was no way the kid could have run that distance and that fast without making noise in the fallen leaves without myself or the dog hearing him.

When school started I never saw him and everyone I described him to never saw or knew him either. To this day I truly believe that if my dog was not with me that day I would never have come out of those woods alive. Now looking back and remembering the articles I read on your website I feel I met a BLACK EYED KID.

Sorry this is so long but I needed to relate this experience to someone who may understand.



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