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samedi, janvier 18, 2020

Arkansas Bigfoot Encounter Deeply Haunts Eyewitness

“It was back in 2010, right before the sun was coming up one morning while hunting with college buddies in Arkansas. We stayed overnight and I got up earlier and went out with my dog to try and view the path we would be taking that morning and get a general sense of the area. We walked for about a mile, and my dog out of nowhere stopped, his hair raised up on the back of his neck, ears went forward at attention and growled. He then made a whimpering sound and looked at me and barked at me. He then booked, and I could hear him barking from a distance. I felt very uneasy, very motionless, like I couldn’t move and just a sense of terror. I thought it was a cougar.

I had my sidearm on me so I grabbed it. I checked to make sure I was ready to fire while looking around. It was then, ahead of me by this stream, a full-sized male Bigfoot stood up. His breath was visible because it was so cold. He was breathing heavy. I could smell him. The only way I can describe the smell is like a skunk but not a skunk. It’s as strong as a skunk smell. After making eye contact he screeched at me in an absolute threat. I looked down, keeping him in my line of sight but not eye contact and slowly backed away facing him. I knew if he came towards me I’d put him down, I’m a good shot. I’ll never forget the eyes, the smell, the fear. It haunts me in my dreams. I don’t go deep into the woods, don’t go camping or hiking anywhere there isn’t a lot of people or tourists and traffic anymore. Don’t stay overnight hunting. Refuse to hunt/camp anywhere on the northwest of the country. I believe they are everywhere in North America. I basically duck hunt now and that it.

I’ve found out since then that there are more people that have seen them in Arkansas. Which is not where I’m from but where I went to college. It changed my life. And if it weren’t for being a positive 'glass half full' kind of guy, it could’ve sent me down a dark path. My experience was not one of wonder and amazement. My encounter was sheer terror.

More detail of the incident. I was up on a ridge. He was at least 3 feet below me and met my line of sight. I’m 6’3. He was anywhere between 8-10 feet tall. 400+lbs of lean muscle. Eyes were dark like a great white shark. Forehead low, back of head tall to a point. Flat nose. And flat teeth. Dark hair, it was still dark out. The sun was just coming up. I have PTSD and I can’t tell people why. Even though I function fine. The fact that I know other things exist means other things exist. And it is terrifying. As I left I felt I was being watched the rest of the time I was there. I told my buds I was leaving. I was shaken up and they could tell. I ended up pulling my truck over and just crying uncontrollably not understanding why. I now think it was able to get into my head or put me under a trance. I don’t know. I just know they aren’t to be taken lightly. And they’ll kill you if you disturb them.” JE


Bigfoot Startles Motorist

“My sister lives in Rabun County, in Clayton, Georgia, and a couple years ago (around 2016) as she was driving close to Warwoman Road one evening, she turned a bend in the road, and a Bigfoot was standing at the edge of the woods. She called the police and filed a report. I fully believe her, and her description is of a Bigfoot - not a bear.” MS



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