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mardi, décembre 31, 2019

The 2020 Forecast

Many readers have ask me to post my forecast for 2020. Possibly against my better judgement, I have decided to offer a few of my 'predictions' for the upcoming year. No domestic politics. Anyway, here we go:

- Last year, I thought that 2019 would signal the beginning of an unique open-mindedness to the future of our planet. In particular, how we view our relationship with EBEs and how environmental / climate changes directly affect that liaison. I believe that will continue, for the most part.

- Seismic & volcanic activity concerns me in the following areas: Eastern Caribbean, in particular the areas around the US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. The Gulf of Alaska also seems ripe for activity as well.

- An explosion of problems with deepfake technology is anticipated, especially in enterprise fraud. The increasing use of the cloud technology continues to change security. I believe that more simplified solutions are on the horizon. Let's hope that is the case.

- I do sense that several world leaders are in for a challenging 2020. This includes Vladimir Putin's hold on power. In fact, Russia may face major financial upheaval in the next 12 months. I also feel that there will be an increase of domestic unrest in China and Iran.

Several years ago, I sensed that there would be a continued increase of bizarre cryptid sightings and encounters. For the most part, that has panned out. Overall, things have gotten stranger! The world has experienced a vast array of unexplained anomalies during that period and I feel that this trend will continue. Let's hope more eyewitnesses come forward seeking answers. Lon