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lundi, décembre 23, 2019

Iran: Bigfoot...or Djinn?

“Strange foot prints. I chose Bigfoot for this but it might be werewolf or I don't know? This happened to my brother years ago when he was camping with my cousin in Iran’s Mazandaran jungles. Let me mention, in these jungles, the only dangerous wild animals are bears. There are some other wild cats and leopards but they are rare and almost extinct and other animals are just wild boars. Iran has no monkeys or gorillas.

They headed to a jungle park resort and decided to camp outside of the park’s designated safe zone. At night, when he was sleeping in their tent, my brother heard some noises outside but he ignored it. The next day, in the morning when they woke up, they found a big human foot print except it had 3 sharp toes. The locals told them that it might have been a Djinn. He took a photo and showed it to us when he returned. The shape of the foot was exactly like a human except for the toes. The toes were almost human but a little sharper. Unfortunately my brother never knew the importance of social media then and government always ignores if anything like this happens so after a few months he deleted the photo. I remember I was scared of camping in that park for years during family trips but I always wish that he had kept the photo.” V


Grinning Man?

2018 – No Location “This was over a year ago and I haven’t been able to tell many people nor bring this up to many people online without the fear of judgement. One night in August, I woke up at 4:53 AM (yes, I have remembered and written down the exact time.) I had fallen asleep earlier that night watching Netflix on my XBox. The XBox shuts down after a certain period of activity and when it does my TV screen turns blue. Anyways, I opened my eyes to the blue light-filled room. I turned over and as I did I stopped midway. In front of my TV was not a human. And no, this wasn’t sleep paralysis; I was able to move fully and such. He had thin hair creeping out from this ugly hat. His sharp teeth were exposed and he creepily grinned at me. And that ugly striped shirt... f'ing horrible. He wasn't short but wasn't Slenderman tall either. I turned my head into the covers, barely being able to breathe but not wanting to look at whatever the hell that was. After what felt like hours but had only been a few minutes, I peered back towards the TV and the creature had now moved to the corner of my room. I then again turned away from it, tucking all my limbs under the blanket and curling up. I had eventually fallen asleep and when I had woken up in the morning nobody was there. I had then drawn what he looked like in hopes of someone knowing who or what it is. I was going to make a post about it right after it happened but I ended up holding off until now.” AG


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'Phantoms and Monsters' Fortean Archive at Flipboard - Top Pre-2016 posts - Make sure to bookmark

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PA Upright Canine/Dogman Witness Sightings Map

Phantoms and Monsters Fortean Research / Pennsylvania Lycan Investigations / Bigfoot & Sasquatch / Upright Canines & Dogman

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Bigfoot in Georgia

Mysteries of Georgia’s Military Bases: Ghosts, UFOs, and Bigfoot

Beyond Boggy Creek: In Search of the Southern Sasquatch

Bigfoot Chronicles

Bigfoot Terror in the Woods: Sightings and Encounters, Volume 1

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs



You can use one of the donation buttons on the blog or newsletter, or go to and use my email as the payee. Thanks again. Lon

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