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samedi, novembre 02, 2019

White Owl Possibly Shape Shifts Into a Tall White Humanoid

I recently found the following account:

About four years ago on a fall evening around 7 pm, my girlfriend and roommate and I were walking along some decommissioned WA train tracks surrounded by woods on both sides. We loved exploring little in-between areas so this wasn't an uncommon event. We were about five miles into the tracks and woods and were considering heading back since it was getting dark quick and none of us had a flashlight.

I suddenly got this sensation of almost nausea inducing dread and looked at both my friends who were with me, and saw that they too were feeling something, wide eyed and looking around. "Let's start heading back" I declare, and they all nod in silent agreement. Mind you, we were doing just fine a second ago, and do this sort of thing all the time, so this sudden onset of fear was unusual and not something that we were prepared for or used to.

Just as we were turned around, we all heard a strange sound that almost sounded like quieted thunder/metal hitting metal that was coming from what sounded like off in the distance. As we whipped around to see what made the noise, a large white bird that I think was a white owl flew over our heads silently, flapping its wings and disappearing behind a tree that was a good 25 feet behind us.

We all looked at each other trying to make sense of what the hell we just heard and started walking briskly back towards civilization. We heard what sounded like twigs snapping in the woods behind us, and my girlfriend and I turned around to see what made the noise.

Peeking from behind the tree the owl just flew behind, was what looked like an impossibly tall ghost white humanoid shape, with one hand on the tree trunk as it peered out from behind it. Before we could get a good look at it's face, it quickly retreated back to behind the tree out of our sight again.

My girlfriend and I looked at each other panicked. She opened her mouth to say something, and I told her "Don't talk about it, we need to walk faster." My roommate looked at us confused and clearly scared by what I had just said, so I told him we need to probably run home at this point, which we did.

I've told a few people this story, and no one believes me. What I saw was NOT the owl I had seen earlier, this being had a clear ghost white hand on the tree trunk, a neck, and an upper body, and was TALL. I'd say like 7 feet at least (not tall enough to reach the branches of the tree though). I wish I could've made out the face, it was just so dark that the only reason I could see it was because of how white it was. AH


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Hey folks...some of the team members at Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research are in the process of scheduling personal / speaking appearances in south central Pennsylvania and north central Maryland. These events will be attended by at least 2 of our investigative team. It can be promoted events, paranormal group meetings, etc. We will NOT charge any appearance fees, but do request that our books and other items be available for sale at the event. I'm interested in your thoughts on this proposal? If you have an event for us to consider, please contact me at 410-241-5974 or my email




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You can use one of the donation buttons on the blog or newsletter, or go to and use my email as the payee. Thanks again. Lon

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