; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, novembre 25, 2019

'Falcon' Head Humanoid Observed at Church Alter

“My friends dad, Lebanese, was attending his Marionite Catholic Church in St. Louis one evening back in the 90's. He and one other man were in the church praying the rosary having quiet time. Some time had passed, and their eyes became focused toward the front alter of the church when suddenly, a man appeared. Their eyes were fully captivated as they noticed the appearance of this man. He had on knee high leather boots and a dark emerald green cloak. What made him stand out was that his head was different from that of a normal man. He had a head like that of a falcon. They were stunned. This creature stood there for a moment, and turned and then vanished. They were stunned. He nodded to the other man and asked, 'Did you see that?' The other man nodded his head, yes, and with that they got up and booked it out of there. Needless to say they were both shaken up, and he never mentioned to anyone else but me, fearing that no one would believe him. Strange! Almost like the description of Horus.” DA


Ouija and an Entity on the Roof

“I live in Baxley, Georgia. Back in 1991, after midnight, my brother and his friend came to my home and they had a Ouija board and my husband told them you are not bringing that in our home. I was asleep with our kids and my husband was really giving them trouble about playing with that board. All of a sudden, I woke up to a loud very loud sound like something that weighed a lot of weight landed on our roof of our mobile home. My husband said he heard it run on top of the roof and he heard it hit the ground and something was running but they never seen it. I flipped out when I went up front to see what was going on. My brother has never played with that thing again.” RL


A Glimpse of Hell

“Something weird happened to me that I will never ever get out of my mind till the day I die. It was the night before my brother's funeral and I was in a hotel room with my friend. All of the sudden the entire room changed into a dark cavernous scary place. The fear that set in me was paralysing. I was totally awake when this happened. It honestly felt like I had just went to hell. I yelled for my friend and all of the sudden it was like the outer edges of my vision started to burn away like burning a photograph and the room started to appear again and I was in my reality once again. I often think that it was another dimension or realm that I was able to glimpse for a very short time. It makes me wonder if it was my brother warning me. I will never know.” MB


Hey folks...I would just like to ask you to consider a donation to Phantoms & Monsters. Yes, I do receive some funds through books and advertising...but it is not always enough to cover expenses - which include my Google advertising costs (soliciting reports), Arcane Radio fees, research access to private databases, etc. If you are interested in helping out, you can use the PayPal donation buttons on the blog and newsletter or go direct to PayPal.com and use my email lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com as the recipient. You can also make a donation through Facebook Messenger. Thanks for your continued support. Lon


Hey folks...some of the team members at Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research are in the process of scheduling personal / speaking appearances in south central Pennsylvania and north central Maryland. These events will be attended by at least 2 of our investigative team. It can be promoted events, paranormal group meetings, etc. We will NOT charge any appearance fees, but do request that our books and other items be available for sale at the event. I'm interested in your thoughts on this proposal? If you have an event for us to consider, please contact me at 410-241-5974 or my email lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com




Paleontological “Ghosts” Are Now Making Appearances, and in Surprising New Ways

Strange Alaskan Animal Could be a Mountain Lion, Bigfoot or a Land-Otter Man

Ghosts Could Be a Sign the Universe is Just a Simulation

Pro Baseball Player Jordy Mercer Photographs What Looks Like Bigfoot

Truly Bizarre Encounters with Outlandish Tentacled Entities

David Oman - ‘Ghosts of Cielo Drive’ - Arcane Radio on Podbean

'Phantoms & Monsters' Daily Archive at Mix.com - Over 4K posts! - Updated and adding daily - Make sure to bookmark

'Phantoms & Monsters' Fortean Archive at Flipboard - Top Pre-2016 posts - Make sure to bookmark

Chicago & Regional Winged Humanoid / Flying Entity Sightings & Encounters

Chicago & Regional Winged Humanoid / Flying Entity Sightings & Encounters Interactive Map

PA Upright Canine/Dogman Witness Sightings Map

Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research / Pennsylvania Lycan Investigations / Bigfoot & Sasquatch / Upright Canines & Dogman



Time Loops: Precognition, Retrocausation, and the Unconscious

DMT Dialogues: Encounters with the Spirit Molecule

The Legacy of 1952: Year of the UFO

Phantom Messages: Chilling Phone Calls, Letters, Emails, and Texts from Unknown Realms

Exploration of the Unknown: The Best of Hans Holzer

Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs



You can use one of the donation buttons on the blog or newsletter, or go to Paypal.com and use my email lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com as the payee. Thanks again. Lon

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