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jeudi, août 29, 2019

Tall Black Entity Mimics Eyewitness

I recently found the following account:

I live in a small town in the UK, and this happened several years ago, when I was around 11/12 so early adolescence, I’m 19 now and a female I should add. It was around 9pm at night and in the winter and it gets dark around 6/7pm usually. So again around 9pm I’m leaving my grandma's house which at the time was just a street away from mine, and this being the street that this took place on. I get around to the street and because it’s a road with houses on either side and a hill when you walk onto it you’ve got a clear sight of the whole place and even though it is dark it’s lit up by street lamps all the way down so not too menacing, but in short I could see no one was on the street. So I chose a pathway and start making my way down the street, and about 3 houses down I notice that a tall person is standing directly parallel to me, almost like he appeared from nowhere. This scared the sh*t out of me and I stopped walking and just looked at him.

He was facing away from me looking down the street towards the bottom of the hill, but his head was hung and he was looking at the pavement as if he was asleep standing up. He was wearing all black from what I can tell and had his hood up. I think I remember trying to make a weird “are you okay” conversation. When I get scared I have weird ways of trying to rationalise it in the moment I was hoping he would say “oh yeah I’m fine I’m drunk” or whatever and walk into a nearby house. Instead he didn’t react except for opening his mouth and throwing up this thick black tar looking substance. It was A LOT and it made a slap noise against the concrete and it really tripped me out. Then after that he turned his head towards me really slowly, he like bent his neck and kept his body still if you can imagine that, but I couldn’t see his face, his hood was giving a grim reaper effect.

That was officially a big 'nope' and I didn’t know what else to do besides just carry on walking down the street, so I did and to my horror when I looked across the street he was copying me and walking down the street at my pace. It sounds stupid but I stopped again I’m not sure exactly why I was hoping he’d carry on walking but he stopped as well. So I started to sprint and so did he at the exact same pace once again, and at this point I started accepting that something was going to happen to me and I stopped again. This time however the tall figure carried on sprinting down the hill and I watched as it sped up so freakishly fast that he cleared the street in around 5 seconds. He got to a main road at the end and I’m on my knees because my legs gave up on me I was so frightened. He let out this scream and imagine the most robotic but human scream you can, like loud but the same pitch, then it scattered away down the main road.

I’m not gonna pretend I know what it is, I’m open to any interpretation. AA


Terrifying & Dark Abduction Scenario

“I had in abduction type scenario happened while I was in jail. I was being projected fairy tale stories as well (referring to other abductees who claimed that they were shown cartoon characters during their abduction experiences) but I broke through them and saw what was happening. There were three grey aliens behind a 2-way mirror, I was in a cell-like room with normal men attaching wires to my head and these greys were projecting these images on me. As I tried to look away, my head hummed with such intensity that it hurt and I had to look back toward them. They seemed angry that I had broken through and saw them. One of them was so intensely creepy and was more toward the front of the other 2 and on the left of them, this grey alien looked so old, that's the only way I can describe it, is it looked ancient. Its head was enormous and a very long skinny taper down to its chin. But they were projecting the images on what appeared to be a flat screen like television on the bunk above me. I also saw many biblical things in these visions/movie. What was odd about them, not that they weren't odd already, was there was audio with the movie and I could still hear. This audio played - I looked around the jail cell at everything as it was supposed to be. Then when I looked back, the movie was still playing as if I were watching an actual film. The fairy tale I remember being projected the strongest was Hansel and Gretel. Was honestly terrifying and dark.” SD


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Join me as I welcome Pennsylvania UFO / anomalies investigator and colleague Stan Gordon to Arcane Radio. Stan began his interest in the UFO subject and other strange incidents at the age of ten in 1959. He began in the field investigations of UFOs and other mysterious events in 1965, and is the primary investigator of the December 9,1965 UFO crash-recovery incident that occurred near Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. Stan is a former PA State Director for MUFON, and has been involved with the investigation of thousands of mysterious encounters throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. His 3 books, 'Really Mysterious Pennsylvania,' 'Silent Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook,' and 'Astonishing Encounters: Pennsylvania’s Unknown Creatures' are the culmination of his extensive field research. Stan was recently featured in the documentary film 'Invasion On Chestnut Ridge.' His website can be found at This should be a very informative and entertaining show! Join us this Friday, August 30th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on or the direct link at Mixlr - Paranormal King - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to You are invited to join the Phantoms & Monsters chat & discussion portal at Phantoms & Monsters discussion & chat server, which will be active during the show

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