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mercredi, juillet 24, 2019

Eyewitness 'Stickman' Encounters

“I didn't know this was a thing. I have a story about seeing a stick figure when I was about 4 (in 2010). It was night and I was asleep on the couch (I did have a room. I just didn't want to sleep in there because I had an uneasy feeling about being in the room and I was still afraid of sleeping alone). I was asleep on the living room couch one night when I was awoken to the sound of TV static (the TV was left on when I was asleep and I want to say that 'Rocket Power' or 'Rocko's Modern Life' was on but it was hard to see) but I woke up with the noise of static, but the show was still playing and with no interference, which freaked me out due to me being scared from the noise. That's when I noticed a black stick figure coming from the TV. I wanted to scream but I was to afraid too. That's when it went to the couch and just stood there and stared at me as if it was curious of what I was. I started to move but when I went to get to the corner of the couch, it just ran right back into the TV. That's when I started to cry causing my mom to wake up and wonder what was going on. I explained to her what I saw and she had told me that I was just tired and imagined it. To this day (I am 18) at the time of typing this, I still wonder what I saw.” BC


“I have a memory of when I was a kid of seeing a white stick figure that reminded me of a "chalkzone" character. I was with a friend and she saw it too. He was up in a tree in another friends front yard down the street and he looked at us with a crazy evil look and grin and he had a chainsaw. He cut a branch and it fell on their car smashing the whole hood so bad it totalled it. Weird thing is the tree branch REALLY did fall on their car and smash it. I still have the feeling that it was all real but I guess I'll never know for sure. I don't even want to ask my friend if she remembers it because it sounds so crazy.” CJP


“Here's my encounter and my brother also saw it with me. It was 2007, I was 9, my brother was 11 years old, we were playing outside, spinning around. It was dark. The only light was from my front door. While I was spinning, something caught my eye and when I stopped, I saw what looked like a shadow person/stickman. It was like a humanoid man but all black. My brother also noticed it. As soon we saw it, the thing started running. It looked like a stick figure running and it ran through a tree. My brother chased it. He didn't run far, just the end of my front yard but it disappeared. We ran back inside the house to tell our parents. The only reason I remembered it is because of how scared I was in that moment.” JJ

Hey folks...I hope you enjoy reading 'Alien Disclosure: Experiencers Expose Reality' - If possible, I'd appreciate your comments / reviews, which can be placed on the Amazon book page or, if you wish, you can add to your Facebook timeline or website. Thanks again for your support! Lon

A recent review of 'Alien Disclosure: Experiencers Expose Reality': "I've read more than a few books on aliens, reptilians, and MIBs, and the author has managed to relay some of the most intriguing ones I've read. The book resonates in a manner as strange as the subject. I felt shaken hours after finishing the book. Whether you believe in the witnesses or not, the stories nudge you into feeling the high weirdness." - SSIA


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“UFO Reports and Classified Projects,” A Controversial Document

Cryptid Hunting and the Law

This Is What America Could Look Like When Our Coasts Are Under Water

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Stories from the Messengers: Owls, UFOs and a Deeper Reality

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I Am the Word: A Guide to the Consciousness of Man's Self in a Transitioning Time

Haunted Rock & Roll: Ghostly Tales Of Musical Legends

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