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vendredi, juin 21, 2019

New Zealand 'Sheep Killer' Mystery

Hi Lon,

I noticed this Fortean story in an 1895 Australian newspaper that suggests a cryptid predator is/was lurking in the wilds of New Zealand.

The incident occurred near Pahantanui (Pauatahanui), a coastal village 32 km (20 mi) north of the capital Wellington, N.I. Farmers reported something was killing their sheep with a single puncture wound behind one ear and no other injury. The culprit is given as the stoat.

Stoats, weasels and ferrets were introduced to NZ, to control rabbits, in the 1880’s, and stoats went on to become a pest too. They can kill prey much larger than themselves, rabbits, fairy penguins etc, by wrapping their bodies around the neck and biting, but can they actually kill sheep? I found no evidence for this online, and one official report called ‘Stoat (Mustela erminea) risk assessment for Australia’ by Amanda Page, Win Kirkpatrick and Marion Massam, July 2008, advises that as predators they are a zero threat to sheep but may spread certain diseases.

Dogs were ruled out and foxes were not introduced to NZ, what was murdering the sheep?

Was it the ‘New Zealand panther’?

Source: ‘Australian Star’ newspaper 17 August 1895, p5


Jon Wyatt
Melbourne, Australia


Flying Being Observed in Bolton, Ontario

“Summer of 1992 me and two other friends were driving late at night out on a country road in Bolton, Ontario in my friends pickup. We didn’t see red eyes but something with a wingspan about 12 feet wide swooped right in front of the truck's windshield and over us leaving me and my buddies just stunned and looking at each other. The next summer, at the exact intersection we saw this thing, a huge car wrecked happened that hurt a bunch of people and claimed one of our friends. True story, no reason to lie and not saying it was Mothman but we did see something that was too big to be a bird, it did fly and was not scared to fly in front of a big pickup truck. I will never forget it or the death of my buddy. JM


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